TVs and going obsolete

My 2012 Plasma (Panasonic 55VT30), which is relegated to the bedroom, just lost internet app support for things like Netflix - I just bought a Chromecast for it instead now. Works fine...

In my living room I can't imagine upgrading my C9 for a while but in the past I have changed TV's every 3 years or thereabouts.
I think it's possible that 8K just won't become a widely adopted thing. I mean:

- we still have more SD channels than even HD (1080p) ones
- Even 4K content in terms of broadcast stuff is minimal. Even on streaming services it is limited.
- 8k only really benefits much bigger screens
- 1080p still looks fine on even big 55-70 inch screens.
- A lot of equipment is reliant on wireless and/or only 100mbit ports which 8k may push the limit of.
- In terms of quality generation jumps, SD to 1080p was huge, 1080p to 4K is not as big a deal as 1080p already looks so good on most screens. 4K to 8K is not going to be felt as much as screen sizes will not go up to match as the cost will be so high.

Not to mention the big one...

- Loads of people literally cannot tell the difference between SD and HD! No really. Not so much the forum members here, but honestly a lot can't, nor care anyway.
I’ll stick with my 55” QLED thamks :p

One thing I have wondered is if LED tellies with high nits (1500) lose their brightness over time?

This will give you some insight. LINK: LED service life is based on the time to fall to 70% of the initial brightness. If that service life is 50,000 hrs then that's a lot of telly viewing unless it's left on but not being watched for 20 hrs a day.

The sort of TVs that will do very high nits aren't the same cheap to midrange sets, so fingers crossed they have better LEDs and better drivers than the cheaper TVs. Too many LGs and Samsungs are suffering premature LED failure.
Still rocking a 1080P plasma here.

Not smart, not 4K, and I don't care.

It still has a superb picture, great blacks, doesn't suffer from burn-in, I'll keep running it until it or me dies.
Like above, I'm still using a 1080p 9th gen Kuro plasma (11 years now) and still more than happy with it. It doesn't have smart features, but then i'm not interested in those.
Still rocking a 1080P plasma here.

Not smart, not 4K, and I don't care.

It still has a superb picture, great blacks, doesn't suffer from burn-in, I'll keep running it until it or me dies.

Nice, I had a plasma once , I always thought they had such a great organic, filmic picture. Mine was a Panasonic PV500, loved it despite it weighing a ton, worried it would pull my wall down when I wall mounted it.
Do TV’s really become obsolete? As long as they can be connected to devices and show a decent picture, to me they’re not obsolete.

Absolutely they do. In my time as an Telly salesperson from the mid 90's to early 2000's, the manufacturers released:

Dolby pro-logic & dolby digital built-in on certain Toshiba & Hitachi tellies. JVC did a '3d surround' Cant quite remember what they called it but that's what they claimed. it did work of sorts but it was a gimmick really.
Sony flat screens. They made these CRT flat screens with thicker glass which made them weigh more than a washing machine at half the size.
CRT screens getting bigger & bigger. Toshiba made the largest 4:3 at 37" at the time.
Then Telly aspect ratio changed from 4:3 to 16:9 in the late 90's. By the time I left in early 2001 nearly all tellies were 16:9 except portables.
Freeview. Some tellies had analogue & digital tuners back then. I used to tune them in analogue because people were still used to 5 channels or they had sky or cable boxes. The digital TV signal in South Essex at the time was dire anyway.
Plasma was becoming mainstream when I left as well, but most peoples budget for a Telly was £3-400 at the time. They certainly wouldn't want to pay £1-2K which was cheap for a plasma, about the same price these big screen
jobbies are now.

No such thing as HDMI back then. Scart leads were the go-to connector.

I doubt very much you'll see a CRT set in someones home these days.

Me - last purchase was a 32" LED backlit LCD panny which I still have bought in late 2012. Only reason I bought it is they'd just turned off the Analogue signal so I had no choice. None of the built-in apps work anymore but that's not a problem as I have a youview box & chromecast linked up to it.

My worry is when my telly dies, I wont be able to buy the same size screen due to this pointless screen size arms race the market wants to play.:mad:
Currently have a Samsung KS7500 55”, had it for about 4 years and it’s been a decent tv. But itching to go for a 65” and would love OLED for the black levels and hdmi 2.1 for PS5. But hard to justify the price even though it would be an investment so to speak, because would have thought we’re at least a few years away from anything major or new in tv tech.

