Uber to lose licence to operate in London

Pot calling the kettle black. Widespread under-declaring of income to evade income tax is no different.
Do you think Uber drivers dont evade income tax ?

Uber is 100% account jobs and drivers mostly use overseas accounts so money doesnt show in their accounts and earning over £1000+ per week while their wifes claim all the typical benefits, free rent and so on.... If PCO can get in to Uber systems and tax authorities get involve 50% to 70% of drivers will stop working for Uber....
While some of what BaroUK2 has posted is interesting re: the taxi industry etc.. some of the uber allegations are pretty far fetched - the idea that uber drivers mostly have their earnings (in GBP) sent to overseas bank accounts or that them not completing the journey and adding on extra miles is commonplace is very dubious. I'd suspect that if the first accusation was commonplace then we'd already have seen multiple prosecutions for it.
I'm yet to see an argument for banning Uber that doesn't already apply to black cab drivers. As in, the black cab drivers that are/were infamous for being cash-in-hand tax dodgers. Hell, it hasn't even been a year since Sadiq Khan dictated that all black cabs take credit cards. I wonder why they took so long to agree to that?

"cash in hand" does not need to be literal, you can do the same thing while taking payments via credit cards or bank transfers etc...
While some of what BaroUK2 has posted is interesting re: the taxi industry etc.. some of the uber allegations are pretty far fetched - the idea that uber drivers mostly have their earnings (in GBP) sent to overseas bank accounts or that them not completing the journey and adding on extra miles is commonplace is very dubious. I'd suspect that if the first accusation was commonplace then we'd already have seen multiple prosecutions for it.
Just sharing what i know and hear in this industry, its totally upto you guys to believe it or investigate it further.
Just sharing what i know and hear in this industry, its totally upto you guys to believe it or investigate it further.

Well it is partly rumours/allegations - where is the evidence of these foreign bank accounts or routine practice of not ending trips? Re: the not ending trips allegation this seems especially dubious given that each trip is recorded/logged and a map showing the route clearly displayed - it would be pretty obvious to the user if a driver attempted it - not only that but you're given an estimated fare which generally is pretty accurate so a significant deviation from that would again be noticeable.
Well it is partly rumours/allegations - where is the evidence of these foreign bank accounts or routine practice of not ending trips? Re: the not ending trips allegation this seems especially dubious given that each trip is recorded/logged and a map showing the route clearly displayed - it would be pretty obvious to the user if a driver attempted it - not only that but you're given an estimated fare which generally is pretty accurate so a significant deviation from that would again be noticeable.
Here is a quick search and quick find on what they can do with using overseas accounts, although i wouldnt think they would post this publicly but here you are, regarding charging extra, just google Uber charged me extra and i am sure you will find lot of results, main excuse they will blame it on gps, there are also cases where driver completes journey after dropping passenger and doing extra mileage. I understand it is easy to catch but like i ve said not everybody checks their receipts as much as you do.
Yes its possible they will get caught, driver will get negative ratings rather then getting kicked out....

That's clutching at straws a bit - a screen shot containing one sarcastic reply and an anecdote about a Polish guy on LBC.

ditto the complaints about uber overcharging - again anecdotes, point is those anecdotes are people catching the drivers doing this, thanks to the transparency of the app - so it isn't really workable for drivers to do so systematically and get away with it as clearly people can see it and complain/get refunded if/when it happens and as a frequent user of the app who has never experienced it I'd say it isn't exactly common.
That's clutching at straws a bit - a screen shot containing one sarcastic reply and an anecdote about a Polish guy on LBC.

ditto the complaints about uber overcharging - again anecdotes, point is those anecdotes are people catching the drivers doing this, thanks to the transparency of the app - so it isn't really workable for drivers to do so systematically and get away with it as clearly people can see it and complain/get refunded if/when it happens and as a frequent user of the app who has never experienced it I'd say it isn't exactly common.

Thats actually from uber drivers forum, you dont expect me to spend more of my time digging proof for you. I am sure you can investigate yourself too, so I ve shared my knowledge in this topic and i am done, so its up to you what you want to believe.....
Thats actually from uber drivers forum, you dont expect me to spend more of my time digging proof for you. I am sure you can investigate yourself too, so I ve shared my knowledge in this topic and i am done, so its up to you what you want to believe.....

