And... according to the link I posted earlier... neither did the Ukranians. the population was Crimean Tartar. Many of whom were starved to death or deported by Stalin. Ethnic Russians have always outnumbered ethnic Ukrainins in the Crimea.
It's still Ukrainian territory. Russia had no right to invade. You still haven't addressed that point.
Legal mechanisms can be created or amended quite quickly, especially as part of a peace deal, after a war.
Irrelevant. The fact remains that the 'declaration of independence' was illegal and illegitimate, remains illegal and illegitimate, and will never be legal or legitimate. You still haven't addressed that point.
And... historically ethnic since 1773? So... you think the USA should withdraw east of the Appalacian mountains and cede the central USA to indiginous tribes? There was a peace deal signed with the UK to say that wouldn't happen, and we seem to have let that lapse.
That's a completely different situation, with no relevance to Ukraine.
Well.. large pro-seperatist demonstrations seem to suggest that it had some support.
No. Putin illegally invaded Crimea with an army (2014, remember?) That's how this all started. It didn't start with Crimea begging to become part of Russia. It started with Russia invading Crimea.
After his invasion, Putin moved a bunch of extra Russians in to create a false appearance of local support, then years later he got some government puppets to hold a fake referendum, which was conducted at the gunpoint of Russian soldiers. Ukrainians protested and resisted every step of the way.
Imagine that Pakistan invades Yorkshire, cuts it off from the rest of the nation, moves in a bunch of extra Pakistanis, sets up a local puppet government, holds an illegal referendum at gunpoint, declares Yorkshire an independent Pakistani state, then uses it as a base to invade Durham, Cheshire, Derbyshire, and Westmorland, and tells the British government that any outstanding legal technicalities can be settled at the end of the war.
You are basically telling me you believe this scenario would be perfectly reasonable.
And... if we are going to go into all-out war for peoples self-determination and freedom, there are better candidates to fight for... how about North Korea.
North Korea already has self determination, and nobody's invaded her, so what's your point? Again, your argument is completely irrelevant to Ukraine. It's not even a vaguely similar situation.
Dont joke about it. I can see Sarajavo being a template for here in Bradford in a century or so.
And according to your view on Ukraine, you would fully support that, just as you would support Cornwall unilaterally declaring independence tomorrow, Scotland declaring independence next Monday, Northern Ireland declaring independence a week later, and Wales... well, **** Wales, because let's face it, nobody gives a **** what happens there anyway.