Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Seems like the war is being felt a fair bit in Belgorod Oblast over the last few hours.

He's not wrong that footage is something

It is the reality of large chunks of war compared to movies/games - sitting around in a hole while artillery duels around you.
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Yikes, glad they’re ok. Shame they don’t have any overhead cover. As much as it’s a complete ball ache, stuff like that perhaps could make you very grateful for 18 inches of compact soil above your head!

Though seeing some of the Russian footage of a captured Ukrainian position somewhere in Donbas some of their positions have been incredibly well prepared - concrete, kevlar, big steel doors etc.. there’s dug in and then there’s 8 years of prepping serious defences, no wonder the Russians were struggling for weeks to advance anywhere in that region!
Whatever that was that landed near to the left of them at 2:20 was well within lethal range for the shrapnel - the mound of dirt was only just high enough to shield them from the worst of it.
So there's a compilation of videos from a Russian soldier's phone on youtube which is likely selective in the clips they've used, but I think it does a fairly decent job of trying to maintain the guy's humanity from several months before the war to the point that he was effectively surrounded and captured.

I won't link it since there's casualties and one disturbing scene involved, but it's called 'The Occupant' and should be a few results down with a mostly Russian title.
*UniCredit and Citigroup Are Exploring Asset Swaps With Russian Financial Institutions — FT


*Early Sunday Strike Hits Ukraine’s Military Infrastructure in Lviv Region, No Information on Casualties — Region’s Governor

*UK MoD Update - 'Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 15 May 2022'
*UK Military Intelligence: Russia’s Donbas Offensive Has Lost Momentum and Fallen Significantly Behind Schedule
*UK Military Intelligence: Russia Has Now Likely Suffered Losses of One Third of the Ground Combat Force It Committed in February
*UK Military Intelligence: Under the Current Conditions, Russia Is Unlikely to Dramatically Accelerate Its Rate of Advance Over the Next 30 Days
*UK Military Intelligence: Russia Has Failed to Achieve Substantial Territorial Gains Over Past Month While Sustaining High Levels of Attrition
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*NATO’s Deputy Secretary General: On Turkey’s Concerns, if Finland and Sweden Decide to Seek Membership, I Am Confident That We Will Be Able to Welcome Them
*Berlin- Canada’s Foreign Minister: I Hope Ratification Process of Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO Membership Can Be Done Within Weeks
Is UK Military Intelligence the MI in MI6 or one of it associated branches?
No the updates from the MOD are coming from Defence Intelligence (the MODs own intelligence organisation).

MI in MI6 etc.. does stand for “military intelligence” but those are wartime names from WW2 that have stuck.
That guy has ice in veins, I was anxious just watching that. Notice at around 2:55 he throws the grenade and within a couple of seconds of it landing and exploding you hear someone yell and then everything falls silent. Just goes to show the levels professionalism of the Ukrainian army.
The voices at that point were from the second guy in hole on his radio.
No the updates from the MOD are coming from Defence Intelligence (the MODs own intelligence organisation).

MI in MI6 etc.. does stand for “military intelligence” but those are wartime names from WW2 that have stuck.

For years I've thought the M.I. stood for Ministry of Intelligence - A quick google tells me I've had it wrong all this time! Military Intelligence, Section 5 and 6.
Update from a Prof at St Andrew’s, puts Russian attrition into perspective re that successfully Ukrainian attack on the attempted river crossing, they’ve been suffering losses like that for some time. Disproportionate logistics losses too (as we’ve already seen), thinks that even if Russia managed a breakout they might not be able to sustain it. Ukraine can just keep on with this, even with some covert attempts at mobilisation the Russian forces could face collapse this summer:

(Only included first two tweets but it’s worth a read)
US Secretary of State Anthony J Blinken says it again 'Putin is depraved'.

This is not to be forgotten Ukrainians civilians are being brutalised by Russian troops and armaments. Ukraine was no threat to Russia. Tha man is below human but to call him an animal insults animals.
The MI5 & MI6 thing can all get a bit confusing due their WW1 era naming convention as, despite being changed from MI5 to the Security Service in 1931 and MI6 to the Secret Intelligence Service in the early 1920's, the population at large generally still uses the MI(number) names.

Additional confusion comes from the issue of the general public still calling these two Civilian run and managed departments "Military Intelligence (number)" when they are not run or operated by the Military, whilst the intelligence service which is actual run by the Military (MOD) is called simply "Defence Intelligence" and is hardly known to the public.

Personally I think its a fantastic way to keep confusing folks about who does what within the Intelligence circuit, with the more confusion caused the better for people who need to keep things secret.
There seems to be a lot of rumours regarding Ukraine getting Israel Blue Spear anti ship missiles from Estonia although this article seems to debunk it.

According to details released by Proteus Advanced Systems joint-venture, the Blue Spear is equipped with a ‘jet propelled engine’ and a 150 kg high explosive insensitive munition warhead, allowing the missile to achieve high-subsonic speeds and delivering ‘high impact’ over the horizon, with a range of 290 km, both in Fire and Forget/Fire and Update modes of operation.

Capable to operate under all weather conditions, during both day and night, the Blue Spear is equipped with a state-of-the-art radar seeker and advanced weapon control system to provide precise target detection and engagement in contested and congested operational environment.

Yeah it would seem to go against the general policy NATO seems to have adopted re: more powerful, long range weapons. Like the UK will supply Brimstone missiles but probs won’t supply harpoon etc..
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