UK Kindle and E-Books...

8 Nov 2003
So the UK Kindle has been announced and available this month finally.

I will not be getting one as I have the Sony 600 with the touch screen.

I read all my books electronically now and will never look back. Anyone else into ebooks now? Looking like its gonna be the big xmas item.

If anyone thinks its just like reading on the latop think again. The screens have no refresh rate or backlight which means zero headaches and eye strain. Battery need charging once every couple of weeks as well :)

I took mine on holiday and read Anthony Beevors Stalingrad at 500 pages and it didnt drop one bar of battery. Just reading the lost symbol now.

Let the Ebook revolution begin.
You say it's easy on the eyes, is that right? I've been tempted for a while now but have always been slightly sceptical. I have loads of ebooks and pdf files of stories (e.g. from the Guttenberg (sp) online library).
Their battery life is so good because they use special TFT displays called Bistable displays (bistable because the crystals are stable in two states). This means that power is only used when the image is changed.

Yes, they are excellent products are you are probably right about them being the big xmas item
Saw that on TR today, looks good.

Should be ~£160-180 right? Very tempted if it has 3G & wireless (get 25-75% HSDPA in my room)
Absolutely. I hate reading on my iphone and latop as within an hour my eyes ache slightly.

The ebook readers are not conventional screens. With no light and no refresh they are just like paper. Its those 2 things that cause problems with your eyes.
I'm going to wait a few years. When I buy an e-book I want to own it completely, with the devices creators having no ability to remove content at will. I don't want to be tied into a single purchasing model, which probably means waiting for a open standardization initiative.

And most importantly NO DRM! I want to be able to back the stuff up on my own servers in case of issues!
How much was The Lost Symbol may I ask? Can you download it over air? Or do you have to be at a WiFi point or download the file to your unit?
About £9. Download on main PC an copy over. I dont need over the air. I only have 5-6 books at a time on my ebook.
I like the smell of books... I like the feel of them, in fact I like everything about real books.

BUT I did feel the same way about CDs once and that went completely out of the window... I am beginning, finally, to feel the same way about movies. So I suppose it's inevitable. What people have said about the tying into one model as well, I'm not down with that. For example, if the choices were CDs or iTunes, I'd still be CD all the way, it's only the various sources and freedom I can get that means I'll do it.

When eBooks get that way I'll probably be all for it I reckon. I do read a lot.

Also, £9? That's a bit steep if you're asking me.
Maybe I'm totally wrong but I heard this UK Kindle will be a shaddow of it's US counterpart, it'll be operating on GSM (not 3G / HSPDA / GPRS) and that there's no browsing facility or blogging stuff

(I really dont know where I read this but I'm sure I did lol)
I chose the Sony because I can get books from all the major retailers. I am not tied to a website etc.

Also the Sony is really well made and looks gorgeous. One nice touch is the built in dictionary, just double tap the word and it brings up the meaning at the bottom. Dont use it much but nice when needed.

Here is a vid of the one I have:

Old skool tech for the win. They're cheaper, more portable, more accessible, more versatile and more tactile.

More portable?

I took Stalingrad, 3001, Trudi Canavans trilogy and trading in the zone on holiday. I would not have taken all of them in book form on holiday with me!!
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Been waiting for the UK Kindle, really tempted to go to ebooks as I just don't have room for all my damn books any more :(
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