TV Licence Super Thread

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I've seen some videos where they turn up with a warrant and check somebody's TV, but because it's a modern smart TV connected to the internet - it's technically capable of receiving live TV (via pre-installed apps), and the person gets into trouble.
Was it real though? I've only seen a few TV license visit videos but they've been quite obviously staged when I bumped into them.
I am still down as "The Homeowner" on their letters as they dont have my actual details like name, phone, email etc. Just a numbered house on a named street really.
“You have no idea still, nevertheless...”
We all have no idea because you refuse to explain. I think that’s because you flat out lied and made it all up which is why you are having so much trouble answering such a simple straight forward question.
No, I have not withdrawn that 1st statement because it’s a statement I never made in the first place. That’s a fake claim that you made up.

“Just need you to (2) withdraw the claim that I say its all the users fault”
You never acknowledged the fault lies with the TVL. You called us not normal people; you called us whingers. You repeatedly acted like it’s the user’s fault and all they need to do is fill the form out to solve everything. Where have you once agreed it’s the TVL’s fault and not placed the blame on us users?
Are you now admitting the TVL are at fault and we have a valid point?

“So after so much unnecessary going off topic you finally respond to the part where a request was made by me about there being proof of an actual agreement from both sides that the matter was settled.”
You didn’t make a request. You made a statement that told me I have no receipts. In post 6746 I will quote you “I've shown what I get and I have receipts….You don't. You hold beliefsAt that point you didn’t ask me, you decided I didn’t have any. As I explained to you before, legally you don't even need an actual agreement from both sides. If the TVL don't respond then after a reasonable timeframe which I would say is 4 to 6 weeks the removal of implied right of access is active and the matter is settled.

What is your point anyway? I said from the start some people don’t have problems and some people fill out the form and get no contact for 2 years. I even said I had 4 ish years myself where it worked like that before it all went wrong and stopped working. Why does it matter that you have receipts proving the form worked for you? That doesn’t invalidate all the people reporting they filled out the form and it either didn’t work or they got treated like criminals. Yet if anyone of those people post in here you call it a whinger thread and imply, they are just whinging over nothing.
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We all have no idea because you refuse to explain. I think that’s because you flat out lied and made it all up which is why you are having so much trouble answering such a simple straight forward question.
No, I have not withdrawn that 1st statement because it’s a statement I never made in the first place. That’s a fake claim that you made up.

You never acknowledged the fault lies with the TVL. You called us not normal people; you called us whingers. You repeatedly acted like it’s the user’s fault and all they need to do is fill the form out to solve everything. Where have you once agreed it’s the TVL’s fault and not placed the blame on us users?
Are you now admitting the TVL are at fault and we have a valid point?

You didn’t make a request. You made a statement that told me I have no receipts. In post 6746 I will quote you “I've shown what I get and I have receipts….You don't. You hold beliefsAt that point you didn’t ask me, you decided I didn’t have any. As I explained to you before, legally you don't even need an actual agreement from both sides. If the TVL don't respond then after a reasonable timeframe which I would say is 4 to 6 weeks the removal of implied right of access is active and the matter is settled.

What is your point anyway? I said from the start some people don’t have problems and some people fill out the form and get no contact for 2 years. I even said I had 4 ish years myself where it worked like that before it all went wrong and stopped working. Why does it matter that you have receipts proving the form worked for you? That doesn’t invalidate all the people reporting they filled out the form and it either didn’t work or they got treated like criminals. Yet if anyone of those people post in here you call it a whinger thread and imply, they are just whinging over nothing.

You don't make up a position for me then beg me with a wall of leading questions to tie myself to it. I've been clear what you lied about so just quote me wrong if you feel you can back it up.

See, I can quote you:

You’re the one with these false beliefs that the licencing system works perfectly

Never said it.

I wrote quite a bit about why it should be changed to be less ridiculous from an enforcement point of view. I later said it would likely be wasted effort since the current scheme is very successful from a financial point of view so why would it ever get changed. Those two things do not cancel out, it remains ridiculous and successful. Other points of view exist. But you know I wrote that because you directly replied several times so you've chosen to lie.

Just like you couldn't back up the absolute claim that I put all the blame on users. I could quote you quoting me leaving the door open to all possible reasons but yeah, this is just like the above.

I didn't make a request? If you look in the wrong post you won't find it...

You've got quite the trend of borrowing and rewording what I say. Even saying things I didn't say as if I did.

So what's the substance which makes your belief not a belief, there's a receipt right? An acknowledgement that the matter is settled?

You've seen that I have my situation acknowledged regularly and you have... what?

Alongside when when I first mentioned you lying about my statements... which continues.

