I guess NATO does have to be careful still about the (unlikely still, but risky) issue of shenanigans with the Baltic states too.
There was also stuff on twitter the other day about USN ships positioning themselves near Taiwan to try and ward off China from doing anything silly at the same time, that's perhaps the bigger risk as the US might well respond there militarily whereas I don't think anyone else is going to respond militarily here beyond providing intelligence and supplies and training to Ukraine and to any future possible Ukrainian insurgency campaign.
I wonder how much Ukrainian territory Putin intends to take, the amphibious ships he's sending could indicate a desire to capture Odesa too and cut off Ukraine's access to the sea. Also industrial parts of the East perhaps. I suspect any future insurgency could be used as an excuse for Russia to invade further (if they don't attempt to capture the whole country right away.)
Could he go all the way to Moldova, up to the thin strip of disputed territory there which already hosts Russian troops (though, aside from the peace monitors, mostly recruited locally from among the Russian identifying population), could perhaps just leave a bit of Ukraine
Except that the Ukraine is not a NATO member and NATO has nothing to do with its security.
We're talking about Germany, not Ukraine there, re-read the post. Germany absolutely is a NATO member, it has been a member since 1955 via West Germany.
It wasn't NATO's business to engage in Serbia's own internal affairs. Even less so to bomb the peaceful citizens with depleted uranium..
The peaceful citizens... sure, back in reality though there was a bit of ethnic cleansing the international community was a tad concerned about and it was absolutely the UN's business to worry about that.