I think I am just going to save up a bit longer and buy a reputable one. ie Dell or Samsung. I really wanted to go 2560 x 1440 for the new year though.
I don't think any IPS with multiple inputs overclocks do they? Just the single DVI ones.

I believe it was the single input ones but only with a specific board, the controllers boards changed in later batches and they weren't hitting 120 any longer.

never tried fiddling with mine despite it being the proper one ;)

I've noticed that too. The plastic casing on mine looks like it's been cut by hand, lots of rough edges, left over bits of plastic. How this is a rebadged LG I don't know.

It's not, the panel used inside the monitor will be an LG and that can be sold to any company.
From what I remember they were A rated panels in most of the korean made ones wehereas Dell and Apple (maybe samsung too) user higher graded panels.

I think I am just going to save up a bit longer and buy a reputable one. ie Dell or Samsung. I really wanted to go 2560 x 1440 for the new year though.

try it may, OcUK have fantastic returns policy now if you dont like :)

I gambled a while back, imported and second hand!
Figured the warranty was nigh on useless anyway lol.
Couldn't be happier with the screen but the one thing that annoys me is that when it dies it's gonna cost me far more to replace :(

Was like turning a light on when I moved over to this screen, so much better than my old 24" Dell TN panels.
Gibbo specifically states it's an LG monitor rebadged right at the start of this thread.

I believe it is, looks identical to one chassis wise, is an LG IPS panel and check the OSD, Hazro don't normally have an on-screen OSD, these have a very comprehensive OSD which again looks very familiar to ones found on LG's. ;)

We've looked at the packaging, its not bad, but its obviously not good enough for them being glass, so were going to try and package them even better.

Backlight bleed, the two I have randomly used, nothing looked out the ordinary.
Gibbo - I might give it a chance and try a replacement if you are repackaging them as I think they do need a bit of extra padding. Also if peoples reported backlight issues are ok. Is it possible for it to be checked for these issues before it gets sent out to me?
Gibbo specifically states it's an LG monitor rebadged right at the start of this thread.

quite happy to be wrong, only reason I said this is that all the other screens I've seen of this nature are pretty much always the A rated panels with 3rd party controller/casing. LG Panels in Dell and Apple gear from what I remember is A+ rated.

Saying that a lot of these panels are just as good imho as the apple/dell stuff other than warranty and build quality.
Glad I didn't buy the 27"

Anyone wanting a 27" 2560x1440 might benefit from my story.
October 2013 I bought (not from here) the DGM IPS-2701WPH, the panel was loose in the case because the outer "glass" was missing and it had some dirt or something trapped in the panel, looked like a backwards letter c that covered a block of 6 pixels. Sent it back for exchange, got one complete with the glossy outer "glass" but this had 3 smaller bits of dirt trapped in the panel, after a few days the bottom bezel bowed out away from the screen so I went for a refund.
I had been massively impressed by the 27" IPS screen though and going back to my 24" 1920x1080 was only going to be for as long as it took to get a decent 27" IPS. Since then I have been waiting for the DGM IPS-2703WPH but it is still not released, saw this Hazro offer, read the review and decided against it, going by your comments I think I made the right decision. I then spotted that iiyama had released an all black version of the black and silver XB2779QS, review is here http://uk.hardware.info/reviews/4971/iiyama-prolite-xb2779qs-review-affordable-wqhd-monitor
I paid £429.60 + shipping for this monitor, I could only find one UK company selling it in all black but I guess that will change soon enough. I have only had it since 31st December and so far I am very satisfied with it, plenty of stand adjustment, factory calibrated, internal PSU, 3 years warranty, speakers good enough for windows use and the email arrival sounds, I have an audio mixer and pair of desktop monitor speakers when sound quality matters, but an added bonus is I can plug mini headphones into this iiyama muting its internal speakers meaning the wife can watch TV in the same room and I don't have to power up the mixer, unless I am working on something that needs it. Not much into gaming but review says it is fast enough, there is also some sort of boost feature that can be turned on for gaming if required. Anyone thinking about Dell or Samsung might want to read the review before buying, the review also links to 14 other 2560x1440 monitors so is well worth looking at if you have not seen it.
Best wishes to all for the new year.
Herbert. That is an interesting story. I also have a story which isn't quite so complimentary towards the Iiyama XB2779QS. You can read it towards the end of this thread http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18566079

To summarise, I read the reviews of the Iiyama and was as impressed as you were so I bought one to replace my DGM IPS-2701WPH.
The backlight bleed on the XB2779QS was terrible so OcUK replaced it. The backlight bleed was almost as bad on the second one (see photo on thread above). OcUK asked for photos which I duly submitted and they immediately agreed to refund my money. (Great service from OcUK as usual!)

I decided not to risk a third Iiyama and bought the Asus PB278Q instead. I am very happy with it.
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Hello wapcatlet.
Thanks for the link, sorry to hear of your issues.
I fear I could easily have been in the same boat as you had I bought it from OC as it may well have been from the same batch, fortunately it looks like mine came from a good batch, but it should not be like this.
Everyone that has read about IPS technology will have read about backlight bleed and will be looking out for it, with that thought in mind it would seem that the manufacturers would be keen to build them correctly and not have all these returns. Perhaps too much importance is attached to how quickly and cheaply they can be assembled rather than producing a good quality product to be proud of, hmmm ring any bells.
Just got my second one. I didn't get to turn that one on either,the glass wasn't broken this time but a corner of the fascia was broken. I could see wheere it had been wacked as one of the air pockets was burst in the box. I was going to power it up and check the back light bleed but I thought if it was good I would be upset to return it. I can't believe that Hazro could spend pennys getting these packaged better and not have the amount of returns.
10/10 to OCUK on the returns procedure though,it is being picked up tomorrow so I will see if it is 3rd time lucky.
Please GIbbo your my only hope.
Any chance these are going on sale again?

I already have a Hazro 27" WC I bought from OcUK, its being used with a 24" 1080p. But feel like having two 27" side by side..

Why not.. go on get these back on sale.. you know you want to..
Wanted to add my experience of this monitor. On my second one as the first one's OSD controls didn't work (monitor was otherwise fine). Kudos to overclockers, I returned the first and received my second one within a week, very straightforward.

The second one i'm using now is flawless and absolutely stunning so far (though I've upgraded from an old 1280x1024 19" monitor!). No faulty pixels, well calibrated out the box as well. There is a little bit of light bleed but this really isn't noticeable. The stand is also a little bit wobbly, but not a big deal. .

Overall, fantastic value when it's on sale!
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