Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Ukrainian president is meeting Turkey's dictator today, apparently to purchase Turkish drones, and the US have informed Turkey that a few USN warships will passing through the Bosphorus and into the Black Sea.

We've had the Turkish defence minister onboard queen Elizabeth , not sure the west know how to play Turkey with them being in such a key position and their massive armed forces.
Well I mean the concentration camps or locking away political activists who don't tow the party line....
Or just running people over in tanks.

Anti-protest bill goes some way to locking away those pesky political activists.

But whatever, isn't really the thread for it.
I can only go on 3rd parties with a reasonable track record but if even half the stuff being reported is correct it is harder and harder to explain this as defensive measures on the part of Russia - more and more airborne and naval assault units moving into the region, more heavy medium range artillery, etc. stuff that is primarily designed for offence and 2nd or 3rd best compared to what else Russia does have available for defensive use even with the mix of more general purpose hardware and units in there.

Backed up by building up their Black Sea fleet with additional assault hardware and forward positioning advanced anti-air, command and electronic warfare platforms which would be unusual for an exercise and/or not needed for defensive purposes.

Originally it had the hallmarks of a show of force for political reasons but seems way past that now - much of what you'd need in place to spearhead an assault is there - all that is missing now is stuff like the movement of officials and their families away from the front line, the heavy hitters for an actual invasion/incursion and the implementation of logistic corridors (which would be hard to hide or explain).

EDIT: Some of it is just odd though - like the T80 variant that have been seen moving that way - even if it is the recently upgraded variant I'd have thought they'd have been better off rotating out the more battle tested T72s from elsewhere unless the idea is to give them to the rebels to use (though if it is just a show of force the T80 makes as much sense as anything).

If anything bigger does kick off my bet would be around Russia's Victory Day.
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I guess by "Tougher stance" they mean believing your own intelligence agencies in favour of what Putin says?

When asked if he would directly condemn Russia and Mr Putin on election meddling, Mr Trump said his intelligence officials - including Director of Intelligence Dan Coats - have told him "they think it's Russia". Mr Putin, he continued, just told him it's not Russia.

"I don't see any reason why it would be," Mr Trump concluded, apparently leaning toward the Russian professions of innocence over the conclusions of his own government.
Agreed, who knows what Ruskie has in mind, it's often borderline lunacy :D I do think people believe Russia is this mighty force though and don't realise that in fact their threat really only comes in nuclear form and even they understand that means game over for everyone.

I did see something recently where apparently even the Japanese Navy (that mighty naval nation) would be enough to deter Russia engaging in naval warfare.

I like Russia though in general (not the politics), and the people, but it is lucky that ethnic Russians living outside of Russia have been in reasonable countries, Estonia, Latvia, etc.. Less scrupulous countries might consider ethnic cleansing as way of taking some short term pain to avoid longer term troubles later on.

Also lucky that some countries are more tolerant and after a couple of warnings don't shoot down any rouge Russian aircraft that violates their air space. They do need a slap in a face every now and again.

On the other hand I would like to see Russia move more towards the west. There was a good article on this about how Putin initially was more western leaning and weary of the growing power of China. Then became annoyed with the west and their various wars and forgien policy actions. Can't find it again now but like to have another read.
On paper Russia has a huge fleet, but in the real world the majority of it is just rusting away or just plain broken. Lets not forget that Russia's only aircraft carrier was put out of service by a crane, and just to add to the hilarity they also sank the only floating dry dock they had that is capable of taking the ship.
According to the Russian Defence Minister the deployed troops should be back to their home bases in about two weeks - that is confidence - they think Ukraine is that much of a push over? :D
According to the Russian Defence Minister the deployed troops should be back to their home bases in about two weeks - that is confidence - they think Ukraine is that much of a push over? :D
It depends in which domain the Russians believe they are going to beat them. Do we know their intent? Do we know what their perception of a win entails? I don't think we have that criteria. Perhaps the info ops, cyber ops and EW domains are their mechanisms here and then who knows what they have planned and whether anyone will actually know if they've "won" or not.
So air assets are now on route to the region for a ' planned ' exercise, so much for the little green men this time around.

Seems Putin really wants to test the US resolve and see what he can get away with or just really wants a war, no matter the cost.
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