In defense of the Government (I know, unthinkable, right?).
Ajax is one procurement project I dont blame on the government. I dont think they ordered the right platform from the right company, but thats another argument entirely. From my knowledge of the project, this is more a case of General Dynamics being unable to deliver on what it promised. I mean, have we asked for too much from them? possibly? However if they didnt think they could deliver. they should have managed expectations.
I wont go into any detail, but this is not the only project recently that they did the same for, and that ended up in an even worse position. At least Ajax will likely deliver a "finished" product.
Government dosnt "normally" really get that heavily involved at least not in the sense of MP's having hugely detailed input into projects. A lot of the project detailed decision making is done within MOD/senior military levels. MP's might sign off on budgets and receive detailed briefs on the equipment, that I doubt they really take any notice of, but rarely will they get involved in minutia and specifics of projects.