750km? That doesn't sound right.
Most arty as normal shells are <30km. Rockets longer but then you have the tackle long range ballistic missiles etc. I had a look, 5-40km for the zuzana2.
750km? That doesn't sound right.
according to army technology website it says that the maximum range is 42km.
750km? That doesn't sound right.
Zelensky has probably never been so safe as he was at that meeting. There's no way Putin is going to risk killing off his own man.
If only they had just conveniently taken delivery of a large number of anti air systems![]()
Yawn. Its not like he's the first leader to go and Russia will no doubt have been informed. Anyway Boris is easily replaced, no shortage of other idiots in the cabinet desperate for his job. Doctors take years of training and we're already shorthanded. So yes a GP is more valuable to society than Boris.
*Ukraine President Zelenskiy Is Meeting With Boris Johnson in Kyiv — Ukrainian Official
*UK Prime Minister Johnson Discusses Long-Term Support to Ukraine and Further Financial and Military Aid With Ukraine President Zelenskiy in Kyiv — Britain
If you fire, then move it can work very well if the enemy counter battery fire isn't too close or on the ball.Which will also get taken out soon after they fire.
That's why ukraine resorted to hiding assets underneath a mall for example. Which then got hit...
If you fire, then move it can work very well if the enemy counter battery fire isn't too close or on the ball.
*UK's Prime Minister Johnson: Will Continue To Intensify The Sanctions On Russia Week By Week*Downing Street — UK Prime Minister Johnson Set Out To President Zelenskiy New Military Assistance Of 120 Armoured Vehicles And New Anti-Ship Missile Systems To Support Ukraine
*Downing Street — UK Will Liberalise Tariffs On The Vast Majority Of Imports From Ukraine And Provide Customs Easements
*Downing Street — UK Will Guarantee An Additional $500M In World Bank Lending To Ukraine
If you fire, then move it can work very well if the enemy counter battery fire isn't too close or on the ball.
To do effective counter battery you need radar coverage (which makes your counter battery units prime targets), and you need to be able to work out where the fire is coming from and respond very quickly to avoid giving the attacking artillery a chance to get away.
From what I've seen, I suspect Russian counter battery is not exactly great, IIRC they're not doing much in the way of flights over the combat zone which effectively rules out airborne counter battery fire, and their troops do not seem to be well equipped, or trained for ground based rapid response counter battery fire as it requires a degree of equipment and technical training that they don't seem to really have in large numbers.
The videos I've seen of Russian artillery suggests they're still using pen and paper for working out the angles etc, and tying paper/cloth powder bags onto mortars which is far slower than the standard western methods (dedicated computers with pen and paper backup, and clip on plastic chargers which means that Western counter battery fire is likely to be much faster, and more accurate.
The majority of modern artillery units employ shoot and scoot tactics(especially tracked artillery), they will carry out a fire mission from what’s known as a short hide, once the fire mission is complete they will withdraw to what’s known as a long hide to reload/reorganise (normality at least 2km from the firing position just used), during that time recce units will be looking for new short hide positions which the troop/battery/regiment will then move to as soon as the reload/reorganise is complete, ready for the next fire mission.If you fire, then move it can work very well if the enemy counter battery fire isn't too close or on the ball.
To do effective counter battery you need radar coverage (which makes your counter battery units prime targets), and you need to be able to work out where the fire is coming from and respond very quickly to avoid giving the attacking artillery a chance to get away.
From what I've seen, I suspect Russian counter battery is not exactly great, IIRC they're not doing much in the way of flights over the combat zone which effectively rules out airborne counter battery fire, and their troops do not seem to be well equipped, or trained for ground based rapid response counter battery fire as it requires a degree of equipment and technical training that they don't seem to really have in large numbers.
The videos I've seen of Russian artillery suggests they're still using pen and paper for working out the angles etc, and tying paper/cloth powder bags onto mortars which is far slower than the standard western methods (dedicated computers with pen and paper backup, and clip on plastic chargers which means that Western counter battery fire is likely to be much faster, and more accurate.
This is the first conventional war fought between almost equal sides, that are employing the use of things like drones to use as reconnaissance and counter battery fire, doctrine writers all over the world will be watching with great interest and working out ways of implementing new tactics to reduce the effectiveness of things like drones. We have a lot to learn and change with the way we operate compared to the last 20-30 yearsAll of this ignores the existence of drones.
Watch the drone footage of the Ukr truck being followed until it parks under a mall (I think on kiev) and then the mall gets hit by a missile.
This is the first conventional war fought between almost equal sides, that are employing the use of things like drones to use as reconnaissance and counter battery fire, doctrine writers all over the world will be watching with great interest and working out ways of implementing new tactics to reduce the effectiveness of things like drones. We have a lot to learn and change with the way we operate compared to the last 20-30 years
*Downing Street — UK Prime Minister Johnson Set Out To President Zelenskiy New Military Assistance Of 120 Armoured Vehicles And New Anti-Ship Missile Systems To Support Ukraine
Only if the lasers are attached to their headsHunter killer pigeons. With lasers.
Oh that's an interesting new twist!Anti ship missile system!?
Anti ship missile system!?
Hunter killer pigeons. With lasers.
I suspect that infrared bocking smoke is being underutilised ... if it exists...
Aerial based EMP's shields.
Only if the lasers are attached to their heads, seriously though artillery will have a nightmare, imagine 100s of drones flying over 100s of miles of battlefield 24/7 they will be almost impossible to hide(kinda glad I’m not in any more
), planners will be having sleepless nights trying to work out a counter for what are currently easily produced cheap small consumer drones, that will be soon militarised. Jamming will work on consumer drones but once there specifically produced for the military they will be shielded.
The battlefield of the future will look very different to now, I expect massive strides forward in unmanned tanks, SPG’s and reconnaissance all controlled from somewhere far from the battlefield. If an operator loses an future unmanned tank/SPG or reconnaissance it’s a learning experience, currently a loss of a tank/SPG or reconnaissance losses that skilled operator forever.