Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Shock as real refugee people do real normal everyday things rather than sit in a corner constantly thanking them.

My town is flooded with Ukrainian's.
If I go to Lidl all i hear is "Russian" , bad English and lots of Google translate apps out.

Everyone seems outwardly civil and most are small families or mums with kids.
The courts are full of "pumped up fluff" specious cases as a long and current thread in here will testify ;)

Call it pumped up fluff if you will, but local authorities are seeing emergency homeless cases increasing due to this situation. That's what I call costly pumped up fluff.

People are sharing their own family homes and have every right to lay down firm ground rules. Bringing some bloke you've met on social media back for some sexual therapy is probably not what many would have foreseen or wanted.

Exactly so your agreeing that the issue is with the person who offered the home not forseeing or wanting reasonable things.
If you wanted to lay down firm ground rules you should have done it in advance.
I suspect many of these people with issues come from sheltered DE reading demographics who think the world still resembles the 1960s UK ;)

The scheme was never created as a life coach or governance one. Again I suspect butt hurt that they cannot force their views on others on whats acceptable.
Maybe they should have thought about it properly, and not try to impose their rules on someone, although I still think its more likely the problem lies with the person opening up their house than those being invited in.

I have found that having anyone living in my house creates change. I mean just short term visitors.
— Bloomberg (CET Time)

Past 2hrs:
*Israel: We Have Delivered 2,000 Helmets and 500 Protective Vests for Emergency and Civilian Organisations in Ukraine

*Russian Finance Minister Siluanov: We Are Not Going to Call Ourselves in Default, We Have Money to Pay
*Russian Finance Minister Siluanov: Russia Is Going to Service Its External Debt in Roubles if U.S. Blocks Other Options
*Russian Finance Minister Siluanov: We Are Expecting to Cut Rates As Inflation Slows

*Russian Defence Ministry: 694 Ukrainian Fighters From Azovstal Surrendered Over Last 24 Hours — RIA (Russia said earlier on Wednesday that a total of 959 Ukrainian fighters, including 80 wounded had surrendered)
*Pro-Russian Separatist Leader in East Ukraine: Court Will Decide Fate of Ukrainian Fighters Surrendered at Azovstal Plant — Local Media Outlet
*Pro-Russian Separatist Leader in East Ukraine: Top Commanders at Ukraine’s Azovstal Are Still Inside Plant and Have yet to Surrender — Local Media Outlet
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Shock as real refugee people do real normal everyday things rather than sit in a corner constantly thanking them.

My town is flooded with Ukrainian's.
If I go to Lidl all i hear is "Russian" , bad English and lots of Google translate apps out.

Everyone seems outwardly civil and most are small families or mums with kids.
you gotta remember that he's always had a problem with foreigners, extremely active in brexit threads etc from what I remember and constant dislike/hate towards foreigners. Would be interesting how he'd behave if tables turned. ;)
Past 30mins:
*Kremlin: There Is No Movement in Peace Talks With Ukraine, Kyiv Shows Total Lack of Will to Continue Them
*Kremlin, on U.S. Proposal to Levy Tariffs on Russian Oil, Says Buyers Will Have to Pay More or Seek Alternative Suppliers

*Russia’s Mechel: Mechel Reports Receiving Permission to Continue Circulation of Its ADRs Outside Russia
*Uniper CEO: We Receive Invoice for Russian Gas in Euros, Payment Will Take Place by Transferring Euros to Account at Gazprombank
*Uniper CEO: Worst-Case Scenario Would Be Complete Halt of Russian Gas Supplies

*Turkey’s Erdogan: Expects NATO Allies to Understand Turkey’s Sensitivities Regarding Security
*Turkey’s Erdogan: Sweden Should Not Expect Turkey to Approve NATO Bid Without Returning Terorrists
*Turkey’s Erdogan: Sweden, Finnish Delegations Should Not Bother Coming To Turkey
*Turkey’s Erdogan: Calls On NATO Allies to Support Turkish Efforts to Build Safe Zone on Syria Border
those hosts that aren't very well heeled may find they've overburdened themselves unless their guests themselves are financially able and willing to cover all the bills.
The whole point of the scheme was one of a generous host welcoming a war torn stranger into their home. They get the £350pm to cover the cost of energy, the guest gets an allowance from the UK to cover their food so the £350 doesnt cover that, this was also for spare rooms so space to accomodate them.

£350 is plenty and will in most cases cover the homeownere enegery too. This was never intended as a money maker for the home owner, which some beileve it is.

Problems are arising because the home owners are asking for more money for whatever reason which was never part of the deal.

Guest who take the **** aside of course as not all will be the homeowners fault.
"Ten more European gas buyers have opened accounts in Gazprombank JSC, doubling the total number of clients preparing to pay in rubles for Russian gas as President Vladimir Putin demanded."

