UEFA Champions League/Europa League 15/16/17 Feb *** Spoilers ***

I am hoping that Barca win and win comfortably and in fashion, its just the right thing to happen.

If Arsenal win and even manage to knock them out we will have to listen to Arsenal fans who will then believe they are the best team in Europe with the best style of football.

Individually and collectively Barcelona are far superior and there's not one Arsenal player that would make it into the Barca team, Cesc would purely be there for rotation.
I am hoping that Barca win and win comfortably and in fashion, its just the right thing to happen.

If Arsenal win and even manage to knock them out we will have to listen to Arsenal fans who will then believe they are the best team in Europe with the best style of football.

Individually and collectively Barcelona are far superior and there's not one Arsenal player that would make it into the Barca team, Cesc would purely be there for rotation.

LOL funniest **** ive read today lol.
Whats so funny about it? Pretty much true player for player Arsenal are weaker they don't press as hard, the attack isn't as strong, the midfield at Barcelona is incredible.

Reading Lee Dixons thing on BBC he says he believes Arsenal to have a fair share of the ball, I'm sorry but I have yet to see any team that I can remember retain the ball for a long spell against them.

Ok they don't always go forward with a pass but they have the ball for what 60%+ in nearly every game.

Even when they played Inter/Chelsea they had the ball for that kind of time, 3x the amount of passes as Chelsea of the 2 legs.

Also pretty sure against Inter they had decisions go against them that helped them lose the leg.

Inter also beat them because they shut out Xavi and Iniesta pretty well and nullified Messi, Inter are so much stronger defensively (at least then) than Arsenal I can't even see how they will manage the same task.

The other thing, Cesc is the strongest Arsenal midfielder, he is 7th in Europe for passes made, 4 of the top 5 are Barca player. Fabregas has an 81% pass completion rate with far fewer passes than Iniest who is on 90% and Xavi who is 230 passes higher than him and maintains a 94% pass completion.

I just don't see Arsenal being as tight as Inter/Chelsea have been in the past and stopping them from playing.
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Not at all jakeke Inter stuck to a plan and stuck to it amazingly well, ok its boring to watch but its what it takes to stop it.

Arsenal are capable of beating them but to do it tonight they need to get 2-3 goals more to take it to Nou Camp.

I applaud the way Arsenal play it is beautiful to watch, that goal other day back to front in 5 passes and like 10 seconds to score a goal, simply stunning.

Arsenal are just 2-3 players away from being stronger and having more of a chance in all competitions, to prone to panic and errors and don't quite have the right mixture of youth and experience.

If they were to get a solid #1 GK, a bigger stronger CB to pair up with one of the others and rotate a little so they have that experience along side to flourish it would help.
Chelsea batter Arsenal usually at the back because they are to big and strong.

An experienced DM so they can bomb forwards like they do with a bit more confidence and have that someone behind them to fall back on.

Personally I don't see Fabregas as a captain. I don't see him being a big enough character someone that barks orders and boss his team.

One image I have of Ballack is from a friendly Germany had, he was going mental at his team when they weren't playing to a high enough standard, hell even i was scared of putting a foot wrong.
Yeah but your point was that no Arsenal players would get in the Barca side, no Inter players would either as none of them have nearly enough technical ability/fit the mould (apart from Maicon possibly), so it must be outrageous that they won!

Also, Fabregas is doing well as a captain imo, better than I thought
Rich, you do realise that Barcelona pretty much play in the sunny version of the SPL don't you? The only team that can even challenge them is Real Madrid, apart from one or two odd years where others have a great single season. You clearly don't even watch Barcelona that much because you would have noted that under Guardiola they haven't won an away leg, shows how dominant and amazing they are away from home in Europe doesn't it.
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