Tyre Nichols murder

That's just your really weird view. They look like normal people. How they acted however, that was as far from normal and decent as possible.

But that had zero to do with how they look. That's just how you've decided to interpret the world. Maybe all that rap music you listen to and looking up to 2Pac makes you think everyone lives the thug life, baby baby.

edit: Here on the forums people get called a chav for literally owning a corner sofa. I wouldn't look too much into that.

I'm currently sat on a corner-ish sofa.
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That's just your really weird view. They look like normal people. How they acted however, that was as far from normal and decent as possible.

But that had zero to do with how they look. That's just how you've decided to interpret the world. Maybe all that rap music you listen to and looking up to 2Pac makes you think everyone lives the thug life, baby baby.
Maybe so. I’m outrageously honest and I can smell the hypocrisy in the air.
Thank you it means so much.

Next time you see someone one here call someone a chav I expect you to have the same energy.

What a stupid comment to make, anyone can look happy and successful, regardless of their walk of life. Anyone can also look a chav/thug/whatever when being photographed for a mug shot.

Are you actually this stupid or are you just putting it on?
Maybe so. I’m outrageously honest and I can smell the hypocrisy in the air.

You're being honest bout your feelings. That doesn't mean what you're being honest about has any basing in reality.

Anyway, this is just another case of American police being another gang with legal backing in America. As another poster said; It's good this incident happened with only 1 race involved. Now racism can't be a distraction and rather it just shows how far their policing needs to be improved.
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In the spirit of 'always look on the bright side', at least it was 5 black cops vs 1 black man, so there's a greater chance the debate on policing will actually move forward as a result & not just be hijacked by the BLM/historical oppression types.

Indeed, although on the other hand I suspect it will lead to some astonishing cognitive dissonance, with people going forwards referring to this incident to suggest that there isn’t material systemic racism in society (because ‘black peoples kill black people too’).

CNN is not helping right now:


I’m not sure on the content of the article, but the headline is potentially true: would the deceased have been treated differently if he was white? Nobody will ever know, but systemic racism can at least theoretically devalue the worthiness of a person to fair treatment by all persons.
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I just think if you want to be honest, just say what you really feel. It's a safe space. What it comes across like you're saying is that you find black men intimidating and just assume they're all thugs... based off a mugshot and after the fact we've had video evidence of them basically beating a man to death so that we know without any doubt that they are exactly that; thugs.

But if they hadn't done what they did and were just walking down the road and you assume they're thugs just based on the look on their faces. That says more about you than anything else.
I've not watched the videos, but i've read the descriptions and it sounds both utterly horrific, and like the officers planned on at least beating the hell out of the guy pretty much for the sake of it (beating him/tazing him for not following an instruction that he'd already complied with)/under the flimsiest of excuses, and expected it to go the normal way of things and be swept under the carpet, but didn't stop the beating quite fast enough for that to be possible.

I think there's a case for their policing mentality breeding dehumanisation with the "criminal" public where by the "power" learned from unregulated violence leads to repetitions only until consequences become too great.

Similar to the way most domestic or animal abusers behave.
There is a lot of US police/law enforcement training material that is written/produced by unqualified people and is basically "see granny over there in a wheelchair, she'd got a knife" and "see the 5 year old with his action man, he's going to shank you" level*, and it's a major problem, same with a lot of nonsense science US police use in courts where one person with a pet theory convinced a few juries, then went on to train other officers and if they are questioned about the "science" they pull out the person who trained them (IIRC blood spatter is utterly tainted by this because so many of the "expert witnesses" regurgitate the stuff from one officer who had no scientific qualifications and reinforce each other).

Whilst the US courts have for years ignored blatant lying by officers and when people have tried to sue have made up out of whole cloth the "qualified immunity" excuse which is basically if the police officer hasn't been trained specifically that something is illegal in those exact circumstances they can't be held responsible for breaking the law (regardless of it what they're doing is something that any average 10 year old would know is illegal).

Some jurisdictions over there have been trying to clean up, but the police have been actively targeting the civilian oversight and even court staff, despite that there are instances where individual officers have got hundreds/thousands of cases that are being reviewed/reversed after systematic perjury/planting of evidence/corruption has been found after they've been too blatant on camera.

*I'm serious, that is a real training video sold to and used by various police forces back in the days of VHS in the US about risk assessment (IIRC basically baby's going to stick you with the knife disguised as a lollypop level of nuttery).
Collective fear stimulates hero instinct, and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd.

We can appreciate your candid honesty but it is not reasonable to see a collection of different photos showing people wearing casual hoodies and claim that other persons would be unable to distinguish them from an actual gang of thugs from those photos alone. At best, it’s out-of-date stereotyping that assumes that persons together wearing hoodies are likely to be criminals.

Several members have now indicated that you are being unreasonable (by commenting directly or by liking posts to that effect). Perhaps take some time to reflect on how you feel about it.
I just think if you want to be honest, just say what you really feel. It's a safe space. What it comes across like you're saying is that you find black men intimidating and just assume they're all thugs... based off a mugshot and after the fact we've had video evidence of them basically beating a man to death so that we know without any doubt that they are exactly that; thugs.

But if they hadn't done what they did and were just walking down the road and you assume they're thugs just based on the look on their faces. That says more about you than anything else.
That your opinion and you’re more than entitled to it. I commented on a specific photo if that makes me what ever it is you think it makes me then I can accept that and continue to live my life. I’m not too bothered what some of the others think but I do hold you in higher regard as we share some common interests, specifically hip hop and boxing.

Like I said and I mean it genuinely if I upset you then I apologise but that only extends to you.
We can appreciate your candid honesty but it is not reasonable to see a collection of different photos showing people wearing casual hoodies and claim that other persons would be unable to distinguish them from an actual gang of thugs from those photos alone. At best, it’s out-of-date stereotyping that assumes that persons together wearing hoodies are likely to be criminals.

Several members have now indicated that you are being unreasonable (by commenting directly or by liking posts to that effect). Perhaps take some time to reflect on how you feel about it.
I’ll bow out no offence was meant but I’m still not sorry. Sorry.
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