What's the point of the eu passing a law if most just work around it.
Glad we left.
"Ten more European gas buyers have opened accounts in Gazprombank JSC, doubling the total number of clients preparing to pay in rubles for Russian gas as President Vladimir Putin demanded."

What's the point of the eu passing a law if most just work around it.
Glad we left.
As some would have it, they are all sovereign nations free to subsidise Russian atrocities and murder as they see fit.
Well it ain't worked well for Putin in the UK. We have done more to ruin his day than most. Ukraine is still our friend too.
If there was a scandal to be made, I am sure Lavrov would be all over it.

Do you really think Russia hasn't achieved any influence in the UK? Aside from the odd dodgy peerage and the small matter of Putin supporting Brexit, there is the industrial scale money laundering and property acquisition of the Russian oligarchs that should have been tackled years ago.
Sadly it seems my earlier posted concerns in here that the rushed and I'll thought out legislation for accommodating Ukrainian refugees had some merit, as British hosts are having high rates of contratemps with many of their charges. To the extent, it is being alleged, that furtherance of the scheme could become unworkable.

The six month minimum period of hospitality has been broken umpteen times as claims of serious personality clashes, unforeseen rising food prices, excessive use of household energy supplies, bringing back newly found male friends and even insistence on bringing meat into vegans homes are just some of these disputes cited recently.

As I said, "A Ukrainian is for at least six months, not just for Easter". I suspect this situation will deteriorate further, which is a shame but people have rushed into offering accomodation, either through ill thought out generosity they find they can now not afford, or a failing means of making a quick buck for the dubiously entrepreneurial.

Sharing your home with strangers from a different culture is fraught with potential problems at the best of times, in a recession those hosts that aren't very well heeled may find they've overburdened themselves unless their guests themselves are financially able and willing to cover all the bills.

One has to wonder when the first court cases will start, egged on by the less savory elements of our legal profession seeing an easy way to milk this developing situation.

My wife and I seriously considered hosting, but decided against.

Our thoughts were:
Money was irrelevant and we could make space
Lack of knowledge of the person meant a shot in the dark
Worries the person could be very distressed, and we would not be able to help them
Worry that we'd have to help them negotiate torturous bureacracy
Worry that, at the end of that six months, we'd feel obligations
Impact on our children

I do get why the scheme is the way it is, but "no good deed goes unpunished", as they say.
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They literally just proved they can't be trusted, yet another time by saying they wouldn't prisoner swap the ukr soldiers by declaring the ukr azov battalion a terror organisation. They did this RIGHT AFTER the surrender was complete.
Saw a Ukrainian wishes that they would be exchanged. Nowt that said the exchange was part of a surrender agreement?
Russia would be mad to exchange PR heroes. They’d be the last ones to be exchanged back.
Past 1hr:
*Russian Foreign Ministry: Expels 34 French Diplomats in Tit-For-Tat Move
*Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia Will Expel 24 Italian Diplomats — RIA
*Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia Expels 27 Spanish Diplomats

*France: We Condemn Russia’s Decision to Expel Diplomats and Staff From French Embassy in Moscow

*Google: Russian Subsidiary Files for Bankruptcy - Document
*Google: The Russian Authorities’ Seizure of Google Russia’s Bank Account Has Made It Untenable for Our Russia Office to Function

*Italian PM Draghi: Italy Supports Finland’s and Sweden’s Request to Join NATO
*Italian PM Draghi: Italy Wants to Speed Up Internal Procedures to Allow Finland’s, Sweden’s Joining NATO Effectively in the Shortest Time Possible
*Italian PM Draghi: Europe Must Adopt Additional Instruments to Contain Impact of Rising Energy Costs, Invest in Energy Transition, Reconstruction of Ukraine
*Italian PM Draghi: Europe Must Build a “True” European Defence System, Complementary to NATO
*Italian PM Draghi: Russia’s Expulsion of Italian Diplomats Is “Hostile Act”, Diplomatic Channels Must Not Be Interrupted

*German Cabinet Approves NATO Accession Request From Finland and Sweden
*German Govt Spokesperson: Germany Will Push for Quickest Possible Accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO
*German Govt Spokesperson: We Are Optimistic That All NATO Members Will Support Sweden and Finland’s Accession
*German Govt Spokesperson: Germany Would Take a Positive View of Any Austrian or Irish Application to Join NATO
*German Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: Hungarian Foreign Minister Did Not Express Reservations About Swedish, Finnish NATO Membership at NATO Summit
*German Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: Germany Working to Simplify Asylum Process for Refugees From Russia
*German Interior Ministry Spokesperson: There Has Been a Slight Increase in Russian Asylum Applications Since Start of War, 227 Received in April

