Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It's interesting that CNN do not censor the video and show the full footage in their feed, whilst BBC version is heavily edited to not show the brutality of war - I honestly believe people should be shown the reality whether they like it or not in able to grasp the full of scope what exactly is happening in this war, can you imagine if we never got to see Holocaust images because they were too "graphic" it would completely dampen just how horrific it actually was and how we should learn from not repeating again
That is an interesting point. I guess it's to protect children. Being a father I'm really am not sure what the "right" thing is to do here. I want my 9yr son to know what is going on in the world, but to what extent. Saying that in his class is an Afghan lad. He was explaining to me that this lad was telling him that he had to say goodbye forever to his grandparents when leaving the country, so I figure children know more these days about life compared to say when I was 9.

However, by the same token, there is no way in the world I would want my 6yr old daughter to watch murder and bloodshed on the news (at that level at least as there is no escaping the coverage of the invasion unless you live in a cave).
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That is an interesting point. I guess it's to protect children. Being a father I'm really am not sure what the "right" thing is to do here. I want my 9yr son to know what is going on in the world, but to what extent. Saying that in his class is an Afghan lad. He was explaining to me that this lad was telling him that he had to say goodbye forever to his grandparents when leaving the country, so I figure children know more these days about life compared to say when I was 9.

However, by the same token, there is no way in the world I would want my 6yr old daughter to watch murder and bloodshed on the news (at that level at least as there is no escaping the coverage of the invasion unless you live in a cave).

Indeed - I watched a video earlier from a Ukrainian medical unit moving back behind their lines after one of the pushes near Kharkiv - that was like something out of WW1 - everything was smashed buildings, trees, bridges, everywhere was piled up dead or dying soldiers - many of the Russians their families would be lucky to get back anything recognisable, many of the Ukrainians had or were bleeding out :( horrific and no way I'd show a child. It is still surreal this is happening in Europe today.
Its barely acceptable in other parts of the world IMHO

I know what you mean but not acceptable anywhere in the world but it isn't so shocking that it goes on in some parts - I don't think anywhere in the world currently has a conflict at this scale - even Syria and Yemen.
It's interesting that CNN do not censor the video and show the full footage in their feed, whilst BBC version is heavily edited to not show the brutality of war - I honestly believe people should be shown the reality whether they like it or not in able to grasp the full of scope what exactly is happening in this war, can you imagine if we never got to see Holocaust images because they were too "graphic" it would completely dampen just how horrific it actually was and how we should learn from not repeating again

Do you think the Islamic state beheading videos should be shown on TV?

Personally, I think a lot of people seek out and watch these videos because they like watching them.
Do you think the Islamic state beheading videos should be shown on TV?

Personally, I think a lot of people seek out and watch these videos because they like watching them.
There's a difference, ISIS beheadings and their other torturous footage is recorded by ISIS with the intention of sending a message and glorifying their violence

And obviously some things are too graphic, but I think if you're going to show footage of an incident, you should show it all, raw & uncut, just put a "viewer beware" warning on it if it's a little graphic
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There's a difference, ISIS beheadings and their other torturous footage is recorded by ISIS with the intention of sending a message and glorifying their violence

And obviously some things are too graphic, but I think if you're going to show footage of an incident, you should show it all, raw & uncut, just put a "viewer beware" warning on it if it's a little graphic

What is gained by seeing someone shot dead, rather than a video that shows everything leading to it?

People are quite clearly trawling twitter and so on for atrocity videos- and they can continue to do that.
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What is gained by seeing someone shot dead, rather than a video that shows everything leading to it?

People are quite clearly trawling twitter and so on for atrocity videos- and they can continue to do that.

Morbid curiosity has always been a thing. It was only a few hundred years ago people would laugh and cheer at people being tortured and brutally murdered in public.
What is gained by seeing someone shot dead, rather than a video that shows everything leading to it?

People are quite clearly trawling twitter and so on for atrocity videos- and they can continue to do that.
Is it any different to the countless millions who will slow down on the road to get a gander at a car accident ? Everybody has a level of morbid curiosity, it's a survival instinct to some degree so you don't end up like them

Not sure what the problem is, if there's a warning about the footage and you don't want to watch it, then..... don't watch it ?
Russia should just pull out and say they won. Reality is meaningless to them anyway, so Putin might as well just say they won and be done with it.
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This video from before the war came across my YouTube feed:

Interesting to compare their predictions to what has actually panned out.
Is it any different to the countless millions who will slow down on the road to get a gander at a car accident ? Everybody has a level of morbid curiosity, it's a survival instinct to some degree so you don't end up like them

Not sure what the problem is, if there's a warning about the footage and you don't want to watch it, then..... don't watch it ?

Yes, it's different. The news organisations take an editorial decision on publishing in this case.

I don't have to watch it under the BBC's current policy, but am still informed.

You can search out the more graphic footage you want.
Russia definitely seems to have had their jimmies rustled by Finland wanting to join NATO, calling it a threat to Northern European stability and threatening retaliation. However unless I'm missing something, it's only a threat to Russia if they choose to attack Finland, so the only threat I can see to European security here is Russia's plans for expansion.
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