Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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The idea that NATO expansion is the reason this happened is utterly unsupported. In reality, NATO expansion has helped prevent the same situation occurring in multiple other post-Soviet countries. While we're apparently fine throwing Ukraine under the bus when we should have defended them in 2014, no-one seriously thinks Poland or Latvia is at risk of a Russian invasion.

Without the dire leadership of Putin, Russia could be a rich, prosperous European country thriving in co-operation with the EU. He chose to enrich himself and his kleptocrat friends instead. His jealous and petty fascism is the only reason that we're in this mess.

Well, with our perspective it would seem utterly stupid, if you were Russian you'd have a completely different view. You'd see NATO having expanded into all the former USSR countries and getting closer to Russia, you'd see nuclear weapons being placed in countries like Turkey and Germany. You'd look to the fact that Russia was denied the ability to join NATO when it asked to do so, yet all of the other former USSR countries have been welcomed with open arms. I don't understand why this is even a contentious issue. We don't like Russia, we deliberately sought to get as many countries aligned against them as possible. Russia don't like us, if they had the ability and resources they'd do the same thing. The only difference is that a lot of people in the West seem to want to deny reality and pretend like America isn't doing the same thing that Russia is.

NATO expansion may have prevented war, it may have caused war, it isn't black and white for anyone with an objective view. No one is *fine* with anything that's currently happening, stop making dumb statements like that, everyone is pretty ******* far from fine. You think we should have "defended them in 2014", like how? Attacked Russia? Russia will not allow itself to lose Crimea, it is strategically important to them, if you don't know why then Google it. If you want to take their naval base off them then prepare for a full on war with Russia, just as if you were to try and take Pearl Harbor from the Americans.

No one is saying that Putin is anything other than a gangster, so what? Plenty of countries are exactly the same and it's none of our business.
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Ukraine were not seeking NATO membership nor EU membership pre invasion.
Sorry by pre invasion I mean't Crimea not the current one.
You're still wrong, getting Ukraine EU association status and working towards eventual membership was promised by both candidates in the 2010 Ukraine election, it's oft forgotten as Yanukovych later turned into a Moscow man but he was all for the EU in his campaigning and early presidential years. His decision to abort EU integration was the whole trigger for the protests that turned into his overthrowing back in 2014 resulting in Russia's Crimean excursion.
Well, with our perspective it would seem utterly stupid, if you were Russian you'd have a completely different view. You'd see NATO having expanded into all the former USSR countries and getting closer to Russia, you'd see nuclear weapons being placed in countries like Turkey and Germany. You'd look to the fact that Russia was denied the ability to join NATO when it asked to do so, yet all of the other former USSR countries have been welcomed with open arms. I don't understand why this is even a contentious issue. We don't like Russia, we deliberately sought to get as many countries aligned against them as possible. Russia don't like us, if they had the ability and resources they'd do the same thing. The only difference is that a lot of people in the West seem to want to deny reality and pretend like America isn't doing the same thing that Russia is.

NATO expansion may have prevented war, it may have caused war, it isn't black and white for anyone with an objective view. No one is *fine* with anything that's currently happening, stop making dumb statements like that, everyone is pretty ******* far from fine. You think we should have "defended them in 2014", like how? Attacked Russia? Russia will not allow itself to lose Crimea, it is strategically important to them, if you don't know why then Google it. If you want to take their naval base off them then prepare for a full on war with Russia, just as if you were to try and take Pearl Harbor from the Americans.

No one is saying that Putin is anything other than a gangster, so what? Plenty of countries are exactly the same and it's none of our business.

Christ and when we accused the brexiters of being little englanders they objected as if it was an insult.

Yet at the same time tried to make out like being in the Eu was somehow holding us back from being a true global player.

You're still wrong, getting Ukraine EU association status and working towards eventual membership was promised by both candidates in the 2010 Ukraine election, it's oft forgotten as Yanukovych later turned into a Moscow man but he was all for the EU in his campaigning and early presidential years. His decision to abort EU integration was the whole trigger for the protests that turned into his overthrowing back in 2014 resulting in Russia's Crimean excursion.

Again, since it seems words are hard today.
I rephrased to say "actively". Since it seemed some people think if you say something once at some point in time and then say something different and more importantly take a differing action later that somehow you are undertaking Schrodlingers NATO application and simultaneously applying and not.

Again this is exactly why you look at actions and not words.
He almost certainly would have lost that election had he of said he was against the EU.
But yes your right, his failure to follow the direction he was elected on and basically flip 180 away from the Eu and towards Russia caused the civil dispute that caused him to have to flee the country.

But if you can find an application for EU membership or NATO membership was actually submitted I will happily retract my statement they were not attempting either and apologise in full.