Then thinking would something like the Sony XH9005 do me, it the OLED that big a step up for the money?
I have a 42" Plasma that is easily ten years old, maybe more. Still going strong and I watch more on that than I do my 55" LED!
yep, it show how good plasma tv's are. mine is also around 10/11 years and 42 inch.
i keep wanting something with higher rez and size but tbh looking at the oled and led tv's really disappoints me, even calibrated they look overly vivid to my eyes.
much prefer movement handling and real world colours on plasma. no idea how long before a "new plasma" alternative will arrive-if ever
Laugh at people still rocking 1080p plasma like its the best thing ever, 4k blu ray blows it away, even 4k streaming is noticeably better especially on larger screens. At the small 42" end of the market there isn't any better though, even today.
Laugh at people still rocking 1080p plasma like its the best thing ever, 4k blu ray blows it away, even 4k streaming is noticeably better especially on larger screens.
Agreed. I went from Plasma to OLED and it's a laughable suggestion that a Plasma can compete.
Plasma's certainly used to lose out in sharpness against LCD back in the day, so I can only imagine modern day LCD/LED/OLED is very much sharper yes. But good plasmas have only ever been beaten in black levels by OLED which is why people still like them. There is something to be said for holding on to the older TVs when they weren't built down to such a low price to even be relevant. I still have a 46 inch high end Toshiba Regza LCD from about 2010 and it's screen uniformity and black levels for an LCD are better than anything I have bought since, apart from my new OLED. Newer TVs I have had have worse backlight blead and edge uniformity and glow.
Panasonic plasma here, no real reson to change it.
My parents are still rocking their 46PZ85 Panasonic Plasma. Running like a champ since 2008.

I'm on a LG C9 55. Won't be changing until it breaks or want something bigger! C9 is an endgame TV for me, delighted with it.

Had a Samsung F8000 46 before this and that was also great for it's time. Lasted over 5 years then sold it on. That had a beautiful design, timeless infact. Love the look of the C9 too, very Pro esque.


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Laugh at people still rocking 1080p plasma like its the best thing ever, 4k blu ray blows it away, even 4k streaming is noticeably better especially on larger screens. At the small 42" end of the market there isn't any better though, even today.
Why on earth the superiour and arrogant attitude? No one claims its the be all and end all, just that the modern alturnatives are not worth the upgrade for some of us. Yes 4k is higher rez but the colours and movement handling arnt that great on oled, plasma is better here. i would love to upgrade a bigger tv but the tech really isnt worth it for me. I dont have any 4k imput apart from a fire stick and still watch sd when the programs i watch arnt avalable in hd
Why on earth the superiour and arrogant attitude? No one claims its the be all and end all, just that the modern alturnatives are not worth the upgrade for some of us. Yes 4k is higher rez but the colours and movement handling arnt that great on oled, plasma is better here. i would love to upgrade a bigger tv but the tech really isnt worth it for me. I dont have any 4k imput apart from a fire stick and still watch sd when the programs i watch arnt avalable in hd
Colours are not great on a oled tv. What planet are you living on. Plasma is a obsolete technology for a reason. Heavy, blurred, burn in worse than even the poorest oled. Great in its day but we are 10 years well past plasma being any kind of good.
Everyone's opinion will differ obviously but people who defend plasma and still rocking are just careful with money and don't care for anything above a mushy 1080p image.
What's this old stutter, is it just an issue with certain framerates as I can't say I've noticed any with my c9, although it's mostly used for pc gaming (hdr goodness) and netflux/prime.
Colours are not great on a oled tv. What planet are you living on. Plasma is a obsolete technology for a reason. Heavy, blurred, burn in worse than even the poorest oled. Great in its day but we are 10 years well past plasma being any kind of good.
Everyone's opinion will differ obviously but people who defend plasma and still rocking are just careful with money and don't care for anything above a mushy 1080p image.
Again no need for the attitude, Its differing view ponits not right/wrong. Oleds are well over saturated for me just re,read what i wrote rather than taking it personally that somone disagrees. Ive zero burn in years down the line.
Again no need for the attitude, Its differing view ponits not right/wrong. Oleds are well over saturated for me just re,read what i wrote rather than taking it personally that somone disagrees.
Nothing wrong with attitude. You seem easily upset or offended. I'd suggest you take medication to mellow out.
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