A post on
Destructoid reports on accusations that TopWare threatened UK outlets with blacklisting over negative reviews of
Two Worlds II, describing one instance where they pushed for score to be bumped up to 7/10. There's a follow-up on
BeefJack where a TopWare rep explains that this is "all quite blown out of proportion," as it was a dispute over scoring systems, saying: "This is untrue, the only thing that was said is that a 7 is average in public eye and not a 5 – their scoring system is their scoring system and that is that. They are not blacklisted and no one asked them to increase their score.
Big Download notes that TopWare's U.S. marketing head James Seaman made several comments in the
Destructoid forums about this, including this: "My team needs to take a step back as the UK has been pretty harsh on our game, but such is life. I will make sure that nothing like this ever happens again, but some of my guys have put their heart and soul into this game and just need to take a step back." Moving forward, he also reveals that in spite of all this, they are working on the next Two Worlds game for release next year: "We are trying to do a better job every time and have brought in a brand new 3D modeling, animation and CG team for the next Two Worlds game coming out in 2012."