Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Conscripts were reportedly just left on the front line to be shot/blown to pieces today near Svatove. Perhaps ~500 killed. What a sorry state the Russian army is in.
If they were bunched up together without command, commisars at their back and no/minimal training then I can easily see artillery flattening that many 'troops'. Likely some nasty anti-personnel HIMARS nastiness going as well.
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Just seen pretty brutal video on telegram of Ukrainian drone bomb dropped on soldier in foxhole head blown to smitherines and body twitching. (I actually see loads of dead body ones and dont really bother me but that was awful)

Also amount of dead bodies I see on there makes you wonder how many have just been left to rot, all rather sad really probably loads of bodies never to be recovered to there families.
He had the option go to war, or go to jail.
Seems to be the Russian way. If something hasn't worked just keep doing it until it works or everyone is dead.

Unsupported armour seems to be the norm, even this far into the war.
I think that is too simplistic. I think the “Go to Jail” option actually just sends you to the front line anyway in a convict battalion.

Either way they end up at the front and in the same foxholes / waves of soldiers being blown up on camera.
Everyday normal people across the US are genuinely scared right now, so any party who says "we'll stop giving out billions to foreigners and spend it on you instead" is going to do well in any elections.

Of course I could be completely wrong and next week it could be the Democrats who have a "Blue Wave", sweeping the Republicans away, but I doubt thats what will happen, so Ukraine had best make sure it's not totally dependent on the US (and other nations) as the "cost of living" hits hard over Winter and they all start to look after their own citizens first, aka "what I said would happen way back in March-ish but was laughed at for saying".

You're acting like you're right before it's even been called lol.

Yeah as I said in my post you quoted, I'm only guessing, but it seems like the rest of the western world is guessing the same as me about the Cost of Living for its own people being a concern for the continuation of support for Ukraine, odd that............................

U.S. officials acknowledge that President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ban on talks with Putin has generated concern in parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America, where the war’s disruptive effects on the availability and cost of food and fuel are felt most sharply.

U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it's open to talks

The US is privately encouraging Ukraine’s leaders to signal an openness to negotiate with Russia and drop their public refusal to engage in peace talks

"Ukraine fatigue is a real thing for some of our partners,"

Several nations are worried about fuelling a war for many years which has already taken a toll on the world economy and had devastating consequences on the cost and availability of food and fuel.


Or alternatively you may have been referring to the Democrats losing...........................

Republicans poised for clean sweep in US midterms, polls suggest

How the impending red wave could become a tsunami

Don’t write off the chances of a ‘red wave’

Republicans appear to be back on track for a “red wave” US election victory next month

Democrats, on Defense in Blue States, Brace for a Red Wave in the House

Seems lots of people are guessing the same way I did, imagine that :D
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Baffling why a man from Norfolk is licking Murdoch's boots. Typical that it is right up Chris W's street :cry:
Yeah as I said in my post you quoted, I'm only guessing, but it seems like the rest of the western world is guessing the same as me about the Cost of Living for its own people being a concern for the continuation of support for Ukraine, odd that............................


Or alternatively you may have been referring to the Democrats losing...........................

Seems lots of people are guessing the same way I did, imagine that :D
I can’t see how the war will be sustained if US cuts funding. It would undermine NATO and make other countries less willing to participate if they do not feel the US is willing to support them. The US is the big kid in the room giving everyone else the confidence to stand up to the bully.
Putin will likely be glued to the TV watching the midterm election results come in. Its not looking good for the Democrats and that is not going to be a good thing for Ukraine. They could ram through a lot of spending and raise the debt ceiling in the lame duck session and that would help but that funding will only last so long. We could really do with a nice mild winter and a Democratic miracle.
Why? The Republicans are big on the military. The military gets new toys and it sends its old toys off to Ukraine.

Have you been following the election? Kevin McCathy has said no blank cheque for Ukraine. And lots of House candidates saying they'll oppose Ukraine spending. Hopefully the Senate GOP will make them see sense and funding will continue but many in the GOP see this as a way to hurt Biden.

Why? The Republicans are big on the military. The military gets new toys and it sends its old toys off to Ukraine.

They are big on the military, but not big on helping foreign countries. They see Ukraine as an unnecessary drain on the US military and the taxpayers' wallet. MAGA Republicans have been very open about their desire to terminate military support for Ukraine, and they're campaigning on this issue with great success.
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