*EU’s von Der Leyen: We Must Now Reduce As Rapidly As Possible Our Reliance on Russia in Energy
*EU’s von Der Leyen: EU Can Replace Russian Fossil Fuels Through Non-Russian Supplies, Clean Energy and Saving More Energy
*EU’s von Der Leyen: European Commission Proposes Higher Target to Get 45% of EU Energy From Renewables by 2030, Replacing Current 40% Proposal
*EU’s von Der Leyen: European Commission Proposes Obligation for Countries Install Solar Panels on Commercial and Public Buildings by 2025 and on New Homes by 2029
*EU’s von Der Leyen: EU to Mobilise Nearly 300 Billion to Quit Russian Energy, Around 72 Billion Euros in Grants and 225 Billion Euros in Loans
*EU’s von Der Leyen: Gas and LNG Infrastructure Investments Will Total 10 Billion Euros, Oil Will Get 2 Billion Euros, With All Other Support Going to Clean Energy
*EU’s von Der Leyen: EU Commission to Propose to Top Up the Significant Short-Term Relief Provided Until Now to Ukraine
*EU’s von Der Leyen: EU Commission Proposes a New Exceptional Macro-Financial Assistance for Ukraine of Up to EUR 9 Billion in 2022
*EU’s von Der Leyen: Proposes Reconstruction Fund for Ukraine Bringing Together EU Governments, Other Bilateral or International Donors and International Financial Institutions, Does Not Name Any Amounts

*European Commisison Unveils Plan to End Reliance on Russian Gas, Oil and Coal by 2027
*European Commission: EU Needs 210 Billion Euros in Extra Investments by 2027 to Exit Russian Gas, 300 Billion Euros by 2030
*Those Investments Include 113 Billion Euros for Renwables and Hydrogen Infrastructure, 29 Billion Euros for Power Grids, 56 Billion Euros for Energy Savings and Heat Pumps, 10 Billion Euros for LNG and Gas Investments, 1.5 to 2 Billion for Oil by 2030
*European Commission: Asks Countries to Revise Plans to Spend More Covid-19 Recovery Funds on Quitting Russian Gas
*European Commission to Sell Extra Carbon Permits From Market Stability Reserve in Next Few Years to Raise 20 Billion Euros for Russian Gas Exit
*European Commission: Proposes Higher Target to Get 45% of EU Energy From Renewables by 2030, Replacing Current 40% Proposal
*European Commission: Proposes Higher Target to Reduce EU Energy Consumption 13% by 2030 Against Expected Levels, Replacing Current 9% Proposal
*European Commission: Proposes Faster One-Year Simplified Permits for Renewable Energy Projects, Six-Months for Some Existing Projects
*European Commission: Proposes Strategy to Reach 600 Gigawatts of Solar Energy by 2030
*European Commission: EU Needs Limited New Gas Infrastructure to Quit Russian Fuels, Roughly 12 New Projects
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Seems like a good sign that Russia could be starting to prepare citizens for a bit of a climb-down at some point.

Who knows when that will be or how many more people will die before Russia does end up having to sign some kind of truce though.
The courts are full of "pumped up fluff" specious cases as a long and current thread in here will testify ;)

Call it pumped up fluff if you will, but local authorities are seeing emergency homeless cases increasing due to this situation. That's what I call costly pumped up fluff.

People are sharing their own family homes and have every right to lay down firm ground rules. Bringing some bloke you've met on social media back for some sexual therapy is probably not what many would have foreseen or wanted.
Tbh if I'd just evacuated a war zone, the first thing I'd want to do is smash.
Seems like a good sign that Russia could be starting to prepare citizens for a bit of a climb-down at some point.

Who knows when that will be or how many more people will die before Russia does end up having to sign some kind of truce though.

On the other hand russian propaganda is reaching new levels of insanity and appears to be normalising the assumption that nuclear war will happen at some point feeding a war frenzy that is convincing Russians they are under existential attack.

Where any of this is heading lord only knows.
Putin dont care no more that Finland and Sweden are joining Nato funny that is that because he cant bully them like Ukraine.

Probably looked at a map of the road to Helsinki and was like "no, no and **** no". (river crossings).

In this respect it is a bit annoying that most of my main sources for information on this kind of stuff are focusing on events inside Ukraine, mostly just amplifying what is coming up in the news rather than doing the kind of investigative stuff they'd been doing the last few years - it is hard to find good information on what Russian moves may or may not be in respect to the western flank with Finland, etc. so far though aside from some supplemental missile forces and air-defences it doesn't look like the situation has changed much on the Russian side of the border in terms of military movement.
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