The reason it's chugged on and wasted so much page space is you pitching your actions as a one sided affair until finally you say you didn't just cancel a DD and post a message. They rejected you and you chose to make further communication to argue your case and confirm they were accepting your position. Odd that you kept talking when you tell others not to.

With knowledge that you actually had two way communication with TVL and both parties agreed it was settled it's considerably more reasonable than a bat **** crazy position of cancelling the DD, sending a message and ignoring all future communication.

Mostly because TVL prosecutes and almost automatically wins against tens of thousands of people a year for the simple reason that they ignore a charge notice, maybe they chuck it in the bin or use it as a firelighter. 21 days later a magistrate can rule on it using only what the TVL says. It could be so weak the TVL drops it if you show up but if you don't they get a free win.

Nothing more to say besides repeats now, hopefully it helps someone following your advice.
For everyone else don’t worry I am going have to stop in a few days. Friday onwards is likely to get very busy IRL. I will try to limit my response to 1 or 2 posts a day so as not to spam to thread.

“ I've been clear what you lied about so just quote me wrong if you feel you can back it up.”
No you haven’t been clear and everyone else will be able to back me up on that one. You went out your way to not answer and obscure what you are going on about. I even made it clear I couldn’t understand you and you responding with stuff like “You have no idea still, nevertheless...” that’s not explaining clearly.

If this was all about some flawless statement. You never directly said they are flawless like I said before. You implied they are flawless and that the fault lies with the user. Which I explained before. Multiple times very strongly you suggested but not directly expressed that the fault lies with the users not TVL and that the user are just whingers as in there are whinging about nothing. Combined with that you refuse to acknowledge any fault with the TVL. Hence my statement as you come across as thinking the TVL are flawless. I didn’t lie, you are just reading the situation very differently from everyone else.

You kept saying things like “Why set yourself up to spend the rest of your life seething over the inconvenience from not sorting it properly.” While we said we did try to sort it properly and it didn’t work which you choose to ignore.

Your response ”And thus you spend the rest of your life seething over the inconvenience of not sorting it properly. ““Yet the thread is full of angry people promoting not doing it properly... ?” as though it’s our fault even after we explained we did try to sort it properly and it didn’t work.

When I pointed out my solution to sort it was the only way I managed to sort it you made up a bunch of lies and false statements about my solution.

Speaking of which if you won’t accept my solution, then what are we meant to do? You never once did explain the way to get it all sorted out.

Any chance you could explain the way to sort everything out that works for everyone and also admit the TVL are at fault for a lot of the problems? You spent all this time calling people names but never once provided useful helpful advice for those that are stuck and never once acknowledged the TVL are at fault.

“The reason it's chugged on and wasted so much page space is you pitching your actions as a one sided affair until finally you say you didn't just cancel a DD and post a message.”
Seriously? I didn’t just say that last night, I have been saying that since the start and said it over and over again. Well not the DD bit as I never had a DD to cancel in the first place. So, you chugged on and wasted all this space as you put it, all because you didn’t read properly?
I always said from day one I attempted to communicate with them via the proper forms and it worked for something like the first 4 years. Then around year 4+ I ran into major problems. Problems because the TVL are at fault. I did the proper forms, I did the proper communication and it didn't work like I said many times before.

"Alongside when when I first mentioned you lying about my statements... which continues."
I have not lied once. Any areas you think I have lied are either due to your misreading and/or your miss interpreting the situation or you not clarifying what you mean when I asked you to. You made a number of false statements and those are not lies from me. Those are just statements you made that are wrong.
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We all know the BBC wants it to go into general tax.

My Order of preference
1. Go to subscription model - probably not possible as can't really just switch it off for certain people I don't think and it's probably impossible to tell older people "you can get it online".
A subscription would cause them to lose so much revenue overnight. My fear is It would need bailing out from government anyway. Which we'd all pay for. Licence or not.

2. Keep it as it is - this is fine for me. I don't have to pay for it. Because I don't want it. Anyone who wants it has to pay for it. I don't mind the letters or the enforcers.
It only sucks if you want to watch other broadcast TV but not the BBC.
It also allows the BBC to slowly fade out.

3. General tax.
Nooo! Would be the worst.
They'd know how much they were getting.
And they could lower quality because if everyone turned off it wouldn't matter.
They'd be no accountability and I doubt would ever get rid of it after this
I suspect it would be wrapped up in a means tested tax so those of use with no TV licence would probably end up paying 200-300 more a year for something don't use.
I've not read the whole thread, so forgive me if this has been pointed out previously.

