Deleted User 298457
Deleted User 298457
Not clear if all of the Azov guys are being evacuated/surrendering:
Ukrainian force begins evacuating from last Mariupol stronghold
Troops holed up in the last Ukrainian stronghold in the besieged port of Mariupol began evacuating on Monday, appearing to cede control of the once prosperous city to Russia after months of bombardment.
Ukraine's Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Malyar earlier told Ukrainian television: "Any information can harm the processes that are taking place ... Inasmuch as the process is under way, we can't say what's happening right now."
"An agreement has been reached on the removal of the wounded," Russia's defence ministry said in a statement.
"A humanitarian corridor has been opened through which wounded Ukrainian servicemen are being taken to a medical facility in Novoazovsk."
""In order to save lives, the entire Mariupol garrison is implementing the approved decision of the Supreme Military Command and hopes for the support of the Ukrainian people," the Azov Regiment said in a social media post."
Incredible really.