TV Licence Super Thread

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I mean, the BBC actually put out quality shows and it hardly costs a lot does it? I don't understand what the problem is.
2006 called, they want their freeman tactics back.

When will they realise they were actually born free on this planet, and they are not under any obligation to abide by any government legislation (corporate rules) in the first place? Why do you think governments hate gypsies/travellers?
Just use your natural born right to remain silent, no one is allowed to refuse you it. And watch as much "chewing gum for the brain" all you want.
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Oh boy. Here we go.

For the record, I don't pay a TV license. My reasoning is that a service should be rewarded based on the quality. If you look at other services, they use ads to generate revenue. Make crap shows, nobody watches, nobody sees ads, make no money. Make quality shows, people watch, people see ads, show makes money. This is business 101. To tell me I MUST pay for a service whether I use it or not is nonsense. And then to send letters that would make a debt agency look amateur with words like "officer" and "investigation" is deceitful bullying, as their "officers" are merely employees and their "investigation" stops when I shut the door.

If they weren't so underhanded and actually provided aservice I enjoy, I'd pay it. As it stands now however, they can take their threatening ******** letters and do one. Scumbags.

You seem to be getting rather upset over a service you don't use.
They'll ask you questions, "do you have a tv?" And "when did you last use your tv to watch live broadcasts?"

Can't you just say yes I do and never as I don't watch live TV and that's it? What good is remaining silent if you don't need the licence?
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I mean, the BBC actually put out quality shows and it hardly costs a lot does it? I don't understand what the problem is.
It costs a lot at around double or triple of the price of the alternatives for less content and lower quality content. The problem is there should be a choice without getting constant harassment from them.
It's worth it for
BBC Radio 4
BBC Podcasts.
BBC4 especially the documentaries and Nordic dramas
BBC TV Dramas - Luther, The Game, State of Play, Taboo
BBC Wildlife programs

A lot of the BBC is left leaning as of late though...
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Can't you just say yes I do and never as I don't watch live TV and that's it? What good is remaining silent.

Remaining silent has been better for me then speaking to them. For me speaking to them has caused nothing but problems so now I just don't speak to them anymore.
It's worth 39p per day so I can listen to the R4's Today programme on the way to work and PM on the way home ad and music free.
No irritating DJ's shouting down the mic, no god awful auto-tune music repeated 6 times an hour and no bloody ad jingles that stick in your brain all day!
Remaining silent has been better for me then speaking to them. For me speaking to them has caused nothing but problems so now I just don't speak to them anymore.

I don't understand why though. If you say you don't watch it then surely that's the end of it?
I don't believe anyone can enter your premises without a warranty (which is obtained through the courts). Might be interesting to ask them to provide the initial evidence which prompted the letter.

TV Licensing has no power of entry.simple way to get round this is to use a vpn service but yet again you have to pay for the service.
I don't understand why though. If you say you don't watch it then surely that's the end of it?

no its not.

depending o nwhat they're like in your area, ignoring them means a letter once i na while to "the occupier" telling them you dont need one means you still get the letrters but also the occaisonal "we want to send an inspector".

many areas telling them, even letting them in to inspect doesnt change anything.
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