No surprise there tbh. It was pretty obvious when they met at the time of the word cup and they were on the podiums together, when Trump defended Putin against his own Intelligence agencies
he looked like the boy being sent to the headmaster.
Trump tried to build a high rise in Russia a few years ago, something happened and Putin's had him in his pocket ever since.
They have more than one, think it was 10 they had in Ukraine.
I came across a you tube video of one in action in a woods firing on Ukrainian positions.
This thing was super scary, the firepower was incredible it was firing machine guns, missiles and grenades all at the same time.
I hope they get them all and quick but losing one might make them a bit more weary about where they deploy them.
Its not hard to guess what Putin has on him, even if you think the specific thing Trump was accused of was wrong. Pee pee tape.
Hes now proven to have a weakness as the Stormy stuff proves. Its pretty predictable that a couple (or more ) hotties in Moscow could have been setup to get Trump into an uncompromising position.
Kompromat complete.