" I don't mind the letters or the enforcers." - The enforcement regime is now run like private parking 'invoicing', except that in PP there is no law underpinning it, the 'fines' that people pay are in fact invoices. With the BBC it is possible to go to prison and also get a criminal record. For some, even the 'caution' could be a job losing action.

The BBC won't be allowed to 'fade out', it's a far too much of a 'useful idiot'. The current 'Scandal' surrounding Gregg Wallace, that is (and was) an private HR issue and nothing to do with the BBC. The problem is that there are a number of staff within the BBC that are very much in the pockets of various political parties. Kirsty Wark, for example, is in the pocket of the senior Labour tiers.
As I've chimed in before. Roll the BBC World service and other soft power elements in to general taxation (used to be partially funded via the FCO budget). Allow the BBC national broadcasting channels / radio et al to compete commercially, via advertisements (likely to further dilute revenues across the board) or adopt a subscription-based model.

Let them sink or swim in the modern digital age.

I utterly despise the current live broadcasting licensing model as it prohibits, restricts and penalises customers of all other non-BBC broadcasting / streaming services.
What is going on in this thread? :D

Cancelling and ignoring the letters or telling them? Who cares.
The end result is exactly the same.

Myself? I just bin the letters. If BBC want to spend their money paying for letters that's up to them.

If I cancel my Netflix DD they don't send me letters pestering me.
Your access to Netflix content is revoked when you terminate your payment.

Your access to BBC and other live broadcast content is not revoked when you cancel your TV license. It’s not physically possible for your access to be revoked unless all broadcasting equipment is switched off. The license fee can only work like Netflix or Disney+ if/when broadcast content requires a login that can be revoked. This is also why you are assumed to be using the service unless you declare otherwise.

Personally, I’ve simply declared for a few years now that I don’t need a TV license. I only hear from them when that declaration is due to expire. If people who declare they don’t need a TV license are still receiving harassing emails/letters then I agree that issue needs to be resolved. Once you’ve made a declaration that you don’t need a TV license you should be left alone (unless of course you do something like watch iPlayer using the same email address, in which case you do need a license!).
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As I've chimed in before. Roll the BBC World service and other soft power elements in to general taxation (used to be partially funded via the FCO budget). Allow the BBC national broadcasting channels / radio et al to compete commercially, via advertisements (likely to further dilute revenues across the board) or adopt a subscription-based model.

Let them sink or swim in the modern digital age.

I utterly despise the current live broadcasting licensing model as it prohibits, restricts and penalises customers of all other non-BBC broadcasting / streaming services.

Couldn't agree more.

I think the only reason the politicians don't do anything, is because they generally won't touch anything divisive. They would rather endlessly kick the can down the road. How many years I have heard them say "it needs to change" and yet they sit there doing nothing. They are almost as useless as the BBC itself.
I am still down as "The Homeowner" on their letters as they dont have my actual details like name, phone, email etc. Just a numbered house on a named street really.

Even when I filled in the "I don't need a licence" form a few years ago, I put my name down as "The Occupier". I'm not falling for that one :D

They need a name to take any action against someone. GDPR says they aren't allowed to just go and get it from another database, so you have to give it to them directly.
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One thing that annoys me, is the weaponisation of the TV licence, the way they send these goons from Capita around to people's houses, get court orders and send police to enforce them - over what? the ******* TV?. It just doesn't matter, the TV is not an important issue - why all the muscle to bash people over the head, over something that is not a serious issue.

Then I go in the other thread about dangerous dogs, where a guy has been bitten by a banned breed, has a picture of his belly which is bruised black with 3x nasty puncture wounds, pictures of the dog and information on it's owner - and he's been pleading with the police to actually take action, not 'hurry up' or 'get a progress report', but actually pleading with them to investigate the matter.

Even if I'm conflating two things, it still winds me up - because there's always resource to enforce nonsense BS like TV licenses and other crap, but serious issues (dangerous assaults) which require the same resource (police and courts) are just ignored completely, it's all backwards and stupid.
When you stop and read this thread, it's actually shocking the extent that the British public have to go to, to protect themselves from a predatory organisation, when they aren't actually breaking the law. It's utterly insane. And all we get is a bunch of lazy politicians who seem to think it's acceptable for this to continue.
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When you stop and read this thread, it's actually shocking the extent that the British public have to go to, to protect themselves from a predatory organisation, when they aren't actually breaking the law. It's utterly insane. And all we get is a bunch of lazy politicians who seem to think it's acceptable for this to continue.

Careful bro, they onto you.

When you stop and read this thread, it's actually shocking the extent that the British public have to go to

If you don't need a license, all you have to do is say no thank you and close the door on them when they try and sell you a license.

When you stop and read this thread, it's actually shocking the extent that the British public are totally ignorant of their rights.
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