Type R and VTEC owners

Good luck getting an email reply from TGM haha. Best to call Tom after 5pm. Also drop Performance Autoworks a message.

Yeah that's a fair point, I might take a trip down there and show my face after work one night. If anything just to count how many times the phone rings off the hook whilst I'm there. :D

I'll add PA to my list too, nice one.
Just thought I'd reignite this thread as it seemed to have dropped off a while ago.

Any FN2 owners on here? I got mine a few months ago and have done a few bits on it. Did the clutch fluid the other day which made a big difference:

Also, did the clutch fluid on the FN2 Civic Type R. When i got the car the clutch reservoir had black snotty gunk in it and the clutch pedal was a bit spongey and not very direct. I decided to change the clutch fluid and from reading the bits and pieces online, they'd have you believe accessing the bleed nipple on the slave cylinder is nice and easy. ********! Had to take off the intake boot, and the throttle body to get to it, which wasn't a big deal. The only issue i did have was that I didn't realise the throttle body had coolant lines running to it (never seen that before!) so when i pulled off two of the hoses, some of the coolant in the pipes came flowing out - luckily not a lot! Anyway, with the TB out of the way and a willing assistant in the car to pump the clutch, it was pretty easy. The old fluid was very much passed it's best - the fluid in the photo is made up of around 50% brand new fluid, 50% old fluid and it still looks that black! The old stuff coming out was almost as black as used engine oil. Naturally, the clutch feels a whole lot better afterwards - would recommend!



Agreed, smarter exterior smarter interior. It's also being manufactured in Japan apparently so should be high build quality.

Edit: Sorry literally a year old post I replied to!

(Was about the K20 engine, 'Onamission' on facebook are constantly breaking FN2's/EP3's/DC5's if you need something - not affiliated just trying to help :))

New Civic looks nice but does look somewhat more of the same from my POV but then the newest car I've ever bought was a 2009 :D Front looks a little more grownup, rear still has the slight craziness to it :)
Hmm, not sure if I prefer the previous one or not. Spoiler is bad, exhausts are bad, side on it looks like those awful BMW GT models. Interior looks nice though.

I mean DC5, FD2, EP3, EK9 are all far better looking cars. FN2 onwards have been semi abominations.

Dont think its gonna tempt me back into an R. :) (Also manual and I am lazy now :cry:)
Hate it. Easy decision on my next car now this has been revealed. Didn't really like FK8 either but compared to that its not a hard choice.
Ugliest one since the EK9. I'm probably just growing up though.
The last Civic Type R was (probably) the best hot hatch to drive if you ask me (not that I drove them all). I preferred it over the Yaris GR, which I have now driven a few times, both standard cars and modded. Better than the Golf R's I drove and the Audi S3 and the former 125i, which was decent and imagine the new 2 series one is decent.

I hated the look however but to harry it down a lane at pace and throw it around some proper roads I LOVED the Type R. If this one does the same it could be a tempting C car. :)
Hmm, not sure if I prefer the previous one or not. Spoiler is bad, exhausts are bad, side on it looks like those awful BMW GT models. Interior looks nice though.

I mean DC5, FD2, EP3, EK9 are all far better looking cars. FN2 onwards have been semi abominations.

Dont think its gonna tempt me back into an R. :) (Also manual and I am lazy now :cry:)
My thoughts exactly. I think it's hideous.
Bought an EP3 the other week on a whim and sold my 197...

Nighthawk Black, 123k, timing chain just done, undersealed and rust dealt with.

Always wanted to try VTEC, never owned a Honda, it's loud.. has an N1 Spoon Exhaust on it but my god is it old school fun. I now get the hype behind VTEC, the thing screams at high revs and instantly makes you smile.

It really just wants to go all the time and can relax knowing it can take all the punishment, the 197 felt more like a go kart in comparison but the EP3 isn't far off at all and the much stronger car.

There's no way I could daily it. Would drive me up the wall... too used to 435d relative comfort. However for a weekend "throwback" car it's perfect. Of all the cars I've owned, and there has been many, I can see me hanging onto this one for a long time.
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