I kind of gathered it was from a forum for uber drivers when I replied the first time, you're just sharing anecdotes, it isn't really 'proof' of much... sure some people have been ripped off by drivers in the past (and noticed it and complained) that isn't 'proof' of everything as there is no indication of how commonplace it is. How do we know that regular minicab firms don't rip people off more frequently?
I kind of gathered it was from a forum for uber drivers when I replied the first time, you're just sharing anecdotes, it isn't really 'proof' of much... sure some people have been ripped off by drivers in the past (and noticed it and complained) that isn't 'proof' of everything as there is no indication of how commonplace it is. How do we know that regular minicab firms don't rip people off more frequently?
Regular minicab firms have fixed pricing based on customer journey requirements given by the customer when they are making their booking so regardless of traffic or route taken by the driver, they cant rip people off.
Regular minicab firms have fixed pricing based on customer journey requirements given by the customer when they are making their booking so regardless of traffic or route taken by the driver, they cant rip people off.

of course they can, they can just do it in different ways - make up a different fixed price for a drunk customer etc.. if the money is handed direct to the drivers they can pretend they have no change etc.. or pretend that the fare is actually higher and unlike uber there isn't necessarily any audit trail of it the next day for the customer to check.

likewise a black cab can chose a longer route and again there is no record of it for the customer to refer to

And with drivers operating a cash business you don't even need to send money overseas to evade tax
I did hear about some guy who fell asleep in an Uber and the driver took him on a tour of the north circular. This was an Uber driver telling me, apparently the guy was not best pleased the following morning as he reviewed his night out!
of course they can, they can just do it in different ways - make up a different fixed price for a drunk customer etc.. drivers can pretend they have no change etc.. and unlike uber there isn't necessarily any audit trail of it the next day for the customer to check

likewise a black cab can chose a longer route and again there is no record of it for the customer to refer to
Dowie please do more research before you comment on stuff you dont know about.

You still think most PHV offices are the ones you see outside a night club with a man standing with a walkie talkie in his hand, there are so many PHV offices with 100 % computerised systems, mobile apps, web bookings office standards and have driver standards who wouldnt even keep such ****** drivers in their fleet. This is why PHV offices have limited number of drivers because we dont even keep them and this is why Uber has 40k drivers mostly made up of the drivers that most reputable PHV offices dont keep.
Out of 50 drivers that apply to our office each week 30/40 will not choose our office as we share our data with PCO and Tax authroties when they do visit our office for routine 6 monthly check ups and our system shows how much each driver makes and cannot be altered so most drivers will not like that and leave straight up.
Rest will go through and everything will be explained to them in 7 days before they are allowed to take any job. This includes mostly the things they cannot do and they will be kicked if they do it.

What you are not getting is PHV and uber drivers are mainly the same drivers, difference is who we allow to work with us compare to Uber.

Just big LOL at fixed pricing for drunk customers... I dont think i need to continue on this topic as clearly you have your mind set to dodgy corner offices and your replys are based on that thought so go look up more info before you say anything else please : )
You're displaying a remarkable double standard here - on one hand uber drivers with a clear audit trail seemingly regularly add on extra miles to the end of a trip by not completing it in the app whereas minicab firms couldn't possibly rip people off?

Not all private hire firms are fully computerised etc.. any firm that accepts cash via the driver has potential for people to be ripped off far more easily than via uber.

As for do my research? I'm just illustrating how people could be ripped off, I'm not making any claims as to how common it is and neither have you been able to, you've only been able to relay anecdotes which are mostly fairly unrealistic as anyone who uses uber can tell you - the 'do your research' comment can equally apply to your posts as you're not offering anything quantitative. I'm simply objecting to these anecdotal criticisms and showing that you can make similar criticisms of private hire firms and tellingly when I do so you're immediately defensive and happy to deflect such criticisms to only the dodgy firms etc..
You're displaying a remarkable double standard here - on one hand uber drivers with a clear audit trail seemingly regularly add on extra miles to the end of a trip by not completing it in the app whereas minicab firms couldn't possibly rip people off?
How can they do it if its fixed pricing ?
How can they do it if its fixed pricing ?

as already mentioned above

fixed pricing can be whatever the firm deems it to be(whether that be a bloke with a clipboard or a small office happy to rip people off), drivers accepting cash can 'have no change' or can pretend there has been a mistake and actually this destination counts as X so should be £5 more etc..

these would be much easier to pull off than regularly not completing a journey in an app that records the entire route and displays it to the user

you can say 'oh but those are only the dodgy firms' when realistically plenty of people in London have used firms like that pre-uber, Addison Lee was perhaps one of the few exceptions with their own app and I do occasionally still use them especially during rush hour traffic where I could be held up for a while

from the perspective of a regular user of taxis I'd take uber over most local minicab firms or blokes with clipboards outside clubs I've used before uber was around - uber has definitely made an improvement to the industry
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Regular minicab firms have fixed pricing based on customer journey requirements given by the customer when they are making their booking so regardless of traffic or route taken by the driver, they cant rip people off.

There have been many times I have used a mini cab where I didn't know the price until I got home.
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