Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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But it happened, and it needs to be resolved.

Obviously. You still haven't addressed the fact that it was an illegal, unprovoked aggression.

I'm simply suggesting that it is unfeasible and unrealistic to expect resolution by total Uktainian conquest and victory, and then Russia to accept this, other than leaving a situationlike Korea or Palestine.

I don't believe that.

Lots of things are illegal but happen anyway. I've addressed the point by stating that, perhaps, the best outcome is for Ukraine to accept the outline of the peace deal that was outlined earlier, and then be defended as part of NATO.

Why is surrounding territory to Russia the best outcome, when Ukraine has already expelled Russia from most of the stolen territory already?

I dont agree - EXACTLY the same, in a virtually identical time frame. The United States was colonised with the original 13 states, and indiginous natives owning the lands west of the Appalacian mountains, by treaty with the British government. After after an orchestrated uprising by tax-avoiding Bostonians, the new USA decided they had manifest destiny to take anything else they wanted, and proceeded to do so by measures up to and including ethnic cleansing, until they did.

LOL, how you can see this as exactly the same is utterly beyond me.

Wrong. A seperatist administration was VOTED in and elected to hold a referendum on independence, and integrating with Russia, which they did. Thisadministration was replaced by the Kiev government which led to protests in the streets and insurrection, followed by invasion by Russia.

When and where did this happen, exactly? In which regions, at what times? And yet again, the so-called referendums on independence were illegal and unconstitutional, so they had no legitimacy whatsoever. They were conducted at Russian gunpoint, and had no legal standing.

Now, the United nations my regect the validity of the referendums, and refuse to recognise them, thut that's not worth anything unless the United Nations do something other than protest, we are where we are.

This has nothing to do with the UN, and everything to do with Ukrainian law. As I've already explained many times now, there is no legal mechanism for any part of Ukraine to declare independence from the rest of the nation. The constitution does not allow it, whether by referendum or any other means.

I'd support NI independence, when the majority population there want it, hopefully soon. I'd also support Scotish Indepencence

But that's not what I asked, and you still haven't addressed the Yorkshire scenario, which is very telling.
Not long then, already claiming areas.
The UK has lost it’s identity, no longer traditional British.

We are becoming like France in a way.

I am a believer that when you are in another country you respect their way of life and should not impose change,
If you do not like it you can leave.

Unfortunately, the UK has bent backwards to accommodate others rather then it natives. Long term civil war again and loss of country.

This can be reflected how Russia has managed to annex so many countries.
Look at Ukrain, moving them out of the area into main Russia, then repopulate those areas with Russians.

The Russians clever use of annex and “not” integrating new populations.How they manage to stay in power by reducing the ethic population, reducing any possible uprising, almost like cattle control.

Similar to the what the Moors did to Spain for 800 years and to this day think Spain belongs to them, now and forever.

Going back to sleep.☹️

The UK has been a mongrel nation all the way though it’s history. If it was tradition then we’d be all picts.

Should people be able to speak english. Yes. France requires you to speak french.
The UK has been a mongrel nation all the way though it’s history. If it was tradition then we’d be all picts.

Should people be able to speak english. Yes. France requires you to speak french.

If you, want to lose everything that has been accomplished by those before us then what going on now is the way to go.

Would you have your home door open and allow any person to move in? would you accept the loss of control of your own home?
At what point do you start to say this is not good for me? by then it maybe to late to do anything.
it is an abuse of the system, just like in east Ukraine.
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I think Ukraine should go all the way and take Crimea back too.

Russia must be on the back foot now or we'd have seen them holding onto their illegally occupied ground more substantially.

They could be holding the good stuff back but it seems more likely with every passing day that the Russian military machine is dead or decaying at a rapid rate.

The best peace negotiation now for Ukraine is GTFO of Ukraine and we pinky promise not to start taking Russian territory in retaliation.

The Russians can't be trusted in any peace deal anyway.
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If you, want to lose everything that has been accomplished by those before us then what going on now is the way to go.

Would you have your home door open and allow any person to move in? would you accept the loss of control of your own home?
At what point do you start to say this is not good for me? by then it maybe to late to do anything.
it is an abuse of the system, just like in east Ukraine.

Think the ability for that to change has long gone. Absolutely no chance the UK can dictate what happens to its population.
I think Ukraine should go all the way and take Crimea back too.

Russia must be on the back foot now or we'd have seen them holding onto their illegally occupied ground more substantially.

They could be holding the good stuff back but it seems more likely with every passing day that the Russian military machine is dead or decaying at a rapid rate.

The best peace negotiation now for Ukraine is GTFO of Ukraine and we pinky promise not to start taking Russian territory in retaliation.

The Russians can't be trusted in any peace deal anyway.

It will happen and Russia needs to learn a very harsh lesson never to do this ever again.
Just need kicking out of Syria now.

It’s almost has a “if you side with NATO you can kick out russia” vibe. Essentially Putin has single handed rebuilt and handed NATO it’s border skirmishing countries. perhaps that’s the idea but russians don’t give a damn about putin’s ideals. The skirmishing countries don’t want it either.
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