Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Sadly the video fake

I did wonder but only glanced at the video on my tablet earlier - a lot of the stuff on the HUD didn't seem to make sense like the delta v.

Russia’s latest super tank that supposed to be a Leopard 2, CR2 and M1A2 is being used as an SPG?

That would imply that the Russians are very short on artillery and **** scared of loosing a T-14.

Seems to be a lot of what they are doing at the moment - pulling anything out which can shoot a large calibre shell, rocket or missile, etc. so they aren't using up reducing amounts of their newer or more advance ammo on general fires.

I would be amazed if the number of T-14s even matches the number of C2 tanks in the country.

From what I've read there isn't even a production line for the T-14s, the facilities were built but are empty, each one produced so far was assembled by hand and the people who were doing that have been moved over to the T-90 maintenance line. The seeming most accurate figure so far seems to be approx 19 of them are operational.
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From what I've read there isn't even a production line for the T-14s, the facilities were built but are empty, each one produced so far was assembled by hand and the people who were doing that have been moved over to the T-90 maintenance line.
From what I've read there isn't even a production line for Challengers, the facilities are gone and people who were doing that are no somewhere else or too old.
Some (60?) of those produced so far are earmarked to be converted to Challenger 3 and there is no way to get any new hulls.
Isn't it already escalated enough? Sadly they cant just ignore the US for the fear of losing supplies but they really should just keep out of what needs done.

There is no reason Moscow isn't a legit target.
From what I've read there isn't even a production line for Challengers, the facilities are gone and people who were doing that are no somewhere else or too old.
Some (60?) of those produced so far are earmarked to be converted to Challenger 3 and there is no way to get any new hulls.

Might want to double that figure ,but in the end it will probably be that low due to some new fangled defence paper review saying once again tanks are dead.
From what I've read there isn't even a production line for Challengers, the facilities are gone and people who were doing that are no somewhere else or too old.
Some (60?) of those produced so far are earmarked to be converted to Challenger 3 and there is no way to get any new hulls.
You dont just keep production lines dormant. Too costly for maintainance of equipment that may never be used again. Its not too difficult to jack up a production line if they really wanted to. This is a large part of why these programmes are so expensive, production/maintenance facilities need to be built. There is usually a stipulation that majority of the production is done in country. Also mostly why dont buy off the shelf for most of our equipment.
Large majority of the Ajax and Boxer production for UK forces have their production lines UK based South Wales and Telford respectively. Boxer will be made on roughly the same site as the CR3. The Factory is being expanded for this as far as I am aware.
Why doesn't NATO just agree on a singular template for all the important vehicle classes as well as moulds so we can stop wasting time and mountains of money on failed projects?
Why doesn't NATO just agree on a singular template for all the important vehicle classes as well as moulds so we can stop wasting time and mountains of money on failed projects?
Each nation has their own doctrine/ways of fighting/priorities. Most joint projects end up in failures, major design compromises just to keep all sides remotely happy. Even more a minefield than countries just building their own kit.

Also just because a nation is a member of NATO today dosnt mean they wont be our arch enemy tomorrow. Last thing you want is for the enemy to know every weakness. At least make it difficult for them...
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Why doesn't NATO just agree on a singular template for all the important vehicle classes as well as moulds so we can stop wasting time and mountains of money on failed projects?

As above even things like infantry carriers are used in very different ways between NATO nations and there isn't much consensus on it - some countries even have different needs, it is quite difficult to build vehicles which truly work as modular and can be adapted like that though stuff like the Boxer they are attempting it.

EDIT: For example here a video explaining very basically how just some countries approach armoured infantry differently (albeit in this example they are mostly using the CV-90 adapted to their needs - which is one of the strengths of the CV-90 IMO).
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As above even things like infantry carriers are used in very different ways between NATO nations and there isn't much consensus on it - some countries even have different needs, it is quite difficult to build vehicles which truly work as modular and can be adapted like that though stuff like the Boxer they are attempting it.

EDIT: For example here a video explaining very basically how just some countries approach armoured infantry differently (albeit in this example they are mostly using the CV-90 adapted to their needs - which is one of the strengths of the CV-90 IMO).

