Ubisoft FarCry 5 'are you ready' thread just shown up....

Just watched half an hour of gameplay via PCG, this looks like absolute trash.

So much for 'going away from the far cry formula'. Looks even more casual than ever before.

Currently watching that video now. Did yours look like it has Vaseline smeared all over the screen? Nothing looks sharp, everything is just a blurry mess.
Currently watching that video now. Did yours look like it has Vaseline smeared all over the screen? Nothing looks sharp, everything is just a blurry mess.

Yeah apparently thats because they're using their own brand video encoder or something. I'll take the graphics from other vids but its the gameplay thats put me right off, its been designed to get laughs from the mentally deficient.
it just looks exactly the same as the last 3 far cry games, and last 5 assassins creed games :confused:
Yeah, and I notice it still has all the onscreen markers crap telling you where to go and what to do. Guess it's a fact of life that AAA games these days are aimed squarely at the dumbest members of society who need their hands held and everything done for them.
Yeah, and I notice it still has all the onscreen markers crap telling you where to go and what to do. Guess it's a fact of life that AAA games these days are aimed squarely at the dumbest members of society who need their hands held and everything done for them.

Again, you have been able to turn off all of this in pretty much every previous far cry game....
Looks fun, perfect mess about coop game. As it's already been said, hud/indicators...etc are fully customisable. Turn everything off and crank up the difficulty and you will no doubt have a very different experience.
I just hope the story + characters and setting (which it should be with it being set in Hope/redneck area) is as good as what FC 3 was. Far Cry 4 was boring and I enjoyed primal for a different setting.

Hopefully the gunplay will be very satisfying too.
I'm looking forward to far cry 11 personally, rumored to be set on Mars.

Already confirmed to be dlc for FC 5 ;)


Can see myself getting the full edition for this game (assuming no issues and plays well)
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