I've had some mats in a box for ages and I decided to fit them today as well as the Samco hose. Remember this is the repalement to the first that Amber Performance sent me as they falsely advertised it. Well I ordered the correct one, and they've sent me the wrong one again, pretty fed up with it now so I may just not bother.
Anyway, the mats are in and they're fantastic. Proper high quality items and much better than the ones they replaced. I also took some photos trying to show the caliper clearance.
Tent is in the boot, just need to add beer, sleeping stuff and some clothes and I'm ready to go for JAE tomorrow.
Caliper clearance:
Mats before:
Mats after:
Anyway, the mats are in and they're fantastic. Proper high quality items and much better than the ones they replaced. I also took some photos trying to show the caliper clearance.
Tent is in the boot, just need to add beer, sleeping stuff and some clothes and I'm ready to go for JAE tomorrow.
Caliper clearance:
Mats before:
Mats after: