Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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The West fluffed it's chance to rehabilitate Russia. We let the proud USSR turn into an utterly collapsed Russia. Whilst Putin's crimes are Putin's crimes we have squandered lots of opportunities to bring them within the fold. I don't think historians will be very kind to the Western leaders of the 90's through 10's.

The West attempted to bring Russia in but its a criminal state, the black market that was there through Soviet times exploded when the USSR collapsed, it turned into a country run by criminals. Western companies got their fingers burned time and time again, Putin bought some order but only by being the biggest criminal of them all. It isn't anything like a Western country, fraud and criminality are embedded in the State. Putin also has/had no interest in joining the West, he wanted/wants to rebuild the Russian Empire.

The West/Europe was successful in bringing former Soviet counties into the EU, it was costly and took time to change the old soviet mindset but we did it. Russia's problems are on Russia, they had their chance and blew it.
@Chris Wilson . I don’t think there are two sides to the story mate any more than there’s two sides to the Jimmy Saville Story. Yes I’m sure Russia has issues with its neighbours but murdering and torturing and raping them isn’t the way the world works anymore. I have no interest in hearing why Russia thinks this is acceptable

Every time I do hear a Russian trying to justify their actions they genuinely sound ‘mad’.
You're wasting your time, anyone with half a brain can see there is no excuse for this genecide.

There are a few Russians on here who will praise Putin no matter what he does.
Remember, the real war will be against China. Russians are too weak now to fight the west.
China have influenced Russia, manipulated them.
No they havent, China is against this war, Xi has been pretty silent on this, this to me says he is staying out of it. No way will he critise openly but his silence says a lot.

You have to remember Ukrain and China are pretty big trading partners, this war hits China too.
To me it seems most Americans think they have Catholic Irish ancestors, bizzare.

Pretty sure the vast majority of emigration from Ireland to the US came from protestants.
There are 40 million Irish Americans, give or take. The split is 50/50.

The big surprise to me is there are still more Germans there who are the biggest immigrants.
Was watching the news earlier, there was a bit about the American recently killed in Ukrain.

He left behind a yound wife and baby.

Madness I thought why would a youn man want to risk all that when he had a young familly?

Then the truth comes out, he wasnt on any sort of injustice being righted crussade.

Turns out he was a paid Mercinary, recruited to fight for money, just like the hated Wagner group who are employed by the Russians.

Still a tragety for the young mans family but it now tells me why there are so many foreign Ukranian "volunteers"

Money makes people do stupid things.
Even if Putin does use the 9th to declare war and mobilise, it's going to take months to put recruits through whatever basic training Russia has and there's the greater issue of morale which by all reports is absolutely terrible, so I wonder how things will go down in terms of getting the population in the right mood for war, I think that is probably more scary because it's not like Russia doesn't have history of killing their own citizens in order for propaganda and war promotion

Russia won't train them for months, they will give a huge part of them guns and sends them to the front asap.
— Bloomberg (CET Time) Past 3hrs~


'The map below is the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 30 April 2022'

~Expect slower flower of news cause of the weekend
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Russia won't train them for months, they will give a huge part of them guns and sends them to the front asap.
Tragically true. Russia will just send its entire population of young men (certainly all those Russia considers ethnically unwanted) to be Ukranian target practice.
Even if Putin does use the 9th to declare war and mobilise, it's going to take months to put recruits through whatever basic training Russia has and there's the greater issue of morale which by all reports is absolutely terrible, so I wonder how things will go down in terms of getting the population in the right mood for war, I think that is probably more scary because it's not like Russia doesn't have history of killing their own citizens in order for propaganda and war promotion

Russia 2022 conscription was March 30th this year. In the UK phase 1 is 14 weeks at ATC Pirbright (2 x 7 week terms) then 12 weeks at ITC Caterrick for Phase 2. At that point the Infantry Solider is considered ready for front line service. If you have the timr djrxp has a you tube channel which covers the entire process with a selection course of new recruits.
The West fluffed it's chance to rehabilitate Russia. We let the proud USSR turn into an utterly collapsed Russia. Whilst Putin's crimes are Putin's crimes we have squandered lots of opportunities to bring them within the fold. I don't think historians will be very kind to the Western leaders of the 90's through 10's.

Ofcourse. It's all someone else's fault....

Russia have had ample opportunity to embrace friendship with Europe and the US.
Part of me thinks that the US is secretly loving this situation.

Almost every single western defence firm is going to be trying to get their products to Ukraine because there's no test like the real thing.
The West fluffed it's chance to rehabilitate Russia. We let the proud USSR turn into an utterly collapsed Russia. Whilst Putin's crimes are Putin's crimes we have squandered lots of opportunities to bring them within the fold. I don't think historians will be very kind to the Western leaders of the 90's through 10's.

This is just not true. A friend of mine went to Russia to help their oil business, setting up factories etc in Tyumen. The corruption over there is amazing. As was the pollution: he told of flying over lakes of oil. The West tried to help but the Russians threw it away.
[Apr 30 2022, 12:49:19 BST]: French President Macron in Saturday Phone Call With Ukraine President Zelensky Promised to Strengthen Military and Humanitarian Support to Ukraine- Elysee
I'm sure this as been posted before, but just noticed the story yesterday that Russia aircraft are regularly flying in to NATO airspace and are being intercepted. Russia is playing a dangerous game, especially considering that one of their planes that flew near Sweden was suspected of being nuclear armed. It's like both sides are trying to goad each other in to striking first.

I think this rhetoric of Putins is a mistake. He might be doing it for propaganda purposes. But he's creating an atmosphere that will be pushing him to carry out his threats in some form or look weak to his own people.
Personally I have never considered the cold war as over. Got a little warmer in that the citizens of each were able to travel and communicate. As far as government levels go. Russia as the state taking on the reigns of the USSR has always been a pariah. Apart from a period in the late eighties and early nineties of the last century, the world superpower, the USA, and Russia have set themselves up in contention. It could only ever end in this way.
Filthy commies is a Korean and Vietnam war theme, Russians are not commies any more. The leadership is fascist oligarchical and the command economy is returning. Everything dictated from the centre. War is brutal but it appears that Russian corps are more brutal than most which helps drive the narrative and garner support against them.
Yes absolutely, it never ended. The arms race has only ebbed and flowed and changed in character along the way is all.
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