Ok, good for you Castiel, that other guy is different and chooses to frown on people with young families who repeatedly shag whores (and 99% of non Man Utd fans)
Like I said you don't know the truth of any given situation, only what Tabloid journalists tell you.
So Rooney has made mistakes in his life, who hasn't. That doesn't make him evil or any different from many young men in their twenties in fact.
Given where he comes from and his education level, he is in fact a model citizen in comparison to his childhood peer group.
It's not exactly in their job description but you're being massively obtuse if you deny that they affect society, the good money says you're a Man Utd fan too
It's almost as though you're trying to paint Rooney as even remotely likeable, strange
I affect society, we all do in one way or another, does that mean I have to shoulder the responsibility for society as well?
It is as if you are painting Rooney as some evil demi-god that should be held accountable for the ills of society when in fact he is just a 25 year old sportsman who you have an irrational partisan hatred of and you are projecting that onto him to salve your own jealousy and innate self-hatred.
I don't read the papers but you'll find that nearly everybody in the country dislikes Rooney, take your head out of the sand, why do you think the whole of Upton Park abused him? Because he's a fine young fellow with a good attitude, a dedicated family man, always polite, always sincere, or because he's deeply dislikeable?
Why do you think that the whole of Upton Park were racially abusing their own players?
Because black people are somehow inferior, or because football crowds are filled with racists and idiots.
Get over yourself, you sound half-crazed with projected self-loathing.