Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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There is a delicate balance there - if Ukraine starts wrecking Russia on home soil then Russia will have little choice but to declare war and fully mobilise which isn't something Ukraine is ready for.

Stuff like launch sites, etc. Russia can hardly complain as they've not officially declared war.
That's part of the bluff though isn't it. As if Russia isn't already throwing every conventional weapon they can spare at Ukraine.

I wouldn't want to see civilian targets being hit. But any Russian military locations currently launching missiles into Ukraine should be fair game.
If war goes INTO Russia, I suspect all Western support will dry up. We have no real desire for a war at this present time. IMO it would take more aggression from Russia, plus possibly some of their allies to cause provocation to NATO.
I think people underestimate how much Russia could ramp up tank production if they went to a full mobilisation albeit ironically they probably have to increasingly rely on those you listed for advanced parts.

Currently much of their tank production capibilities are more focused on bringing older tanks back into service than making new ones.

Post Soviet Russia had 3 factories for building tanks ; Uralvagonzavod; this is the main tank factory after the post soviet state chose to push for 1 location , Omsktransmash (parent is Uralvagonzavod , after going bankrupt in 2002, produced T80 and the Blac Eagle prototype) and the Lenningrad Kirov Plant (again T80). The other large tank factory post WW2 - was in Kharkiv . The other factories either went bankrupt or changed to ship/engine/tractor building.
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Shortcut to the New World Order

Proving my point. Doesn't answer anything or provide any viable options. Just tries to change the subject.

Its pretty simple.
  • Berlin wall falls - NATO promise I quote "Not One Inch" will we expand eastwards.
  • Lets Welcome Estonia, Latvia and Romania to NATO !!
  • Lets overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in a coup sponsored by the West and install a pro EU administration. Lets also demote the Russian language.
  • Conflicts start in 2014, Russia take Crimea
  • Minsk agreement never honoured. ( who knows who was bombing who, too much misinformation You couldn't rule out Ukraine been the instigator to draw in where we are now, this I don't know )

Oh it seems the U.S have installed a missile defence system in Romania. I'm sure that went down well also.
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Its pretty simple.
  • Berlin wall falls - NATO promise I quote "Not One Inch" will we expand eastwards.
  • Lets Welcome Estonia, Latvia and Romania to NATO !!
  • Lets overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in a coup sponsored by the West and install a pro EU administration. Lets also demote the Russian language.
  • Conflicts start in 2014, Russia take Crimea
  • Minsk agreement never honoured. ( who knows who was bombing who, too much misinformation You couldn't rule out Ukraine been the instigator to draw in where we are now, this I don't know )

I'm sorry but this isn't options for here and now, unless you have time travel and can edit past events, I'm not asking you why it started, I'm asking you why you're seemingly against the continued support of Ukraine as they defend themselves from invasion?

What alternatives exist at this point beyond staying the course we're on?
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It's pretty simple.
  • Berlin wall falls - NATO promise I quote "Not One Inch" will we expand eastwards.
  • Lets Welcome Estonia, Latvia and Romania to NATO !!
  • Lets overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in a coup sponsored by the West and install a pro EU administration. Lets also demote the Russian language.
  • Conflicts start in 2014, Russia take Crimea
  • Minsk agreement never honoured. ( who knows who was bombing who, too much misinformation You couldn't rule out Ukraine been the instigator to draw in where we are now, this I don't know )

Oh it seems the U.S have installed a missile defence system in Romania. I'm sure that went down well also.

All I read is Russian lies and Z cope
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I'm sorry but this isn't options for here and now, unless you have time travel and can edit past events, I'm not asking you why it started, I'm asking you why you're seemingly against the continued support of Ukraine as they defend themselves from invasion?

What alternatives exist at this point beyond staying the course we're on?

Ukraine are not defending now. Russia will not give up them East regions they are mostly in control of now.

You want to risk nuclear Armageddon for a few regions that wanted to be Russian anyway? Pretty fair considering Ukraine peed them off by overthrowing their own government.
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