Two Worlds 2!

Use an eu proxy and download it from the place above for 30 squid, its what I did today, it's downloading now.
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I made a short YouTube video to show some of the outdoor enviroment from my screenshots in motion. The first 20 seconds of the video is just the title screen but it does show off the light and shadow somewhat. At about 20 seconds the main clip starts.

Mostly the clip shows how nice and dense the foliage is.

YouTube clip:
I may have to get this. I never seem to get on with these sorts of games, but it's so pretty I'm hoping it'll hold my gnat-like attention span
So how worth getting is this game considering i'm a bit of a mish mash of games lover? Oblivion, Fallout, The Witcher, ME, the CoD games, MMO's like AoC etc?

Is it worth a try or just overhyped?
Gfx look nice but from a video i saw the text font i dont like and the inventory and crafting is a bit too much i much prefer simplistic approach to them areas and in this game just seems overly complex and takes the fun out of playing the game when u have to spend more than 10 seconds in the inventory or crafting.
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