Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I can only imagine at the amount of planning and security that must taken place to make that meeting happen.

Probably notified the Russians through unofficial channels, they're unlikely to assassinate the UK Prime Minister. There has clearly been channels of communication to ensure mistakes don't happen involving Russians firing on NATO forces, as happened in Syria to ensure the US and Russian's didn't end up fighting each other.
I don't know, if they got Zelenskyy would it be worth it? Russia don't really give a ****. Brave move.
Nah, Russia arnt stupid. They know fine well if they killed the PM of a Western nation, a NATO member. That would be Greenlight for NATO to get physical.
Plucky move by Boris, considering your average GP is STILL reluctant to see you in person, his detractors should take note that our PM is not full of risk aversion, despite a wage not a lot higher than an inner city senior GP in a big practice...
Plucky move by Boris, considering your average GP is STILL reluctant to see you in person, his detractors should take note that our PM is not full of risk aversion, despite a wage not a lot higher than an inner city senior GP in a big practice...
Can you stop going on with that utter nonsense.

Boris was almost certainly extremely well protected (Russia was probably very aware of where he was, and whilst the Russians don't care about killing women, children and babies, they would not risk killing the leader of a NATO member) and he can be replaced, GP's ARE seeing people face to face but are taking what little protection they can to reduce the chances of themselves becoming ill, or more importantly passing on a highly infectious illness to people who are often already ill and often in the higher risk groups for being seriously ill.

You're like a scratched record.
Plucky move by Boris, considering your average GP is STILL reluctant to see you in person, his detractors should take note that our PM is not full of risk aversion, despite a wage not a lot higher than an inner city senior GP in a big practice...

Yawn. How dare a GP try and protect their health and most importantly try to keep themselves from being off sick when everywhere is so short staffed.
There is some seriously sick **** doing the rounds on Twitter at the moment, which I will NOT be posting its extremely sickening . A Russian soldier (who has already been identified) has filmed himself raping and then killing Ukrainian babies (yes like new horns) and the videos are on Twitter today

According to this tweet, the video involved a 1 year old toddler, and was posted to Telegram (not Twitter).

Now I am highly skeptical.
You do know that numerous NATO aircraft, fighter, recon, tankers, drones, have been patrolling the Ukraine boarder continuously since before the start of the war?

Ofcourse. You think no extra measure are in place to provide security for Boris?

It was really a tongue in cheek comment and I get that physically getting off his arse and putting some skin in the game is symbolic but really I'm not sure it achieves much apart from a nice photo op so he can fulfill his desire to play Churchill.
Nah, Russia arnt stupid. They know fine well if they killed the PM of a Western nation, a NATO member. That would be Greenlight for NATO to get physical.

I'm not sure I understand this logic. Putin claims "provacation" for anything. It doesn't matter if he started it or not. The "I will nuke you" threat will be the same regardless.

(And NATO seems to be very afraid of that threat.)
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