Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Russia tells Georgians to expect a repeat of 2014 if they overthrow their pro Russian government

One difference I think is Russia can probably use its air assets more against Georgia than Ukraine - they have significantly less air-defences than Ukraine and little which can deal with fast jets or high altitude bombers. Beyond that though much of what Russia has held back is due to paranoia as to the West so isn't like they are going to throw it at Georgia - they've forces of maybe 10% of the strength used in the initial invasion of Ukraine in the region they could commit with a few weeks worth of ammo and supplies... any additional ammo or mobilised personnel are almost certainly going to be prioritised for Ukraine.

EDIT: Though the current pro-Russian government could sabotage Georgia's armed forces and there are plenty of Russians who've been taken in, some of which are likely there for less than honest intentions.
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Sadly the logic would be to abandon Georgia as without the US/Allies essentially putting troops into Tbilisi it's not going to survive an invasion regardless of aid. The best they can really hope for is that Russia is unable to prosecute any further war because it's lost control of it's domestic situation to such an extent that Russia doesn't really exist.
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Danish Leopard 1s in storage, they plan to transfer 80-90 to Ukraine by the end of the year. Note how the storage building has a roof on it to stop the rain getting to the tanks, and how the building has doors to keep looters away, ingenious concepts, I hope the Russians don't see the picture and get ideas :P


Russia tells Georgians to expect a repeat of 2014 if they overthrow their pro Russian government
I think we should really take a moment to sit back and fully appreciate the fact that Georgia has an elected government that is overtly pro Russia, just 14 years after Russia invaded Georgia and rekt it's military infrastructure in order to scupper it's NATO ascension.

Like seriously, what were the Georgians thinking lol?
Danish Leopard 1s in storage, they plan to transfer 80-90 to Ukraine by the end of the year. Note how the storage building has a roof on it to stop the rain getting to the tanks, and how the building has doors to keep looters away, ingenious concepts, I hope the Russians don't see the picture and get ideas :p

Thats some nice parking! Especially the one with the turret through the metal support!
Danish Leopard 1s in storage, they plan to transfer 80-90 to Ukraine by the end of the year. Note how the storage building has a roof on it to stop the rain getting to the tanks, and how the building has doors to keep looters away, ingenious concepts, I hope the Russians don't see the picture and get ideas :p

That's a long time to wait. By the end of the year, you won't be able to find Bakhmut without a microscope and a team of archaeologists.
Danish Leopard 1s in storage, they plan to transfer 80-90 to Ukraine by the end of the year. Note how the storage building has a roof on it to stop the rain getting to the tanks, and how the building has doors to keep looters away, ingenious concepts, I hope the Russians don't see the picture and get ideas :p
Possibly more importantly, security and external checks with penalties for the theft, and that they probably went in there with every major part they were listed as having on the paperwork;)
Looks like Russia has delayed the next wave of mobilization because of lack of winter uniforms... Now that the weather is getting warmer Medvedev has been appointed to lead the effort and probably they'll officially announce a 400K new recruits target, and unofficially try to draft around 600K.
Looks like Russia has delayed the next wave of mobilization because of lack of winter uniforms... Now that the weather is getting warmer Medvedev has been appointed to lead the effort and probably they'll officially announce a 400K new recruits target, and unofficially try to draft around 600K.

I bet they'll be queuing up and not at all wondering what happened to the initial 150k and the follow up 300k that went before them......
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There's a brutal video on the Ukrainewarvideo Reddit (Members of the K-2 Battalion take out two wagnerites who wandered too close to their lines). I don't like talking about video games in this thread as I don't want to water down the seriousness of what's going on there but anyone who's played the original Call of Duty game will remember when you play as a Red Army private at Stalingrad your given just a clip of bullets with the idea that you pick up the rifle when your comrade dies. Well after seeing that video that's no myth at least not in the modern Russian army as one guy is hobbling along with just a stick whilst his mate gets the AK. The jokes on him though as he dies first and his friend gets captured.
There's a brutal video on the Ukrainewarvideo Reddit (Members of the K-2 Battalion take out two wagnerites who wandered too close to their lines). I don't like talking about video games in this thread as I don't want to water down the seriousness of what's going on there but anyone who's played the original Call of Duty game will remember when you play as a Red Army private at Stalingrad your given just a clip of bullets with the idea that you pick up the rifle when your comrade dies. Well after seeing that video that's no myth at least not in the modern Russian army as one guy is hobbling along with just a stick whilst his mate gets the AK. The jokes on him though as he dies first and his friend gets captured.

Just watched this

I thought they were joking when the Ukrainians said some Russians are sent to fight with shovels, but one of the Wagner in the video is literally carrying a stick for a weapon...
But surely, such concentrated storage, however unlikely an attack on the facility, is somewhat questionable?
Not really

If someone attacks that sort of storage facility the faecal matter has well and truly hit the rotary airflow device, and if there was any hint of a serious threat they'd move them/spread them out and be getting them ready for possible deployment.
There is also a good chance that the facility doesn't look any different to hundreds of other random warehouses, so unless you know the specific location it might just appear to be an anonymous warehouse, or one that is thought to be used to store something like MRE's and Officer Fitness report forms.

Then there is the fact they're tanks, to actually damage them badly you'd need either a lot of smaller relatively precise bombs or a fairly big one, as when stored they're more or less inert lumps of metal as they won't have any munitions or external fuel, so you'd actually need to do enough damage to take them out, no chance of setting off a secondary explosion or fire (which is what "kills" a lot of tanks rather than the initial impact). There is a good chance if they've been set up for long term storage they may not even have more oils etc than are needed to prevent seals from drying up. or even as long term storage tends to require a lot of seals to be replaced anyway IIRC in the US they can/do empty the fluids entirely and replace a lot of the seals with ones that aren't to stop fluids escaping but stop insects and other wildlife access (IIRC replacing the softer seals with ones that can't flex etc but can't be chewed through by common pests, so when you go to run it you don't find insects have set up shop inside pipes etc).

Basically you could probably bomb the warehouse and many of the tanks would be driving out within a few hours (it doesn't look like there is even anything in the warehouse to sustain a fire), or being pulled out to undergo relatively minor repairs.

They're basically just parked up in the warehouse like they'd be in a non wartime outside storage area, just with protection from the elements and far easier to spot and deal with any signs of pest infestations that could damage them.
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