Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Yes I know this but as I said, they're not designed to prevent somebody using explosives to destroy the core, which will yield the same result as Chernobyl in radioactive particles from the core being dispersed everywhere

But not the same scale as Chernobyl - Chernobyl wasn't just an explosion but a huge runaway meltdown/burn off which injected vast amounts of contaminated material into the atmosphere contaminating outlying parts, the explosion was responsible for much of the contamination around Chernobyl itself, while the 10 days it burn off was responsible for much of the contamination around the world. Though at smaller levels supposedly the second explosion sent some material 3-5km high and apparently responsible for contamination found 600+ miles away.
It's all well and good hailing how safe designs are, but none of the designs have safety features designed around somebody intentionally trying to blow up the reactor, they're all designed around accidents happening, accidents that generally don't involve explosives, the reactors are built to endure some abuse, but if somebody wants to blow one up, there's very little stopping them

... , if the reactors are intentionally blown up at Zaporizhzhia it'll be Chernobyl 2.0...
Nuclear plant design does take intentional sabotage into account to a certain extent - there are access control systems inside the plants controlling access to sensitive areas with background checks for all staff, things brought in and out are checked, men with guns guard the sites, there are big fences round the outside etc. Automatic safety systems and warnings along with the inherent design of modern plants would make it difficult for a sabatour that did manage to get access to a sensitive area to endanger the plant. Scaling it up further they are also designed to withstand jet aircraft being flown into them, and a lot of the most critical parts would be resistant to small explosions purely because they of how physically strong they are, with redundancy built in if one part is damaged etc.

In some ways you're right though, because with enough effort humans can destroy pretty much anything. If you planted enough explosives around the reactor you could recreate a Chernobyl type event - the big Chernobyl explosion was apparently guesstimated to be about 300 tons of TNT equivalent, so Russia could possibly carry in 10 truckloads of TNT and create a similar effect and I imagine that much TNT would make the containment building worthless (although the core of an RBMK reactor (chernobyl) is a lot more massive, and has more than twice as much fuel in it, so there would physically be a lot less material to spread around from a reactor at zaphorizhzhia, for example). The contamination would still be nowhere near as bad as chernobyl due to the mechanism though.

You can't really design anything to withstand that sort of malicious action though. Dams, motorway junctions, boats, tall buildings, gas supply systems, bridges, tunnels etc are all vulnerable to organised sabotage. All of them could cause significant civilian suffering if you blew them up.

4000 - 27000 seems to be the estimated death toll from chernobyl, including long term cancer deaths etc. Just to keep a sense of scale, far more than that have already died in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russia is quite capable of causing massive suffering without needing to use nuclear power plants.

If they want to cause death and misery in that way then they can, but it isn't really a problem with nuclear power, especially modern nuclear power plants. Its a problem with a terrorist state.
But not the same scale as Chernobyl - Chernobyl wasn't just an explosion but a huge runaway meltdown/burn off which injected vast amounts of contaminated material into the atmosphere contaminating outlying parts, the explosion was responsible for much of the contamination around Chernobyl itself, while the 10 days it burn off was responsible for much of the contamination around the world. Though at smaller levels supposedly the second explosion sent some material 3-5km high and apparently responsible for contamination found 600+ miles away.
There's plenty stuff around the plant that could easily catch fire and burn for days that is now radioactive as a result of blowing up the cores and if the Russians were willing to blow up the cores, I can't see them being bothered about putting out fires

All the safety features are designed around people being rational and not wanting a massive radioactive problem and to do a clean up as quickly as possible, none of that means anything if we're talking about destroying the plant intentionally
There's plenty stuff around the plant that could easily catch fire and burn for days that is now radioactive as a result of blowing up the cores and if the Russians were willing to blow up the cores, I can't see them being bothered about putting out fires

It isn't the same as the huge meltdown and fire at Chernobyl - people keep wanting to compare them but the potential of something on the scale and mechanics of Chernobyl isn't really there. You'd have to really engineer, on a large scale, the situation to produce something of that kind of nature.

Same with many of the end of the world scenarios talked of - most nuclear power stations unattended would trigger maintenance tolerances, gracefully shutdown and the eventual leak of radiation would be relatively localised to the immediate region around the plant.
Yes, the ***** invading other countries are accusing others of being nazis

When will the west wake up and ban all Russians from entering their country by blocking all visas
That’d be great for Russia. Help them arrest all those opponents who’ve fled abroad.
Much easier to stifle opposition when they’re under your roof.

Of course the properly rich and powerful will just travel on another passport.
Yes, the ***** invading other countries are accusing others of being nazis

When will the west wake up and ban all Russians from entering their country by blocking all visas

Sounds exactly like what President Trump was soundly condemned and berated for here, under the guise of "You can't ban a whole race or religion because of the actions of a few maniacs".... Has something been put in the liberal's water?
I'm guessing, but that probably doesn't sound like you meant it to?
No, I see what you mean.
I meant it's not so much regular forces now it's conscripts thrown in as cannon fodder.

One of the clips I was they were still teenagers, they looked abut 17, as a dad myself I would be horrified if my lad was thrown into a hot war zone with a weeks preparation, christ he can barely hold a fork let alone a gun.
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