Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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They also stated they were not going to invade Ukraine... Does anyone actually trust what the Russians say?
No. But you never really give a time and day when youre going to invade.

Pressing that button is only confirming they also all want to die. And they will. It's all war. But it's very different.
Russia stated they wouldn't use nuclear weapons unless they faced an existential threat, they aren't crazy enough to perform a nuclear first strike on NATO, the only outcome for them would be immediate annihilation. It is a scary time but people should control their anxiety around this.
Yeah multiple times now, the talk of nuclear strikes is purely to scare tactic. When you start seeing changes in Defcon numbers, Cobra meetings, mass movements of polititians/important persons, then you are well within rights to get twitchy:cry:
Although, it dosnt hurt to have an escape plan in place incase the terrible happens. Sadly, living and working on a military base I've dipped out if it really does go hot, no way I can drive far enough/fast enough to get away from any potential strikes on my location, unless they are particularly low yield. Unfortunately the roads round Dorset dont lend themselves to a fast exit:p
*Ukraine President Zelenskiy: Allies Are Delivering The Weapons That Ukraine Asked For
*Ukraine President Zelenskiy: Comments by Russian Commander Show Russia Wants to Invade Other Countries, Attack on Ukraine Was Only The Beginning

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IF and that's a big if, they drop a nuke on Ukraine then it's time to start sweating a little on the potential for nuclear war, until then it's just fun & games speculating

No one is stupid enough to use a nuclear weapon on their own door step, again control your anxiety. The fall out could hit their own country so that would make no sense. What do they even gain out of a nuclear strike? World wide condemnation and a country they can't even occupy, it's pointless.
we have nowhere to emerge from, we're all dust.

wether maintained or not, it's still a shelter for not being vaporised, it's another day etc etc etc of life. this is escalating every
day, there has been no day when this has'nt been escalating. Satan missle test yesterday hmmm maybe he's bluffing, yeah
nothing to worry about.

Most bunkers these days are useless, they will not protect against bunker busting nukes and conventional bombs and you can bet the west knows where all the bunkers are

bunkers can be built to modern standards but these bunkers you mentioned were built in ww2 or Cold War and they are not nearly deep enough for modern bombs such as the B83 and B61 bunker buster nuke

The US claims to have nukes that can penetrate down 250 meters of earth before exploding and dozens of meters of concrete - these bombs don't even need to be a direct hit, they generate huge earthquakes that will collapse the bunker
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They also stated they were not going to invade Ukraine... Does anyone actually trust what the Russians say?

The west should be constantly pushing the philosophy that the Russians can't be trusted in ANYTHING. Completely undermine their credibility in everything. Make it so clear that the Russians can't be trusted to tell us what time of day it is and undermine them as a potential place of investment. Nobody wants to do business with people who cannot be trusted.

Helps to know a little history to be able to put your mindset into "Russian" it's completely different to Western rationale, they are a little more carefree when it comes to all things nuclear

however russian for all it’s posturing needs china. China wont be best pleased if it’s irradiated by Putin’s irrational threats of nuclear war. That point will not be lost on china, the US or anyone else with a braincell.
*Maxar Says Imagery of the Mariupol Area Reveals the Existence of a Second Cemetery That Has Expanded Over the Past Month and Includes Several Long Trenches That Are/Will Likely Become New Grave Sites — Reuters
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nah don't think so, just youtube trying to scare us into being afraid of nukes. no fear! lets all vaporise! lets go! Ukraine! Ukraine! everyone must die!

i'm sorry, i'm afraid of being burned to death in 1/50th of a second. oh bright light.

I was just watching the video earlier. It shows the difference between fiction and reality. Russia is crap compared to the Russia in that video.

In a conventional war, without nukes, we'd smash them easily. I suspect we'd have invaded Russia by now in a conventional war.

It's that nuke ace card that as changed the dynamics of war.
All this talk of nukes is ridiculous. Russia won’t do it and if they do, we will nuke them back but 10 times harder. Game over for everyone. It is just posturing. It’s playing into Putins hands all this talk. We need to stick together and give it to the Russians. We cannot be threatened like this. The bully needs a bloody nose.

Russia and the Russian people by allowing this to happen have proven that in its current state Russia is a trash country. I feel sorry for the Russians that aren’t brainwashed/ choosing to ignore what is happening.
If Russia planned to nuke the west they wouldn't be threatening legal action against the west for forcing them to default. They wouldn't be continuing to sell the west their oil and gas relying on the income. They wouldn't be denying war crimes in a small Ukrainian town to then turn around a wipe out millions of people in a nuclear strike. None of these 'smaller' issues would even be discussed if they had any plans to launch a nuclear strike against Nato. It's all talk, there is zero chance of it happening. The fact they showed enough restraint to not even use a very small nuke to secure the steel factory should also show they have no plans to cross the nuclear line.

They use the nuclear rhetoric to hit headlines in the west. Cause just enough fear/anxiety to hold the west back from going in and stopping them. That's all it is and it's working
*UK's PM Johnson: Putin Winning In Ukraine Is 'Realistic Possibility'
*Ukraine’s PM Asked on UK Comments That Russia Could Win War, Says Russia Cannot Win This War — CNN
*Ukraine’s PM Says Victory Will Be in Very Short Period

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Tactical nuclear weapons play a large part in Russia battlefield doctrine. So if, after months of their troops slowly getting picked off, Russia gets impatient and lobs a nuclear artillery shell into the Mariupol steelworks there is nothing we could do about it. We could further sanction Russia and send their economy properly into the dark ages but we, and by we I mean NATO, will most definitely not be dropping nuclear warheads onto Russia.
*Russia's Military Says Control Of Ukraine's South Will Give Russia Another Gateway To Breakaway Transnistria Region Of Moldova
*Moldovan Foreign Ministry: It Summoned Russian Ambassador to Express Deep Concern Over Comments by Senior Russian Military Commander
*Moldovan Foreign Ministry: Russian Military Commander's Statements Are Unfounded, Says Russia Must Respect Moldova's Neutral Status
What does a human 4.5km away even look like in tank optics
Very much doubt it would be discernable, the launch plume however would be quite concerning if it was looking in that direction with thermals:cry:
I want to know how what elevation the turret reached, i'm not even interested in the engagement distance its all about he pop. Its got to be a new sport, someone needs to keep track!
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