Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I have no idea what is really going on, but if this is some kind of theatre piece it is fascinating.

The 'marching on Moscow' thing seems like a red herring though, like that's 600 miles, if there genuinely is some kind of column of Wagnerites driving North surely they'll be bombed / shelled / run out of fuel long before they get there... unless there is a much wider conspiracy that hasn't been revealed yet. Or are they just hoping that if they make a move there's enough instability in the regime that the whole thing will fall apart?

Just feels very odd.
Tbf this would be the most opportune time for anyone that had eyes for a chnage in power in Russia, especially someone with a degree of force, when the war is bow heading into this very delicate stage for Russia.

Puton would have decisions to make, he can't both fight a domestic physical threat as he has all hands to the pump already occupied with the impending Ukraine offensive. The war is looking ever closer to the end in the face of such threats which in isolation may already be sufficient to halt his special military operation.
I would say things right now are probably the most volatile it's ever been. The warning just before from the US (NATO) regarding the complete "evisceration" of the Russian army if they deploy tactical nuclear weapons feels like foreshadowing. Then Russian Alf Garnett is now apparently at war with the Russian federation as well? You couldn't make this **** up. Lets hope for some sensible decisions in the next few days.
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To what end... people often throw out things like "false flag" "psyop" etc.. in response to stuff but it's a bit empty without something compelling.

Ukraine aren't likely to fall for anything here, they're going to base their decisions on what is actually happening on the ground. What good does fooling the civilian population in Russia and the rest of the world do?

I mean Putin's press secretary has commented on it too... do you expect them to turn around tomorrow and be like "LOL it was all smoke and mirrors?" What would they have achieved from that?

They are just LARPING
If you submitted this as a movie script they'd be like "nah too far fetched"...
I still dont know what to make of it. I keep thinking its just an overreaction due to Shoigu wanting to eliminate the threat from Prigozhin, there is no doubt their bickering has turned heated in recent months. What easier way than to provoke Prigozhin into action and tell Putin he is a genuine threat. Shoigu can sit back and watch the action unfold.
I suppose it will all come out in the wash in coming days/weeks. Its all just so damn bizarre. In the meantime... "Round and round she goes, where it stops nobody knows!"
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I just hope something good comes from the ashes of all this, the world is just too damn divisive now. It's tiring. The amazing things we can do these days, human ingenuity, the advancements we've made and yet we're still pulling this **** as a species.

So do you reckon it goes like this.
  1. Ole Putin there is shoring up protection in Moscow
  2. Crazy Prig tries to march on the capital.
  3. Ukraine now seize the opportunity to push
  4. Putin panics (or maybe it was his intention all along the crazy ****) fires a tactical warhead at wherever the Ukrainians are now pushing
  5. NATO deploy conventionally
  6. The Kremlin gremlin crushes the Wagner PMC
  7. Putin now has his out "See, we are at war with NATO"
  8. Russia is pushed back behind their territory
  9. New Iron Curtain #2, or are we on #3 now? god knows.
If Wagner can convince the top generals to be on there side, game over for the Russian regime.

So far it "appears" the generals are parroting the regime line but who knows what is really going on..
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