Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Pretty useless though given the launch codes are kept centrally in Moscow. Purely hyperthetical, I wonder how long it would take to reverse engineer and crack the codes?

If someone was determined enough I'm sure it wouldn't take that long - they are mostly there as a delay i.e. to prevent immediate use by malicious actors, etc.
That Budapest memorandum was rendered null and void the moment Russian violated Ukrainian boarders and sovereignty.

No. It was breached and even then not fully - Ukraine did not declare war on Russia. It was rendered null and void when BJ and Biden said they will not put their soldiers in Ukraine to fight Russian invasion. That is when it became null and void.
No. It was breached and even then not fully - Ukraine did not declare war on Russia. It was rendered null and void when BJ and Biden said they will not put their soldiers in Ukraine to fight Russian invasion. That is when it became null and void.
Breached? Try territory that was grabbed and stolen away from Ukraine.
Breached? Try territory that was grabbed and stolen away from Ukraine.

When separatists "invaded".. then invaded a little more with friends..

I don't think anyone remotely believes that the separatists aren't in fact an extension of the Russian military. The same way the the Russian mercenaries in Mali aren't backed/funded by the Russian military.
Breached? Try territory that was grabbed and stolen away from Ukraine.

Ukraine should have declared war on Russia. I do not disagree but this is simple juridical point. They need to declare war on Russia officially based on being invaded. They did not. So the Budapest Memorandum was still in force more or less.

Now that BJ and Biden said they will not fight Russians if Ukraine or Russia declare war on each-other - that made the whole agreement null and void.

Budapest Memorandum was still considered in force because in 2018 I think Poroshenko used it to call meeting due to Kerch incident.

Again, we have completely missed the point. When BJ and Biden said they will not fight Russians regardless what happens in Ukraine - that was the moment the Budapest Memorandum saw its last breath.
Anyone have any idea what flight XCCRM is? currently over the Dnipro area.
Also thats two Rivet Joints up now one to the South of Belarus and one to the West. US Int Platforms (FORTE etc) dont seem to have been on the trackers much today. Not up? Or could they have been running them with transponders off due to risk?
Anyone have any idea what flight XCCRM is? currently over the Dnipro area.
Also thats two Rivet Joints up now one to the South of Belarus and one to the West. US Int Platforms (FORTE etc) dont seem to have been on the trackers much today. Not up? Or could they have been running them with transponders off due to risk?

FL510 @ ~200kts, I'd guess some variant of Global Hawk.
Anyone have any idea what flight XCCRM is? currently over the Dnipro area.
Also thats two Rivet Joints up now one to the South of Belarus and one to the West. US Int Platforms (FORTE etc) dont seem to have been on the trackers much today. Not up? Or could they have been running them with transponders off due to risk?
XCCRM has come from the exact same location at the global hawkes usually do, so probably one of those
Again, we have completely missed the point. When BJ and Biden said they will not fight Russians regardless what happens in Ukraine - that was the moment the Budapest Memorandum saw its last breath.

In the spirit of law - the purpose of the memorandum - it would not have been required if the Russian army didn't threaten/decide it wanted to invade. The purpose/spirit is to prevent the hostile invasion of Russia.

Also BJ/Biden have stated they will not send troops. That doesn't mean they will not honour the defence of Belarus with non-troop sanctions etc.

2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine

So by threatening - which is the build up of troops on the border and the 2014 hostilities by Russia clearly breaks the Budapest Memorandum.(refresher of text here:

So nothing todo with BK & Biden.. but rather the the Russians failing to uphold clause two of the memorandum.
Truss reverted to 'communicating' via Telegraph articles - she realised she can't communicate competently in real life.

why don't they share some satellite images to corroborate russian manouvers - would they really be disclosing unknown technological capabilities, when did they disclose cuban missile emplacements

That was a possible nuclear first strike capability, vast difference.
In the spirit of law - the purpose of the memorandum - it would not have been required if the Russian army didn't threaten/decide it wanted to invade. The purpose/spirit is to prevent the hostile invasion of Russia.

Also BJ/Biden have stated they will not send troops. That doesn't mean they will not honour the defence of Belarus with non-troop sanctions etc.

So nothing todo with BK & Biden.. but rather the the Russians failing to uphold clause two of the memorandum.

Belarus and invasion of Russia? What? I assume a typo.

Russia breached spirit of Budapest Memorandum. It was for UK and USA to continue upholding it rather than say we're not going to fight Russians over protecting Ukraine as we signed up for.
why don't they share some satellite images to corroborate russian manouvers - would they really be disclosing unknown technological capabilities, when did they disclose cuban missile emplacements

There isn't much to show really - Russia hasn't got their forces lined up along the border - the build up in various depots and bases is unusual and a lot of field bases and the odd exercise going on - there are various Maxar images going around. The problem is with the nature of that build up it wouldn't take long to switch up to an invasion.
Belarus and invasion of Russia? What? I assume a typo.

Russia breached spirit of Budapest Memorandum. It was for UK and USA to continue upholding it rather than say we're not going to fight Russians over protecting Ukraine as we signed up for.

Typo = 'by'.

Your predicate was: When A will not fight Y therefore Budapest Memorandum became invalid.

However sanctions are precisely that - a diplomatic form of dissuasion instead of physical force. There is nothing in the memorandum to state the form - be it funding, technology, sanctions or troops. The memorandum simply states "reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine". The UNSC has not stated it will advise troops are deployed.
So how low could Russia go to try and convince the World that they were reacting to an attack, not the ones starting a war?

Could they blow up a very public place in Crimea near the border with Ukraine and claim it was Ukrainian forces?
Anyone have any idea what flight XCCRM is? currently over the Dnipro area.
Also thats two Rivet Joints up now one to the South of Belarus and one to the West. US Int Platforms (FORTE etc) dont seem to have been on the trackers much today. Not up? Or could they have been running them with transponders off due to risk?

I think its a global hawk at 51k altitude. Havbe a see what its flight pattern looks like later.
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