Just had the FK2 serviced (66 plate, getting near four years old now). It's on a service plan with Honda, and luckily extended the warranty back in February for another 3 years (for the absolute bargain price of £595 quid).
Found out that both rear shock absorbers are leaking from the health check they do as part of the service, so both going to be replaced - under warranty, bill would have been an eye watering 1100 quid.
Car has only done 15k miles and is well looked after, not driven hard except for the odd blast over the tops well within the cars capabilities, so I'm a bit perplexed as to why they have gone - if anybody has an FK2 might be worth getting yourself under the car for a nosey, might be a weak point perhaps, or maybe I've just been unlucky (or lucky in the case of the warranty etc.).