Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Seems that sadly Ukraine are running out / going to run out of medium air defence systems very soon. Seems west have slept on this one could be costly with all these missiles being launched by Russia :(

This Twitter thread goes Into all the details

Embarrassing that we just can’t provide what’s needed after all this time. We’re all in now, but we still seem to be acting as if we aren’t.
Embarrassing that we just can’t provide what’s needed after all this time. We’re all in now, but we still seem to be acting as if we aren’t.
I just don't think the west has much area Air Defence to offer - this role would be covered by Aircraft if NATO were fighting the war and they would be quickly trying to reduce the number of launching platforms; we really need to help Ukraine to dispose of the attacking platforms - then they won't need as many AD missiles.
Likely not one, just something they have thrown up as a decoy, another target to waste a missile on.
What I find odd its the massive fuss everyone got in with initial reports of a fleet of bombers in the air. With it to end up being 18 missiles in the end. Looks like Russia really are struggling to gather enough missiles to launch a retaliatory attack after the Sevastopol strike.

Bit of an odd one that, It looks like something the old-timers would bring up to the model flying club. A self built model that has been sat in the loft for 30 years, made from some plans out of a magazine type thing.

Can't see any holes so I doubt it was shot down. My guess would be that the engine quit mid flight and it made a dead stick landing in the field. The prop is intact so probably wasn't spinning when it hit or it probably would have broken. The damage to the undercarriage looks like it caught some rough ground and ripped part of the bottom of the fuselage off. I've seen it happen an few times with RC planes that came down in ploughed fields and how that one looks is constant with the outcome.

I watched this the other night, seems not to be available on the Vice website anymore to watch. Has interviews with Obama and Sergey Lavrov and gives some background on the Ukraine war.
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