I really don't understand how the fans have come out of this badly though. We nearly all agree it was a dive, and for the umpteenth time, our issue is with UEFA being consistent with their rules, and not singling out one player inexplicably.
Even Arsenal themselves have said as much too. The club's statement after the retraction states they'd agree with "clear and comprehensive standards that will be consistently enforced going forward." Which this situation wasn't.
Wenger was being Wenger. He never criticises one of his team in public, and I'm not really sure why you'd think any worse of him over this incident, considering he's done it time after time in the past. Hell, it's one of the biggest running jokes in football that Arsene never sees anything, isn't it?
This is UEFA's fault here, and theirs alone. They banned Eduardo on what seems to be a whim, with a ruling that's actually against their stated guidelines for punishments (diving = yellow card), and utterly unrepresentative of any intended action against other divers (no-one else will get punished in the same way). When challenged, they realised their utterly stupid position, got cold feet, and pretended that they were unable to prove the dive in o