Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Modestly. They're saying that there should be no blank cheque, not that they should cut off funding. That's very different from the alarmism in this thread.

Look I hope they come in and fully get behind a Ukraine win. My fear is they will be political and see a Ukraine win as a win for Biden and a Ukraine defeat as a loss for Biden. Lets hope they get behind Ukraine and then claim credit for that win and use that as a political win but the MAGA wing is very anti Ukraine so controlling them is going to be tough.
They are not allies, stop ready rubbish on line.

Given how stupid some of the trumpist maga lot are, they might as well be. They don't understand that a big part of America's greatness is its network of allies across the world. Throwing UA under the bus would be a short term "stick it to the Biden libs" gain for a long term loss. Who would trust America EVER again after that. Russia and China must be rubbing their hands in glee at the thought.
They are big on the military, but not big on helping foreign countries. They see Ukraine as an unnecessary drain on the US military and the taxpayers' wallet. MAGA Republicans have been very open about their desire to terminate military support for Ukraine, and they're campaigning on this issue with great success.

Actually it depends, they are happy to spend billions to rpesrve cheap middle eastern oil, or to spend 2 trillion fighting Islam, but Trump said Putin is a great guy so the MAGa lot don't want to upset that nice man, Mr Putin.
Actually it depends, they are happy to spend billions to rpesrve cheap middle eastern oil, or to spend 2 trillion fighting Islam, but Trump said Putin is a great guy so the MAGa lot don't want to upset that nice man, Mr Putin.

Don't be fooled, MAGA Republicans were very angry with Trump's refusal to end the war in Afghanistan, and they hated his attack on Syria. They're also nursing a huge grudge against the entire Bush family for the war in Iraq.

Russian soldiers are unsanitary barbarians, no surprise there.
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Trench foot leading to frostbite and amputations. Unless the Babushka are knitting socks for the hero's sent to war by Putin. All first world war diseases.

More on the above, 300 were lost (killed/wounded) in 4 days from a single brigade! (That is actually 300 from a translator, not someone confusing the Russian codes 200 and 300 meaning fatalities and wounded)

In other news, fun times for these commanders in Tatarstan (a republic that was almost independent pre-USSR collapse)... they're swearing at him and calling him a "faggot" LOL :D

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