@rp2000 - that's a great review a few posts above ^^. In particular the point you made about Viper being booed by the crowd. It reminds me of the recent Deal or No Deal reboot where the crowd is made to react in a certain way depending on what are inside the red boxes. Like with wrestling though, Gladiators is bound to be scripted to some extent and each Glad have their own character style, poses, entrances / backdrops, dances, music, victory stances and so on.
Sorry I missed your original thoughts on 2008/9, so I have just caught up. Thanks for the video. I watched it in full, and I quite enjoyed it actually! The new 2023/24 reboot is still better though because of its familiarity with the original run and that seems to be working with today's viewership. From the 2008/9 video, I think the main downside is that the set looked rather black and white and I wasn't too keen on the Glads' costumes (also black and white). Battleaxe would have probably been my favourite Glad though and I noticed that the name "Panther" got re-used as there was a Glad called Panther in the original run.
Seeing John Anderson was a surprise for me and that it had some of the original Glads as contenders. I remembered Flame as a red-head so she looked pretty different as a blonde. Again it might be scripted, but was good to see a bad guy in the 2008/9 version as well, which seemed to be Oblivion, as he and Wolf were picking on each other a few times. Also, I liked Hunter's line: "I've never been one for scantily clad gentlemen throw balls at me"
The one main / only thing from 2008/9 that was probably better than 2023/24 now were the 2 presenters from back then. Quite liked the female one in particular. Swimming pool instead of a crash mat? Nice idea, but nah.