Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Russia building up the invasion infrastructure.

A new military pontoon bridge has been established over the Pripyat River in Belarus, less than four miles from the Ukraine border, Maxar Technologies found, as satellite images this week continue to show heightened military activity in Belarus, Crimea and western Russia.

Why it matters: The Biden administration told reporters last evening that it now believes Russia's claims of withdrawing troops from near Ukraine are "false," Axios' Zachary Basu reports.

Moscow has in fact increased its presence on the border "by as many as 7,000 troops" in recent days, a senior administration official said.


We should have made Ukraine a NATO member years ago.
We should have made Ukraine a NATO member years ago.

There wasn't the level of trust years ago. AFAIK Ukraine in 2020 was like number 2 in the corruption perception index for Europe you can guess who number 1 was.

That would also likely be the reason many in Europe are cautious of overly helping Ukraine, when a lot of the unrest has been perpetuated by people in power making poor decisions.
How quickly can we get Ukraine into NATO? Seems the most logical solution, it immediately stops Putin in his tracks.

Not quick enough to prevent this, unfortunately.

I see that Russia is still pushing the 'NATO promised not to expand towards us' lie. Let's debunk that right now:

Myth 4: “The current crisis is the fault of NATO and the West. If they had honoured their promise not to enlarge the alliance, Russia would not feel threatened.”

False. Such a promise was never made, nor was it ever asked from NATO. Russian state-controlled media have often claimed that Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was promised “verbally” that NATO would not expand beyond the reunified Germany.

In fact, Gorbachev himself denied this claim in a 2014 interview(opens in a new tab), saying that “the topic of ‘NATO expansion’ was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility. Not a single eastern European country raised the issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991.”

These so-called verbal agreements are a fiction. NATO members never made any political or legally binding commitments not to extend the alliance beyond the borders of reunified Germany.

The claim alleging that NATO promised not to enlarge fundamentally misrepresents the nature of the alliance. NATO, as a defensive alliance, is not “expanding” in the imperialistic sense. Decisions regarding NATO membership are up to each individual applicant and the current 30 NATO allies. Every sovereign state can choose its path and bordering states – in this case Russia – have no right to intervene.

This sounds rather ominous:

AlJazeera said:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said Moscow will reply to Washington’s proposals on European security imminently as tensions continue to simmer over the Kremlin’s massing of troops around Ukraine’s borders.

Lavrov told reporters in the Russian capital on Thursday that the response will be made public in “a few hours”.
I think the distinction here should be that Ukraine recently decided to call Separatists in Donbass Russian and Russian Army. So now when the separatists do something, Ukranians claim its literally Russian Federation doing it.
You can do what you want if you control the narrative .
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