Speaking as a Welsh man, I demand you hand back New South Wales.
Here's a fun fact: to this day, nobody knows what this name was intended to signify. Is it supposed to mean New South Wales, or New, South, Wales?

Speaking as a Welsh man, I demand you hand back New South Wales.
But it happened, and it needs to be resolved. I'm simply suggesting that it is unfeasible and unrealistic to expect resolution by total Uktainian conquest and victory, and then Russia to accept this, other than leaving a situationlike Korea or Palestine.It's still Ukrainian territory. Russia had no right to invade. You still haven't addressed that point.
Lots of things are illegal but happen anyway. I've addressed the point by stating that, perhaps, the best outcome is for Ukraine to accept the outline of the peace deal that was outlined earlier, and then be defended as part of NATO. You seem to be an all out victory kind of guy, and willing to fight for the last Ukranian. So... opinion is divided on the matter, and I've voiced mine, that's all.Irrelevant. The fact remains that the 'declaration of independence' was illegal and illegitimate, remains illegal and illegitimate, and will never be legal or legitimate. You still haven't addressed that point.
I dont agree - EXACTLY the same, in a virtually identical time frame. The United States was colonised with the original 13 states, and indiginous natives owning the lands west of the Appalacian mountains, by treaty with the British government. After after an orchestrated uprising by tax-avoiding Bostonians, the new USA decided they had manifest destiny to take anything else they wanted, and proceeded to do so by measures up to and including ethnic cleansing, until they did.That's a completely different situation, with no relevance to Ukraine.
Wrong. A seperatist administration was VOTED in and elected to hold a referendum on independence, and integrating with Russia, which they did. Thisadministration was replaced by the Kiev government which led to protests in the streets and insurrection, followed by invasion by Russia. Now, the United nations my regect the validity of the referendums, and refuse to recognise them, thut that's not worth anything unless the United Nations do something other than protest, we are where we are.No. Putin illegally invaded Crimea with an army (2014, remember?) That's how this all started. It didn't start with Crimea begging to become part of Russia. It started with Russia invading Crimea.
According to population census figures, run under Ukrainian rule and earlier, ethnic Russians have always outnumbered ethnic Ukrainians in Crimea... by about three to one. This will have got even more unbalanced since it has been settleded for eight years by Russia. Reports of resistance IN CRIMEA, in 2014, were by citizens protesting ad the replacement of the local administration.After his invasion, Putin moved a bunch of extra Russians in to create a false appearance of local support, then years later he got some government puppets to hold a fake referendum, which was conducted at the gunpoint of Russian soldiers. Ukrainians protested and resisted every step of the way.
Lets not talk about this, it's off-topic. But I did do a stint with the ONS which was shocking to me in the proportion in the number of people who, even though born and brought up in this country, consider themselves nationals of another.Imagine that Pakistan invades Yorkshire, cuts it off from the rest of the nation, moves in a bunch of extra Pakistanis, sets up a local puppet government, holds an illegal referendum at gunpoint, declares Yorkshire an independent Pakistani state, then uses it as a base to invade Durham, Cheshire, Derbyshire, and Westmorland, and tells the British government that any outstanding legal technicalities can be settled at the end of the war.
You are basically telling me you believe this scenario would be perfectly reasonable.
I'd support NI independence, when the majority population there want it, hopefully soon. I'd also support Scotish Indepencence because I dont think the nats would be content with anything less, and the current situation where they demand veto power over the whole of the UK, despite having a lower population than say, Yorkshire, is untenable and unfair. And, if they go, I hope they are responsible for NI, since it was settled by 2/3 scottish colonists, under a Scottish King, when Scotland was independent. The English plantations and colonies in Ireland went a century ago. Ever wonder why the NI unionist dialect is 'Ulster Scots'? But again, off topic.And according to your view on Ukraine, you would fully support that, just as you would support Cornwall unilaterally declaring independence tomorrow, Scotland declaring independence next Monday, Northern Ireland declaring independence a week later, and Wales... well, **** Wales, because let's face it, nobody gives a **** what happens there anyway.
Some people are living in cuckoo land if they think Ukraine are going to somehow get to Moscow and pull out the perpetrators and have them face trial for war crimes and pay reparations. At some point the way this war ends is with an agreement between Russia and Ukraine. If Ukraine can take Crimea and Donbas AND hold it without foreign support (because that support won't last forever) AND whether they determine that is worth the large human cost...it's a big if.
Special unit of NGU "Omega" destroys a whole convoy of equipment
Turrets getting more flying hours I see.Video on Ukrainewarvideoreport on Reddit well done with multiple angles.
They got the Russians in a deadly killzone here the Stugna P is showing to be awesome equipment in this war.
There's only going to be one winner in that contest and it's not Russia.
Here a link to a very good Source for this
Putin 'offered surrender terms by West' as he loses control of Kherson
The plan would see Putin give up all territory he currently occupies in Ukraine except Crimea, which would become a demilitarized zone, in return for avoiding war crimes prosecution.www.dailymail.co.uk
Capturing the bridges and the dam across the river was one of the very few successes the Russians had, don't even have that show for it now.Seems they have also blown the road and rail links on the Nova Kakhovka dam, possibly also damaging some of the sluice gates.
Hopefully they havnt damaged the main structure of the dam too badly in the process, videos show a very large explosion, I'm sure the intention was to take out the transport links however a very very stupid move, and it still looks like it would be easy enough to bridge with bridging equipment. Though I imagine the approaches will be pre-registered for Arty strikes in the event that Ukrainian forces attempt to cross there.
Although I do think it would be rather foolish to attempt to cross on such a choke point.
Capturing the bridges and the dam across the river was one of the very few successes the Russians had, don't even have that show for it now.
If Russia really does want to negotiate, I don't understand why you would just abandon Kherson - one lesss thing to bargain with.