All this talk of nukes is ridiculous. Russia won’t do it and if they do, we will nuke them back but 10 times harder. Game over for everyone. It is just posturing. It’s playing into Putins hands all this talk. We need to stick together and give it to the Russians. We cannot be threatened like this. The bully needs a bloody nose.
Russia and the Russian people by allowing this to happen have proven that in its current state Russia is a trash country. I feel sorry for the Russians that aren’t brainwashed/ choosing to ignore what is happening.
If Russia planned to nuke the west they wouldn't be threatening legal action against the west for forcing them to default. They wouldn't be continuing to sell the west their oil and gas relying on the income. They wouldn't be denying war crimes in a small Ukrainian town to then turn around a wipe out millions of people in a nuclear strike. None of these 'smaller' issues would even be discussed if they had any plans to launch a nuclear strike against Nato. It's all talk, there is zero chance of it happening. The fact they showed enough restraint to not even use a very small nuke to secure the steel factory should also show they have no plans to cross the nuclear line.
They use the nuclear rhetoric to hit headlines in the west. Cause just enough fear/anxiety to hold the west back from going in and stopping them. That's all it is and it's working
I don't think this is a fully accurate appraisal - Putin/Russia hasn't gone that crazy, likely don't intend to use nukes, many levels of their government and military act more like a mafia or cartel - intimidation is what they know and nuclear posturing is one aspect of that. Putin some ways isn't unlike Tony Montana (Scarface) however, and of the mindset of if I can't have it neither can you - if the situation came to it don't think he wouldn't use nukes. Related to that he'll likely have his "say hello to my little friend(s)" moment before he'll ever see the inside of a jail cell.
No but you have to assume we're dealing with someone who is at least sane... misinformation is one thing but outright lunacy quite another and starting WW3 is to put it simply, insane
I don't think Putin has gone bat **** crazy, but his rationale is certainly not the same as a normally sane person. People seem to repeatedly misjudge him (all the stuff about an off-ramp for instance despite he has demonstrated in an absolute sense he has no interest in taking one) - the implications of megalomania in this case seems poorly appreciated.