Sadly it goes beyond that.Our armed forces have been run in to the ground by successive governments. You would expect that from a Labour government, perhaps, but the same is true of the Conservatives. They come up with all sorts of BS about spending 2% but we all know that they use "inventive" accounting to achieve that figure. The UK government includes war pensions and sickness, and things like that to make the % seem bigger than it really is.
The politicians are being typically short sighted idiots, risking the very freedom of the country itself. They deserve to be held account. We should see a lot more politicians in court being charged with deception or incompetence because, lets face it, everything they get involved with they make a mess of.
I mean UKraine wanting aircraft is almost hilarious. Hasn't anyone told them we don't have any? Jees. We even have an aircraft carrier that we had to rent to America because it has no planes!
The money we do have is wasted and squandered on highly inefficient and horrendously managed procurement projects that continually fail to deliver on time, on budget or to specification... How these defense companies dont get held to account for failures is so beyond me. I can think of a couple of Large defense manufacturers who should be banned from tendering for any future procurement projects. I mean its not all on the Defense industry the MOD are just as bad for continually moving goalposts.
We also do not get value for money on the majority of civilian contracts that are there to support our daily running, Feeding, Facility Managment services and military housing crisis being the most prominent ones at the moment.
That is before we even get to the level of waste in both equipment, manpower and time from inefficiencies, old out of date practices within the system.
As for Jets to Ukraine, we could spare a token number if it were to prompt a shift in thinking about supplying air power to Ukraine, just like we did with CR2. However its only really a valuable contribution if other countries follow suit. Nobody else seems to want to go first. Feels like its always UK taking the first risk.
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