He spent 4 years with Russia, North Korea, Iran and China creating potential events which could have escalated, yet it's only after he leaves that NK starts firing Missiles again, Russia starts looking to expand, Iran (via the Houthi's) starts causing trouble again, China looks at Taiwan.
Rather than automatically spitting "Orange Man Bad" (as no-one cares anymore TBH), instead actually look at how relatively quiet all 4 of America's main threats were during Trump's term vs the 1st year of Biden's. As much as you hate the man, ignoring the positive effects he created with his own foreign policy "instability", with no-one knowing what he'd do, meant that enemies backed off, showing that his method had worked. All those enemies had to do was wait out his term and now it's back to traditional "US Foreign Policy" and now all those enemies are back being aggressive again because they know they'll get away with it now, irrespective of who the President was as long as it wasn't Trump.