I personally believe both are bad in that sense. My biggest problem is that West by its actions has normalized violence on international arena and propaganda but at the same time keeps reserved rights on those actions. So we have a situation where A could do whatever they want, if B tries to do same, emboldened by A - they get punished.
A and B are both ultimately bad because they only care about their own goals - at expense of 3rd party.
This perception that neither are good or bad comes from Western normalization of violence and advantage taking of 3rd world countries for its own benefit.
We are the 'pod boss' in American prison essentially. We push violence on other people when we see fit for our gains and everyone supports us. When someone else tries to exert violence for their own gain - we put them down. There are no good/bad guys in this scenario.
Its hard to claim that Russia is the good guy when given an opportunity, they'd use monopoly on force themselves. They are not offering anything better or new - simply to change the person/country that exerts monopolistic power for its own benefit at expense of others.