Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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That's the other worrying thing, not only could Russia, in theory, completely take Ukraine by surprise by sending in troops from Belarus directly to Kiyv, a bit of "maskirovka" but there could actually be some insider support, possible coup etc..

Ukraine had to purge some of its special forces, various members defected to the Russian side, there is still the risk of insiders within the government or military defecting to Russia and or facilitating a possible coup as potential new puppet leaders.

Could turn out that Putin has built up all these forces but only intends to push into the disputed areas or perhaps a little bit further, maybe take some land directly adjacent to Crimea etc.. but the risk of a full-on invasion is certainly there and Russia has built up the forces they'd perhaps need to try and attempt it - the resulting potential for an insurgency could be a headache for them.
That's the other worrying thing, not only could Russia, in theory, completely take Ukraine by surprise by sending in troops from Belarus directly to Kiyv, a bit of "maskirovka" but there could actually be some insider support, possible coup etc..

Thanks to satellites there's no surprise attacks anymore apart from in countries who either lack the capability or friends to give them the intel

That is unless Vlad decides to use his satellite killer satellites instead of allowing them to collect space dust
If the worst were to happen, I think you might be a little surprised. The US has been pressuring the rest of NATO nations for some time now to step up as a greater fighting force against Russia without so much reliance on the US whilst they can focus on what they quite rightly deem to be a greater threat to themselves in China.

China is a bigger threat to american economic interests in the pacific for sure and thats why they've all but signalled to the russians to walk in and take what they want eastern europe is of little interest to them now the new cold war is all about China and its threat to the far east, its where the tech is

A big gamble in Russia’s side. Potential large loss of life, the economic impacts and then the risk of further conflicts. Some are saying that unlike the other Ukraine regions this is less Russia supporting so could become a Vietnam for Russia.

Russia is not a western liberal democracy life doesn't have the same value to those in charge you only need look at the covid deaths, this will be spun to the russian people as a great moral victory etc and any criticism will be stiffled if not outlawed. Russia has history of killing its own citizens en masse more died in Stalin's gulags than fighting the germans. It has a history of closing its borders to outsiders to whats going on inside them like Chechyna and what happened there and you can bet it wasn't up to geneva convention standards.
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Yeah because constant Chinese cyber attacks and espionage, coupled with threats to invade Taiwan and threating every one in the region with military action if they don't back down to the Chinese demands..

One wonders why the US and literally everyone in the region is paranoid about China.
My point was, US paranoia is ever present. It wasn't to omit the fact that China are a threat :rolleyes:
Thanks to satellites there's no surprise attacks anymore apart from in countries who either lack the capability or friends to give them the intel

That is unless Vlad decides to use his satellite killer satellites instead of allowing them to collect space dust

Well sort of, albeit invasion via Belarus would be a surprise.. they'd perhaps not have as much warning for that one - Russian troops on exercise in that country rapidly deploy to Kiyv.

It would still require more troops, invasion from the East etc.. but if they could rapidly get to the Capitol then that would be awks...
Russia is not a western liberal democracy life doesn't have the same value to those in charge you only need look at the covid deaths, this will be spun to the russian people as a great moral victory etc and any criticism will be stiffled if not outlawed. Russia has history of killing its own citizens en masse more died in Stalin's gulags than fighting the germans. It has a history of closing its borders to outsiders to whats going on inside them like Chechyna and what happened there and you can bet it wasn't up to geneva convention standards.

From what I've seen from videos from the likes of Bald and Bankrupt, Russians generally seem pretty tired of it all and largely aren't under any propaganda delusions - appetite for war is at possibly an all time low in Russia due to other ongoing domestic issues. I think it might actually be a step too far domestically for Putin if he did get embroiled in a large scale conflict.
From what I've seen from videos from the likes of Bald and Bankrupt, Russians generally seem pretty tired of it all and largely aren't under any propaganda delusions - appetite for war is at possibly an all time low in Russia due to other ongoing domestic issues. I think it might actually be a step too far domestically for Putin if he did get embroiled in a large scale conflict.

Problem is he will just imprison anyone who goes against him, so does it matter I guess?

What are they going to do though ? There's not a chance in hell they'll be used if Russia cross the line that has seemingly been drawn, none of the West's military leaders or politicians have the balls to engage in hostilities with Russia if they choose to invade, this is all bravado and a show of force in the hopes it will pacify Russia, the worrying thing is they're not prepared if Russia finally calls their bluff
From what I've seen from videos from the likes of Bald and Bankrupt, Russians generally seem pretty tired of it all and largely aren't under any propaganda delusions - appetite for war is at possibly an all time low in Russia due to other ongoing domestic issues. I think it might actually be a step too far domestically for Putin if he did get embroiled in a large scale conflict.
From what I've seen of Bald & Bankrupt people preferred the USSR

Russians etc anyway not sure about his ukraine vids
Problem is he will just imprison anyone who goes against him, so does it matter I guess?

At a smaller scale no - but the tide of public sentiment isn't against Putin as things stand but there is a definite tipping point there where the general tide would turn against him if he got the country embroiled in a major war or something like that.

What are they going to do though ? There's not a chance in hell they'll be used if Russia cross the line that has seemingly been drawn, none of the West's military leaders or politicians have the balls to engage in hostilities with Russia if they choose to invade, this is all bravado and a show of force in the hopes it will pacify Russia, the worrying thing is they're not prepared if Russia finally calls their bluff

A robust response is what is needed - but I share the concerns if Russia calls the bluff - the West is just not prepared.

A united and determined front is required right now but only the UK and some of the smaller countries in NATO seem to really understand it.
I'm actually less concerned about Russia invading Ukraine and more concerned about about having our ships and theirs in close proximity in the Black Sea, and their planes and ours in the skies around Ukraine. It only takes one pilot with an itchy trigger finger and we have a major conflict.
Every single person I know from a former Soviet country absolutely hated it and communism as a whole.
You have to think though. Majority of people who Bald etc speak to are not generally better off for the fall of the soviet union, I guess there will be an element of "rose tinted specs" to the situation however not everyone benefited from the situation.
Most people I have met and know from the old soviet states are now in a much much better position, but those are people that have had the social mobility to move over to the UK/western europe. Not the people who are stuck in their old village scraping by with no services, dwindling economy and little to no prospect of improving their situation.
So, in this thread, multiple Europeans (yes, even Brits, and yes, even after Brexit) are speaking of the US in relation to a European conflict, and they are not only failing to immediately and consistently condemn the idea of direct US military involvement, but actually seem disappointed that it's "off the table"? And this not only after the recent disaster in Afghanistan, but also after the, well, you know...disasters of actual US military involvement in Europe in the 90s?

Can only guess that Clinton's cheating "scandal", Blair's media wave around then, short memories etc, have obscured the fact that Clinton was involved in more military conflicts than either of the Bushes, and Clinton mishandled his lot relatively almost as badly as Georgie the Younger et Dumber.

Biden, Trump et al are even more incompetent than Bush/Clinton (all of them scum, BTW), and the US military is even more compromised than back what the **** does tell you? ******* armchair generals. You'd be more fool to think the US isn't doing plenty indirectly/covertly - but US sabre rattling, oh the epic US sabre rattling, everything's so ******* boring without that!!1
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