UK Gladiators - 2024 reboot

Who was this Armin they kept referring to? Was he related to Aman?

Can’t believe Aman blew it at the end. Why did he wait so long for the second attempt on the travelator? But fair play to Joe doing the job.
Another week and another week of mismatched contenders but just shows if luck is on your side then anything is possible.

Looks to be a new event next week.
I'm really glad they've bought it back, and continued to do it. I enjoy the silly personalities of the gladiators.
I dislike the presenters due to the clearly scripted and bad jokes etc but it's par for the course I imagine and not what I'm there for, which is fit people doing fit people things and laughing when they fail quickly or being impressed by the odd one, while I'm eating biscuits on the sofa.
Think the gladiators have been on fine form on and off the course so far. New woman gladiator looks like a tough contender. Legend still cracks me up every time he gets the mic and overtaking the guy on the wall is some of the best showmanship I've ever seen :D Wish they'd let the remaining girl do the eliminator, against one of the glads just for the audience?
Shocked Aman didn't win, talk about caster's curse. Talked about him as potential finalist and he immediately fell apart!
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@Shamikebab - I'm guessing what the glads say are part scripted and part spontaneous, but agreed, Legend is a good laugh. Viper needs to say a few more words though, as he's the meanie character like Wolf was, and Wolf did say stuff. The one we all loved to hate (or love!)
Female Gladiator wise I'm Team Fury. She's awesome!
Agreed. My attention was first with Sabre but she does that stupid preening and slinking around which just makes me laugh.

Legend seems to be the only male gladiator who go the M.O. that they're supposed to play the pantomime villian and has the personality to carry it off.
I look forward to him taking the mic every single time :D
There have been at least a couple of gay contenders in the reboot which is cool. It still means that there is a male category and a female category.

Let's not get into gender politics though as it's a bit of a flashpoint topic when discussing sporting events.
Tonight's male winner, despite the whistle comments, was a clear winner.

Both females stalled in a few places on the Eliminator, so I don't think tonight's winner will get much further in the series.

The new event (Unleashed) was quite cool, albeit a bit technical in terms of the rules, so all parties will need to learn that event for a bit.

No sightings of the new male Gladiator (Hammer) yet.
Not sure about Unleashed, I like the idea of a running event but I think the stairs at the end are awkward and feel like an injury waiting to happen. Much the same for tripping on the blocks of the wall they have to run through. Also if I have to hear Battenburg say "the gladiator will be unleashed" 4 times a week I'm going to quickly grow to hate that event

What happened to the new male glad? He's only been in one event so far right?
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