Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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*Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis - WSJ
- 'Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere'
- 'The White House unsuccessfully tried to arrange calls between President Biden and the de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the UAE as the U.S. was working to build international support for countering Russia's invasion of Ukraine and contain a surge in oil prices'
- 'Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.'s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan both declined U.S. requests to speak to Mr. Biden in recent weeks, Middle East and U.S. officials said'
- 'Saudi and Emirati officials have become more vocal in recent weeks in their criticisms of American policy in the Gulf.'
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No fighting in the war room!

given most companies have worked ways of safegarding software based revenue as a service, then comes the question - as the legitimate software moves on, the old stolen sources become increasingly incompatible.
NATO’s report that Putin and Xi’s regimes basically stole software and designs but then had to spend just as much to reverse engineer than to legitimately licence/buy it due to the technology gap.

NVidia’s hack basically gave them new GPU and supercomputing designs without the understanding or qblity to manufacture.
China is leapyears ahead of Russia but still not up to US/Japan for technology advancement.

basically putin has announced the same strategy as Ukraine in cyberspace, steal and destroy commerce in yye internet.
I would also expect Putin to begin destroying internet cables shortly. When he does, the impact on finqncial market trading may just see a conglmerate of financial organisations/crime syndicates offer $1Bn for Putin’s assassination.
Did you see the last president of Ukraine house? The decor of his Mansion/house was the definition of corrupt oligarch.

This is the same guy that Russia placed on the peace talks with Ukraine. You can see him right here.


I believe this was before Zelensky and yes, built completely on corruption.

The house is/was a museum. They called it The Museum of Corruption :)
basically putin has announced the same strategy as Ukraine in cyberspace, steal and destroy commerce in yye internet.
I would also expect Putin to begin destroying internet cables shortly. When he does, the impact on finqncial market trading may just see a conglmerate of financial organisations/crime syndicates offer $1Bn for Putin’s assassination.

Plot twist, he cuts his own subsea cables to stop the country being hacked! Plus he want to disconnect from the global internet by the 11th anyway.
However, I bet if Boris was doing the same as Zelensky, people would still be on his back over other issues such as the bloody parties

Your problem is the massive if in there. He would have bolted ages ago and would be setting up a government in exile. He might want to appear as a Churchill but a Churchill he isn't. He should have gone months ago, a pathological liar, lazy and the worst PM in my 51 years and that is saying something.
Surprising no-one, Russia's new disinformation tactic is fake fact-checking:

Countdown to our resident usual suspects start spreading these in the name of "free thinking"?

21 single and 6 twin seaters.

Thanks. I know numbers of planes are small, but is that really enough to make a significant difference? Obviously every little helps (thanks Tesco!) but does it really change the situation?
Surprising no-one, Russia's new disinformation tactic is fake fact-checking:

Countdown to our resident usual suspects start spreading these in the name of "free thinking"?

Thanks. I know numbers of planes are small, but is that really enough to make a significant difference? Obviously every little helps (thanks Tesco!) but does it really change the situation?
Well they're old but still quite impressive weaponry.
*Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis - WSJ
- 'Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere'
- 'The White House unsuccessfully tried to arrange calls between President Biden and the de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the UAE as the U.S. was working to build international support for countering Russia's invasion of Ukraine and contain a surge in oil prices'
- 'Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.'s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan both declined U.S. requests to speak to Mr. Biden in recent weeks, Middle East and U.S. officials said'
- 'Saudi and Emirati officials have become more vocal in recent weeks in their criticisms of American policy in the Gulf.'

OPEC now getting in on the act, you provide weapons and we help you.. when guns are more valuable than money..

Yemen, when saudi backed government said it would only take a few weeks of fighting, vs minority rebels. All religious factions fighting. The US & UK has supplied arms but the US stopped the sales of arms to saudi due to the Yemen conflict. Meanwhile Putin has been arming Iran who has been arming the rebels. Yemen being yet another proxy war.
*Pentagon Spokesman: ‘Do Not Believe Poland’s Proposal Is Tenable One’ On Jets Transfer
*Pentagon Spokesman: Fighter Jets Offered By Poland ‘Raises Serious Concerns For Entire NATO Alliance’ - 'We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies about this issue and the difficult logistical challenges it presents, but we do not believe Poland’s proposal is a tenable one.'
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Plot twist, he cuts his own subsea cables to stop the country being hacked! Plus he want to disconnect from the global internet by the 11th anyway.

True - and cutting has three benefits for him:
1. Reduce social media & non state PR
2. Reduce cyber attack channel
3. Impact global commercial & financial markets outside of the west.

What will be good is if any russian access to services is made then it has to be a state sponsored cyberwarfare actor. Easy to detect.
Putin loving social media the show up outside of russia - oh look a state sponsored actor.
The beauty about network traffic is analysis gives away state disinformation and ghe people associated with it.
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so a NATO member is going to supply Ukraine 27? USA fighter jets, which has
been reported that Russia will see as an act of war. good idea?

source, Daily Mail umm ok, but still.

Doesn't look like the US approved this.

*Pentagon Spokesman: ‘Do Not Believe Poland’s Proposal Is Tenable One’ On Jets Transfer
*Pentagon Spokesman: Fighter Jets Offered By Poland ‘Raises Serious Concerns For Entire NATO Alliance’ - 'We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies about this issue and the difficult logistical challenges it presents, but we do not believe Poland’s proposal is a tenable one.'
so a NATO member is going to supply Ukraine 27? USA fighter jets, which has
been reported that Russia will see as an act of war. good idea?

source, Daily Mail umm ok, but still.

Not exactly, the USA are going to supply Ukraine 27 ex Polish jets.

Doesn't look like the US approved this.

Changed fast, i thought it was a done deal.
I agree with you, Putin is in the wrong 100%. You're also right, this was years in the making. I also agree that he is self-righteous and vain, he is Putin, we always knew this. We shouldn't have let it get to this, there were plenty of warning signs.

Why did we let it get to this? Why didn't we have negotiations earlier? Why did we leave him with only one option (as far as he was concerned)

Negotiations requires both sides to come to the table. I don't recall Putin ever asking once for zelensky to come to the table.

Putin was never going to negotiate, it was his way whether that required an invasion or not.
so a NATO member is going to supply Ukraine 27? USA fighter jets, which has
been reported that Russia will see as an act of war. good idea?

Why is it more of an act of war than the tens of thousands of weapons that have already flowed over the border? Russia has invaded Ukraine purely and simply because it does not believe the other Western nations will act. They were wrong about sanctions but if they're stupid enough to do something that involves the militaries of the West they will see their armies in Ukraine crushed, their positions in Belarus destroyed, and their warships sunk. Russia is weak, it's economy was bad before they started this and now it's just a toilet. Escalation is the last thing they want.
Disappointed that the riot shield from earlier isn’t reflected in that list. If the true numbers are anywhere near those listed then that is absurd in such a short space of time given the circumstances.

I suspect they're a bit inflated.

What you can tell with 100% certainty is that the number is somewhere between 500 and 12,000.

I'd guess somewhere in the middle.
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