Politicians and promises, pfft who would take their words and not follow their actions. Yanukovych being a relevant example right here...
Well, with our perspective it would seem utterly stupid, if you were Russian you'd have a completely different view. You'd see NATO having expanded into all the former USSR countries and getting closer to Russia, you'd see nuclear weapons being placed in countries like Turkey and Germany.
Some Russians do have this "out to get us" view but it's not a majority/perseverant view. I've met many Russians here and there and contrary to popular myth the average Russian isn't as anti-west or as pro-Putin as most would expect. Putin isn't anywhere near as popular as much of the media makes out, his election average is 66% of the vote which sounds high by UK terms but by the tsandards of two party elections (it isn't actually that far above what Reagan/Nixon once got) it isn't, and when you factor in that he competes against the communist party his performance/popularity is actually quite poor.

His main base of support comes from old people who grew up in the USSR and remember how much better some things were but manage to forget how much worse other things were, and young people who have heard those old people reminiscing about how much better it was (one Russian friend actually said to me that Putin and Farage have the exact same target audience lol). Those groups are strong but not as strong as the media often makes out, the only reason Putin ever gets >50% of the vote share is because his only competition is the communist party, and as one friend explained it to me "most people will demand to be punched in the face if you force them to choose between being punched in the face or being sodomised with a broken bottle".
Not much news coming out regarding Bakhmut. Having to rely on complete scumbag trolls on the Russian side of things. According to them, Russian forces are pushing AFU back to the river in Bakhmut.

No idea if true, but would likely given the last reporting by AFU peeps.
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Not much news coming out regarding Bakhmut. Having to rely on complete scumbag trolls on the Russian side of things. According to them, Russian forces are pushing AFU back to the river in Bakhmut.

No idea if true, but would likely given the last reporting by AFU peeps.

Geolocated footage from earlier today confirms Russian forces within half a kilometre of the river but the east side is still contested with Ukrainian forces present. I suspect by tomorrow Ukraine will have pulled back if not already though.

EDIT: Other footage (appears to be recent) I'm not sure of the date shows Ukrainian and Russian forces fighting at 48.604555, 38.021067.
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You might be too young to remember this.

Not exactly at the height of the Soviet Union’s powers, but I’d be shocked if things had improved after 30 years of neo-capitalist corruption.
Not much news coming out regarding Bakhmut. Having to rely on complete scumbag trolls on the Russian side of things. According to them, Russian forces are pushing AFU back to the river in Bakhmut.

No idea if true, but would likely given the last reporting by AFU peeps.
From war monitor3
Bakhmut Frontline 28/02/2023 North Heavy fighting rages north of Bakhmut assaults in the directions of Bohdanivka, Orikhovo-Vasylivka and Zaliznyans'ke also assaults south from the northern road. East: Heavy fighting towards the Bakhmutovka river in the residential areas.
Bakhmut PT2: South heavy fighting from three directions, most battles take place around the Cemetery northern edges. Heavy fighting also continues in three directions around Ivanivske.
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You might be too young to remember this.

Not exactly at the height of the Soviet Union’s powers, but I’d be shocked if things had improved after 30 years of neo-capitalist corruption.
oh god had forgotten that

was quite the incident at the time iirc
I wonder when Israel launch their offensive to stop this
Considering they once blew up a French nuclear power station being constructed in Iraq and didn't care about any resulting French deaths I would expect them to react very strongly to Iran reaching this point in an actual weapons program.

Unfortunately if/when major action kicks off between Iran and Israel it is going to open major floodgates.
If Ukraine haven't defeated Russia by then it will be a major problem, Israel woudl need help and while the USA would probably be okay doing so the rest of the the west would have trouble fighting Iran and arming Ukraine at the same time. Britain/France had trouble just fighting Libya and relied on US supplies, and that only involved our air force lol.
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Couldn't Israel just nuke the sites and pretend it was Iran's bombs 'accidentally' exploding?

I know the fissile material in Israeli nukes would be connected to the deposit it's from but the only countries interested in that are all highly untrustworthy states along with Iran itself.
бахмут тримає!

For the same reason that if you had a gun and got attacked by Tyson Fury, you'd stand so little chance you'd either get beaten to within an inch of your life or you'd be forced to shoot him.

NATO is so far ahead of Russia militarily that they would have no other option than to use nuclear weapons. They'd be suffering the kinds of casualties that have never been seen in war.

I think Putin would rather retreat than face annihilation by NATO. Why make matters worse for himself by deploying tactical nukes? That makes no sense at all.

Again: if you're not keen on the West supporting Ukraine, what's your proposal for ending the war?
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