Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
does he really have the same set of fears as we do, i don't know. i hope our our gov do.

The guy sits like a wally at the end of a 6 metre table to avoid Covid; I don't believe he wakes up in the morning and screams "today is a good day to die" at the mirror. But even if he does the idea of a "red button" isn't reality: neither Putin, nor Biden, nor Johnson, nor Macron, can hit a button and end the world. There is a chain, and everyone down the chain has to shrug their shoulders and go "oh well, I guess humanity had a good ol' knock, time to get the marshmallows and watch the end of the world. Sorry mum" in order to actually start a full scale nuclear war in cold blood.

It is conceivable (although I believe still highly unlikely) Putin would launch "tactical" nukes at Ukraine, but launching against NATO countries, and especially the US, the UK, and France, is a whole different matter.

i think you're prolly right, at least i hope so.

I don't know whether I'm right and wrong, and I am thankful I don't have to make a meaningful choice on this.
7 Jun 2020
oh noes i'm sooo hurt there's no emoji's to express what i'm feeling.
don't worry just keep on doing what you're doing nothing really bad will

It wasn't a dig at you, I just found it funny :)
Maybe my sense of humour is just bad :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
does'nt Russia have those mobile s400 things still (prolly all flat tyres right)
they just gonna be more cannon fodder surely? that's if us ignoring Russian
red lines is just fine.

Just guessing on my part but I think those S-300 and 400 complexes have issues operating near mixed airspace where there might be civilian traffic it is undesirable to shoot down. Like with a lot of Russian hardware they've probably been designed with a significant focus on defending a total war against the West and the expectation that if they were used in anger anything in the sky would be fair game - there has also been talk of issues with their friend/foe identification, etc.

Errant missiles from even S-200 anti-air systems have been known to travel into the 100s of miles off target or even latch onto the wrong target - couple of examples:
6 Feb 2019
soo, Poland ar'nt going to give Ukraine USA fighter jets now?
this is going quick.

poland wants to, but US doesn't want it. They don't want any planes taking off from EU soil to go to Ukrainian airspace. If Ukraine is going to get jets it has to be over land or sea but it is unlikely to be by air
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Arm the Grandma's now!

Truth always the first casualty of war and there are aspects of that I'm not OK with but on the other hand dissenting voices can completely undo the thrust of momentum needed to win a war - it is a tricky balance, a small group deciding what is and isn't desirable as "the truth" is often a large reason why the world is in such a mess and things like this war happen. But equally when people have a blinkered, short sighted view and/or latch onto ideas which do not stand up to any level of scrutiny and reflection.

An example recently with Ukraine - there was an area near Irpin where the civilians were lied to, told everything would be OK - no need to evacuate at that time as the Russians were miles away when the truth was they were closing fast. The reason for that was because the military hadn't secured the situation and until they had done that were unable to take a large influx of civilians evacuating and the mess would have been way worse with the potential for Russia to capitalise on it and inflict critical losses on the Ukraine armed forces, infiltrate and/or kill even more civilians.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Slightly silly thinking.

The Polish government fly the aircraft to a US base.
The US have breach of security where all of them just happen to get stolen, no one knows who stole them, or sees it happen (and aircraft tend not to have locks...)
Suddenly the Ukranians find a bunch of aircraft in the back of a barn and get them up in the air.

Don't forget they should also paint them with Chinese flag livery, absolute foolproof idea :D
7 Jun 2020
*Japan’s Eco. & Trade Min. Hagiuda: If It Helps Stop Russia’s Hostility, Japan May Suspend Sakhalin Projects.
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