ANNNNDDDD the UK chose AJax, which is still broken 10 years later
ANNNNDDDD the UK chose AJax, which is still broken 10 years later

Anything the government get involved in is a mess.
I remember my brother talking about a situation with a new aircraft. There was a meeting to decide where a new switch would go. There were around twenty people in the meeting, none of them were pilots.
Anything the government get involved in is a mess.
I remember my brother talking about a situation with a new aircraft. There was a meeting to decide where a new switch would go. There were around twenty people in the meeting, none of them were pilots.

Had a similar one at work recently - changes made to a system without talking to anyone who actually uses it making it 3 times longer to do anything with it than before... but they are making a big deal about listening to feedback and have a link for it so I think great... link takes you to a survey where they want you to rate various things, none of them relevant to actually improving the product but what is more important out of the things they've decided they want to do, at the end of it it takes you to another survey supposedly with the intention of narrowing down your "issue" to direct you to the most relevant department at the end of which it just gives you a list of 3 departments and their phone numbers, phone those and they are all like "great your feedback is important to us please fill out your issue here <same link as before>"...
Had a similar one at work recently - changes made to a system without talking to anyone who actually uses it making it 3 times longer to do anything with it than before... but they are making a big deal about listening to feedback and have a link for it so I think great... link takes you to a survey where they want you to rate various things, none of them relevant to actually improving the product but what is more important out of the things they've decided they want to do, at the end of it it takes you to another survey supposedly with the intention of narrowing down your "issue" to direct you to the most relevant department at the end of which it just gives you a list of 3 departments and their phone numbers, phone those and they are all like "great your feedback is important to us please fill out your issue here <same link as before>"...
Have you considered running after management with towels?
As above even things like infantry carriers are used in very different ways between NATO nations and there isn't much consensus on it - some countries even have different needs, it is quite difficult to build vehicles which truly work as modular and can be adapted like that though stuff like the Boxer they are attempting it.

EDIT: For example here a video explaining very basically how just some countries approach armoured infantry differently (albeit in this example they are mostly using the CV-90 adapted to their needs - which is one of the strengths of the CV-90 IMO).
The other reason is that if all your vehicles are made off the same chassis/base it may in theory make maintenance easier as you have many more common parts, but it also means if you have an issue that turns up a couple of years after you've swapped over you potentially have all your vehicles of that type having to go for repairs/updates, not a massive issue if it turns out to be something like a fuel pump, much more of an issue if it's a major part that requires a full repair facility and can't be done locally.
ANNNNDDDD the UK chose AJax, which is still broken 10 years later
Anything the government get involved in is a mess.
I remember my brother talking about a situation with a new aircraft. There was a meeting to decide where a new switch would go. There were around twenty people in the meeting, none of them were pilots.
In defense of the Government (I know, unthinkable, right?).
Ajax is one procurement project I dont blame on the government. I dont think they ordered the right platform from the right company, but thats another argument entirely. From my knowledge of the project, this is more a case of General Dynamics being unable to deliver on what it promised. I mean, have we asked for too much from them? possibly? However if they didnt think they could deliver. they should have managed expectations.
I wont go into any detail, but this is not the only project recently that they did the same for, and that ended up in an even worse position. At least Ajax will likely deliver a "finished" product.

Government dosnt "normally" really get that heavily involved at least not in the sense of MP's having hugely detailed input into projects. A lot of the project detailed decision making is done within MOD/senior military levels. MP's might sign off on budgets and receive detailed briefs on the equipment, that I doubt they really take any notice of, but rarely will they get involved in minutia and specifics of projects.
In defense of the Government (I know, unthinkable, right?).
Ajax is one procurement project I dont blame on the government. I dont think they ordered the right platform from the right company, but thats another argument entirely. From my knowledge of the project, this is more a case of General Dynamics being unable to deliver on what it promised. I mean, have we asked for too much from them? possibly? However if they didnt think they could deliver. they should have managed expectations.
I wont go into any detail, but this is not the only project recently that they did the same for, and that ended up in an even worse position. At least Ajax will likely deliver a "finished" product.

Government dosnt "normally" really get that heavily involved at least not in the sense of MP's having hugely detailed input into projects. A lot of the project detailed decision making is done within MOD/senior military levels. MP's might sign off on budgets and receive detailed briefs on the equipment, that I doubt they really take any notice of, but rarely will they get involved in minutia and specifics of projects.

Shall we talk about aircraft carriers :P

Those new drones, lets just get 50 bazillion of them and put AI in.... what could go wrong
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